
A multiverse fan-fiction

A man died due to the mistake of God, and got the chance to Reincarnate in random universe with some cheats. He reincarnated in MCU as a Mutated Kryptonian. . - First world:Marvel -Second World: Not decided yet.

41_Claws · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Avengers!!! Ashememble~


~New York City, 2012~


—— Nick Fury ——


So much happened, after the duel of Harlem, or the infamous beat down of Harlem.

Taking that as some kind of signal, following that year, many weirdos started making their appearances, a suit of advanced flying armour wore by the most narcissist guy he knew, who couldn't even manage to keep his identity secret, and in few months announced the world that he is the tin man, and that's not the fu**ing end, a laser shooting robot dropped from the sky in Mexico, fought Thor, the fu**ing Thunder God of Norse Mythology, and recently Thor's brother Loki dropped at a secret research facility and stole one of the most important possessions of the SHIELD, and mind controlled all the scientists and agents working at the facility, even one his best agent wasn't spared.

~Haaa~ how he miss those days, when he had to only deal with assassins, spies, and occasionally some failed super soldiers, then he was introduced with those Skrulls motherfu**ers and everything went hey where.

"Coulson, contact agent Romanoff and tell her to stop her current mission, we have bigger problems" I ordered Coulson

"Right away, Sir" Coulson replied and called someone on his phone.

I know if I contact that guy, he can solve this problem easily, but I don't want to get too dependent on him, not when I already have some Avengers candidate ready, who I think can complete this job.

Looking at the file of each member of the team, he released a sigh, although some of them has some instability- maybe more than some, but he believes that the team has potential, specifically the one leading him.

"Coulson, did you contacted agent Romanoff" I questioned my right hand

"Yes Sir, she's on her way here" Coulson immediately replied

"Tell her to change her destination to Forks, Washington" I instructed Coulson

"Sir, are you sending agent Romanoff to contact Him, if so, then let me be the one to invite Him here" Coulson said with twinkling eyes, fu**ing fanboy

"No, I'm sending her to invite Dr Banner or his current alias Sebas Tian, and I think agent Romanoff will be much more persuasive" I shut down Coulson before he asked anything stupid, but I think underestimated him

"But Sir, are you sure that, it's the correct decision because Bruce Banner isn't the same, he's changed from the shy and nervous scientist to a very capable and confident man" Coulson tried to convince me

"Even then my decisions's still not changing, and stop trying to convince me, I'm not letting you fu**ing fan-girling all around That person" I glared at Coulson, and dared him to speak again.

Seeing Coulson wisely shut his mouth, my thoughts drifted to my last meeting with Him, and that was the first time I met Bruce Banner after He took Bruce in, and shock was a small word to describe my emotion at that time.

The shy and awkward super genius was nowhere to be found, a calm and confident man took his place.

I immediately asked Him what did he to Banner, and his answer fu**ing blew my mind.

He said, He disciplined The Hulk(whatever that means), after that He trained Bruce in martial arts, and when He felt Bruce was ready, he dropped him in different alleys across the world, where crime was taking place, He made Bruce fight many criminals, but that was not fu**ng enough for Him, He dropped Bruce in Sokovia, and made him survive there for months.

Only then did He taught Bruce some house hold works.

This made me speechless for hours, I know he was a bit moody, but this, this just blew my mind, but let's not think about this less I wanna loose ma mind after the eye.

But just incase I will contact That guy to look over this mission without interfering, I can't have the Avengers fail their first mission.


——— Natasha Romanoff's P.O.V ———


Forks, Washington, 2012


"Rodger that" I replied to Coulson, and landed the jet near my mission's location.

Walking rest of the way, I reached the location, and I have to say the owner of this house, has good taste.

Reaching towards the front gate, I pressed the bell button and waited for the gate to open.

Opening the door was the 5'9 tall man, with well a combed brown hair, wearing a butler uniform, but his eyes was the thing that attracted most of her attention, his eyes told, that the man standing before her, has been through many ups and downs, and managed to overcome those difficulties.

