
Old vs Ancient

{AN: longer chapter than usual}


~ Forks, Washington, 2008 ~


——— Bryan's P.O.V ———


"Before you leave, can we spar a little, I have never fought a mage, so I think it will be a good learning experience, and you can also gauge my strength to prepare for those "If" scenarios" I offered her, making her stop and return her gaze at me.

"You are only mentioning the pros, what about the cons, like you knowing your weaknesses and improving upon them, and even worst about my weakness, so I'm afraid I have to decline Your challenge" Ancient one said with a questioning tone and refused my challenge, sly old woman, you think I didn't notice the game you're playing here.

"Woman, since you don't accept my offer to a small spar than don't blame me for attacking you right now, I mean no one's stopping me from doing that, and if I attack you, you will have no choice but to defend and fight back" I chuckled playfully and cracked my knuckle against my cheek

"…~sigh~ Mr Fury, if you do something like that on a whim, then how to do expect me to believe you that you're not threatening to the planet Earth" Ancient one sighed deeply and express her worries, and it's seems she doesn't understand that her tricks aren't working.

"Stop it, no one's falling for it" I told her with a no nonsense tone

"Okay fine, I'll fight you but you will owe me a favour in the future" Ancient one finally accepted and finally said what she wanted

"Sure, as long as it's within my capabilities" I replied with no hesitation, fully knowing that she wouldn't be able to cash-out her favour because of her death in few years

"So, where do you wanna fight, I hope not here unless you want to destroy your beautiful house"Ancient questioned while her gaze landed on my house, well even an old women like her can't deny the beauty of this place

———{Image Here}———

"No, not here, lets fight somewhere else, do you have an access to a magical world or something, like inside a wardrobe or a painting because I have read many magical stories that led to one" I questioned and can't blame myself because I can't really asked her to open the portal to the mirror world

"….I have something similar." Ancient one replied and her lips twitched a few times

"Haha then, lets fight in that" I released a chuckle, watching her reaction, and if I have to guess, this is the first time in centuries that she caught off guard so many time

"Hmm" Ancient one released a humming sound and accepted, before she pulled both her and me inside the mirror dimension

"This is The Mirror Dimension, ever present but undetected. The real world isn't affected by what happens here. We use the Mirror Dimension to train, surveil, and sometimes to contain threats." Ancient one explained, and I have to say I'm impressed, after-all no matter how realistic CGI is, it can't be compared to the real thing

"Anyway you can teach me that" I requested her, even though I don't need her to teach me that, with my advanced senses, I can easily copy most of her spells and techniques, this one included

" I'm afraid, I have to disappoint you Mr Fury. Only the sorcerer from the Kamar taj and those who made significant contributions to our cause can be taught something so important, and I don't see you joining us, as for the latter part,

that's something you'll be the one to decide"Ancient one declined my request but suggested a way around that

"Forget it, let's not waste time as I have a butler to teach" I said and jumped back few hundred meters from her, giving her an advantage

"That's quite thoughtful of you Mr Fury but it's unnecessary" Ancient one said seeing through my thought, and watching as the eye of Aggamoto glowed green, I can say she's not kidding

"I hope you're ready Mr Fury because I'm not going to hold back" Spoke the Ancient one, while she simultaneously form a domain around us, the domain was a kilometre in diameter, and as I further observed the domain I can see the world around us loosing the colour slowly. Looking back at the Ancient one, I see her face looked extremely focused with beads of sweat falling off her head. From the looks of it, this spells is taking quite a lot even from her, but with the Time-Stone she could pull it off, and from what I can see, it's totally worth the effort. I can already feel my speed getting slower, even my brain's processing speed, and that speaks the power of her spell because after I absorbed psionic energy and combined it with other energies I gained many mind related powers like telepathy, telekinesis, empathy and other psychic powers, which boosted my mind to a next level, although my soul, body and mind's base attributes are same but different skills can individually boost them, for example -Kryptonian's bio-electric aura can boost my physical prowess to impossible heights. Seeing the situation getting dire quickly, I urged my core to absorb the energy from the Time-Stone, and like luffy devouring meat, my core also started to devour the time based energy.


—— 3rd person P.O.V ——


~ The Mirror Dimension~

As the world completely lost the colour, time came to a standstill, not figuratively but literally.

The Ancient one slowly walked towards Bryan, and in her mind she can't help but praise Bryan because the spell she used, is the apex of what she can do with the Time-Stone, and the only time she was forced to use this spell, can be counted on her one hand, most of them can't even process what happened before they fell against her.

Coming just a hand distance from Bryan, the ancient one placed her hand on his chest and pushed gently, trying to pull his soul out his body, but only to violently thrown back few meters away from Bryan, standing up, the Ancient one wiped the blood from her lips, She looked at Bryan again with serious gaze, her mind completely in turmoil because of the strength she felt from his soul, not even Odin has a soul this strong, and now that the Ancient one properly looks at Bryan, she saw his eyes, still has their original colour, even after the world completely lost theirs, those magnificent purple orbs remained untouched. Ancient one quickly pulled herself together, with hardened eyes she summoned a spear and threw at him, which only manages only push Bryan few dozen meters, his feet leaving deep trailing marks on the ground, seeing her attack, which can obliterate a mountain failed, made the Ancient one frown deeply, with a wave of her hand, the Ancient one constructed a gigantic ferrous blade made-up of eldritch magic, the giant orange spinning blade fell on Bryan, the impact from the fall made a deep crater, the blade tried to both cut and crush Bryan, but like a normal ferrous blade trying to cut the densest diamond, the giant blade was completely destroyed and if the ancient one hadn't already stopped the time, the blade might have repelled at her from the friction.

