
A Muggleborn Serpent. [Rewriting]

The title may give you the hint, Read and enjoy. This story will start from 1963 (5 years before the Marauders enters Hogwarts)

Darkcrow8 · Book&Literature
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83 Chs

Daily life in Hogwarts

He stood on the table pointing his wand towards the floor before whispering "Molliae" and then jumped from the table, He was expecting a cushion or some thing soft ,But instead he landed on a hard surface.

' The wand movement was precise ,Maybe the the incantation is wrong, I think it was 'are' at the end'

Blair again Climbed on the table and again pointed his wand towards the ground, whispering "Molliare", 'Hope this works ' with that he jumped from the table and This time instead of the hard surface he feel on an invisible cushion.The spell was a success.

He casted Tempus and saw that ,not much time has left until curfew. He hastily ran towards the dungeon, Unlike the last time, He reached the Dungeon safely. After entering the common room he ignored his house mates and went straight to his room. He practiced the Cushioning charm few more times ,before going to sleep.

The next day he slowly got out of his bed and casted 'Tempus', it was 6 am in the morning, 'This Spell is quite handy'

Blair went to the Bathroom ,As he realised that he haven't taken a bath for the last 2 days ,On the first day he was so exited to explore the castle that he completely forgot about it and yesterday he wokeup in the infirmary and directly rushed towards the great hall ,as he was running late for the breakfast. He took off his rob and went for the shower, The water had a perfect temperature, It was as if it knew the perfect temperature suited for him. After getting out of the shower , He came in front of a large mirror in the bathroom , His eyes staring blankly at his torso.There was a 5 inch long scare on it , He could still remember those days like it happened yesterday ,when he was 5 years old, He used to get bullied on a regular basis by the older orphans, it's was like he was a source of entertainment to them. Whenever they fell bored they use to come and beat him like he was some kind of a dog ,it wasn't that he didn't fight back ,it just that he was too weak to defend himself, as they held advantage with numbers as well was their age and a insult to injury, all the orphans who bullied him got adopted ,whereas he was left behind. The worst part was when he realised that he was all alone in this wretched world and no would care if he live or die.

'Pathatic'.. Blair hated himself for feeling jealous about other people having families.

He put on his robes and went for the breakfast .As always Twinky delivered his food in the great hall. After the breakfast he Peformed the Cushioning charm one more time ,to see if he can peform it perfectly, Then walked towards the library . He sat on his usual spot in the library and started to read 'Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger'. After couple of hours He went to the quidditch pitch to attend his Flying lesson, It was one of the worst experiance he ever had in his whole life. He would happily avoid Broom as much as he can. After the Flying lesson ,they had Transfiguration with the Gryffindors , He sat on desk in the front row, the odd thing was that there was a Black cat sitting firmly on teacher's table. As the whole class settled down the cat suddenly transformed into Professor McGonagall.

"Ok Class listen carefully "she said" Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts, Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned."

Then she changed her desk into a pig and back again. Blair had read about transfiguration.. in his book and knew quite well that they were not going to change table into a pig anytime soon. After taking a lot of complicated notes, they were each given a match and started trying to turn it into a needle. By the end of the lesson, only a Gryffindor named Kingsley Shakelbolt was able to make any difference in his matchstick. Professor gave him 5 points for his work. As the Class ended ,Blair went to Professor McGonagall and asked her about the things he was doing wrong.

" Mister Bradley ,It is normal to not be able to perform transfiguration in your first class, As it needs exact Magical Discipline and firm wand movement ,you just need to practise it . The saying 'Practise makes perfect' Perfectly applies to transfiguration . you just need to work hard ." She explained patiently while giving him a rare smile from her perfectly Stern face.

The class Blair was looking forward was DADA class, But unfortunately or fortunately Dumbledore himself decided to teach them as their DADA teacher has meet with a mishap ,He will probably return in few days. Dumbledore's lecture was enlightening. Blair wanted Dumbledore to be their DADA teacher ,Who would be a better at teaching Defence, then the most powerful wizard in the world. Dumbledore was doing a great job at teaching DADA ,He even gave them some tips that will help them with performing spells. Blair was taking notes of every word that he said. up til now DADA was his favourite subject . To Blair's disappointment The class ending without him realising that 2 hours had already passed. As he was about to leave the class.

"Mr Bradley can you please stay back for a moment "