"How can I help you, miss?" Asked the attractive man, yeah she find the guy attractive, and since she was already asked to seduce the guy, she didn't need to be reserved.

"Hello, my name is Natasha Romanoff, are you Bruce Banner" I asked for his name just for the formality

"No miss Romanoff, my name is not Bruce Banner, it's Sebas Tian, I think you are at the wrong place" he replied seriously, too seriously actually, which made my lips twitched a little

"Mr Banner, I'm from the Shield, so I already know who and what's your speciality, and the reason I came here, also related that speciality" I said, while a tucking the strand of hair behind my ear, and waited for him to speak

"Okay miss Romanoff, state your business" He seriously spoke again, come on man, can't you see I'm trying to flirt with you

" That's what I'm doing here, anyways I came here to ask you to locate an object which was stolen from a secret research faci- ~slam~" I couldn't even complete the sentence, the moment he heard the "secret research facility" he slam the door shut on my face.

I quickly raised my hand to knock the door again, but I heard a deep voice from other side of the door, that made me stop and place my ears on the door to hear it

"Who was at the door Bruce" the deep voice sounded

"It was a women from Shield, Master Bryan" Bruce replied to the voice with a respectful tone

"Ohh! Was she beautiful" the deep voice sounded again with hint of curiosity in it

"Yes Master Bryan, she was beautiful" Bruce replied respectfully again, and I knew my charms didn't fail me

"Hmm, then why did you shut the door so loudly" the deep voice questioned, although she didn't know who the voice belonged but Director Fury warned her not to interact with the owner of this house

"Master Bryan, I remember your "Begone Thot" lesson quite clearly" Bruce replied with an unheard solemn voice, clearly he doesn't have good memories about this lesson, which made her a bit curious about the said lesson.

"Forget about that, Fury contacted me and told some details about the work, I think you should take the offer" said the deep voice, and she completely agrees with the voice owner whose name she already noted

"But maste-"

"What but master, I'm telling you to take the job, it will help you loosen up a little, you've been to so stressed lately, take this mission as a vacation, go out and make some friends, you are young, maybe ask out the women that's been eavesdropping on us" said the deep voice, and I quickly straightened up, taking this as a cue I knocked the door again. I didn't had wait long as Bruce open the door in few seconds, looking a bit annoyed

"You heard Mr Bryan, Bruce, so are you coming with me" I spoke before he can say anything

"Fine, let's go miss Romanoff" Bruce sighed deeply before accepting the offer and walking out of the door.

"You want to pack your stuff, or you're coming empty handed" I questioned with a raised eyebrow and an amused smirk

"ahh yes, wait here, I'll be right back" Bruce embarrassedly said, and walked back in while shutting the door again, seeing him like that I released a chuckle

"I guess, there's still some old Bruce left in him" I muttered and waited for him to return


—— 3rd P.O.V ——


Bryan watched as the plot of the Avenger played out, with Bruce and Steve meeting, to Nick Fury revealing the helicarrier, to Bruce trying to find Loki, he watched everything played out according to the script.

Like in the original movie before they can find Loki, the God of Mischief revealed himself, which Shield quickly found out and send out the members of the Avengers. It didn't take long for Captain America and Black widow to reach prankster God's location but this time Bruce tagged along with them.

Loki, like in the original movie was relishing at the joy of, watching normal people kneeling before him, all scared and silent, not even raising their heads to look him in the eye, but one old man couldn't take the tyranny, and stood up while facing Norse God Bravely.

Loki seeing a mortal going against his divine order, snapped and fired a blue magic blast at him, with motive to kill the heretic but before the attack hit the old man, someone dropped before him and repelling the attack back at the Norse God.

Bryan watched Loki getting hit by his own attack, and smirked at the narcissistic frost giant, Bryan continued to watch Loki, as he engaged Captain America in hand to combat, and although the Asguardian is much stronger than Captain, but Captain with his battle sense and experience, managed to hold his own against Mischief God.