The Ancient one tried to attack Bryan again, but she stopped at her track, her eyes widening, with a disbelieving gaze she looked at Bryan's eyes, his eyes slowly moving seemingly trying to follow her movements, but that should have been impossible, stopping in her track, the Ancient one summoned an old parchment, an incredible artefact that she managed to acquire in one of her adventures, pages from it can answer one her question, and this is last page she had left. Ancient one wrote her question on the last remaining page of the parchment, the page burned and the ashes from it formed a sentence, reading the line, Ancient one's disbelief became even deeper, but she pulled herself out of her shocked state and ended her domain spell, after the spell lost its effect, Bryan came out of the crater and looked at the Ancient one with an annoyed gaze

"I hope this much is enough for you Mr Bryan" Ancient one said with a low tone

"You didn't use any magic, but used the pendent around your neck, and although that did help me to adapt time related attacks a little but even that you stopped after you summoned that old parchment" Bryan replied, and after that there was a silence, both staring at each other

"Fine, have it your way" Ancient said and as a green glow surrounded her. The Ancient one used the the Time-Stone to enhance her speed, after that she summoned thousands of her clones, she didn't command her clones to attack Bryan, instead, the Ancient one tasked all thousands of clones to form a massive portal ring and compressed it in a shape of a small sword, the Ancient one brought out another artefact and used it to hold the compressed space that looked like sword, but she can feel that the artefact won't last long.

After, all her preparations were, the Ancient one's gaze returned to Bryan, who was silently waiting for her to complete her preparations.

Bryan, himself has a serious look in his eyes as he can feel the danger radiating from the compressed space blade.

"That blade can definitely harm me." Bryan admitted and his left eyes the blade and gazes at the Ancient one's eyes

"Well, all I say is that, its the first time I used this spell, normally beings who can push me to such level doesn't possess proper physical bodies, thus making this spell quite useless against them, but you are different." Ancient one explained and attacked Bryan at speed that even surprised, but Bryan still dodged her attacks easily.

The Ancient One kept attacking Bryan for some minutes, but after seeing her Time-Stone enhanced speed still fell short to his, she send a quick command to her still standing, and in response to her, they each send 10 thick rope constructs made up the eldritch magic, and although Bryan can see all those constructs coming at a really slow speed but sheer numbers and the Ancient One's continuous attack made him get caught in those ropes, that delayed him for a moment, resulting him getting a deep gashed wound on his chest, seeing his injured chest, Bryan jumped back just in time to evade another one of the Ancient one's attack, using his heat vision, he destroyed hundreds of the Ancient one's clones in seconds, those lasers were so hot that even things few meters away from them melted in seconds, before he destroy more of her clones, the ancient caught up to him and resumed her attacks, and this continued for a while.

The Ancient one seeing her clones getting decimated so quickly and Bryan not getting any other wounds, formed another plan, she told all her remaining clones to send a single stronger rope to hold Bryan a fraction of a second longer for her to deliver a good blow to him, and after Bryan and the Ancient fought for another few minutes without the clones interruption, which Bryan found very suspicious, just as he was going to destroy the remaining clones, the ancient one used a sound based attack which disrupted him, but even with his ears ringing, Bryan still saw the incoming the attack and tried to dodge it but a eldritch rope shot from the ground caught his ankle which again delayed him.

The ancient one changed her blade's position slightly after Bryan got caught in her eldritch construct, Bryan seeing no way out, raised his arm up to defend the incoming attack.

The blade made through his bio-electric aura, skin, muscles and only stoped at his bones, this greatly shocked the Ancient one again, but this time Bryan didn't gave her enough time recover, quickly snatching the blade, which resulted her getting pushed back, and he threw blade towards the space. The Ancient stood up and looked at the blade, that's leaving the Mirror dimension's earth, she instantly knew why Bryan did that, like normal portals, the edges of the compress portal also keep spinning to stabilise the space inside, and when the blade's momentum stopped at Bryan's bones, it also stopped the spinning motion of the blade which resulted the space inside the compressed expand again.

Bryan and the Ancient both saw the blade made its way to the moon before it exploded, which completely annihilated the moon, seeing the explosion making to the Mirror dimension's Earth, the Ancient teleported above the Earth, and tried to stopped the explosion but she couldn't, seeing the Ancient struggling, Bryan made his way behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder, Bryan then passed his own unique energy to the Ancient one.

The Ancient one feeling such strong energy that not only enhanced her physical abilities but also her mental abilities, she quickly used the Time-Stone and reverse the time around the moon, with her improved mental capabilities, she sent the unstable space blade to the dark dimension, perhaps a gift to her life long friend

"I think, we should stop this spar" Bryan spoke out, completely healed and looking not bit tired

"You think, Mr Fury" Ancient one asked with an annoyed tone

"What? Woman, I have you know that I saved your shocked-a*ss-life, and you were the one who used that spell, not me" Bryan sarcastically replied

"And who made me use that spell, if my memory serves me right YOU BRYAN FURY YOU" Ancient said, well women, old or not, cannot loose an argument.

Both Bryan and the Ancient one intensely stared each other for few seconds before bursting out in laughter

"Bryan, you call me Bryan" Bryan offered his hand to the ancient for a handshake

"Yao, you call me that Bryan" Ancient one said and shakes his hand

"I thought, you forgot your name" Bryan questioned with a raised eyebrow and a playful tone

"And I thought you have butler waiting for you" Ancient one questioned back, and they both laughed again

"Can I learn the spell now" Bryan questioned her again

"Sure" Ancient one curtly answered

"So, all those bullsh*t about our cause and all were totally false" Bryan questioned her again

"Not really" Ancient again curtly replied.

"Then I guess, having connections with right people really helps" Bryan joked.

And just like that two people who were ready to kill each other became friends.

{AN: before you guys think anything naughty, Just friends🙄}