Captain and Loki fought back and forth for a while, with Loki having slight advantage, but the fight itself didn't last much longer, as the Iron Man made his iconic appearance and landed with his classic pose, aiming dozen of weapons at the fallen God.

Loki observed the dire situation and finally surrendered with a sly smile.

The plot continued as usual, with the Thunder God attacking the quin jet, and taking Loki with him for their brotherly bonding, which was quickly interrupted by the the Iron Man.

Thor, not liking the interruption attacked the Iron Man, which sent Iron Man flying dozens of meters back.

Bryan seeing this finally decided to involve himself, he flew down and caught Thor's hammer that was attacking the Iron Man.

Thor, after seeing who stopped his attack, spoke for the first time since the battle started.

"I know you, you are that Mortal God, I heard so much about" Thor said with a jealous tone, which stunned Bryan a little.

"And you must be Odin's son, Yao mentioned about the Asguard in one of our previous talks, I believe this is our first meeting but why did you sound a bit jealous" Bryan questioned Thor

" I'm indeed a bit jealous of you mortal, that, I would not deny, and reason behind is, that Jane admires you, and wouldn't believe me when I told her that I'm mightier than you" Thor said still sounding a bit jealous

"…so you're saying your woman doesn't believe and you are angry at the reason behind it, I can admire that" Bryan said and smiled at Thor's straightforward response

"I want to invite you to Asguard and challenge you to a duel, where I will defeat you, and show all nine realms and Jane that I'm mightier than you" Thor proclaimed and challenged Bryan

"Hey S, you done talking with the weirdo who's btw wearing his mother's clothes" Iron man landed beside Bryan and jabbed at Thor's clothing

"At least, I'm not a walking-Talking tin can" Thor jabbed back

"You said something, you cosplaying freak" Iron mockingly asked

"Everyone, calm down, let's talk this out peacefully" but before Thor could reply to the Iron Man, Captain caught up and try to pacify the heated conversation

"I think Cap is right, we should should talk peacefully, as Thor is also here to take Loki to Asguard for his punishment" Bryan agreed with Captain and explained Thor's motive

"Bryan is that you" Captain questioned with an emotional tone and approached Bryan

"Its been a while Steve, how are you" Bryan replied with a nostalgic smile

"It's really you, how are still alive" Captain questioned again with bit disbelief

"Why don't I tell you that on the jet, where we can also hold a proper conversation" Bryan offered the shocked Captain America

" Sure let's go" Captain replied after coming out of his shocked state.

After that Bryan along with all the founding members of the Avenger minus hawkeye flew towards helicarier, along the way Captain and Bryan conversed, reaching the helicarier, they transferred Loki to his prepared prison.

{AN: when did web-novel increased the word count requirement. Don't read below this, just word count}






The Infinity Stones were six immensely powerful gem-like objects tied to different aspects of the universe, created by the Big Bang[3] from six singularities.[7]

Only beings of immense power can directly wield the Stones, such as Celestials, and the Mad Titan Thanos. Lesser beings would face dire consequences: Johann Schmidt was cursed to Vormir to guard the Soul Stone after touching an active Tesseract, Jane Foster became ill after being exposed to the Aether, Carina exploded when she touched the Power Stone; however, these effects can be reduced if a group is sharing the power among themselves. It is also possible to place an Infinity Stone (or multiple) inside a container to allow the user to wield the Stone's power without suffering the normal repercussions. Examples include the Space Stone inside the Tesseract, the Mind Stone inside the Scepter and later in Vision's forehead, the Power Stone inside the Orb and later the Cosmi-Rod, the Time Stone inside the Eye of Agamotto, the Reality Stone as the Aether, and all of the Infinity Stones housed in the Infinity Gauntlet.

When Thanos successfully collected all of them, he used their phenomenal powers to annihilate half of all living creatures in the universe. He later used the stones' power to reduce them to atoms, as to prevent his work from being undone and to keep himself or anyone else from abusing their power.

Five years later, the Avengers traveled back in time to retrieve the stones from alternate timelines in order to resurrect the victims of the Snap. After the Battle of Earth, Captain America returned the stones to their respective timelines.