
A Moth Amongst the Butterflies

Izuku was -as they say- an anomaly and for good reasons as well. I mean after having person after person, even their idol, pushing and kicking you down you would think to give up too right?     Not Izuku.     Izuku wasn't like any typical person- no he was an anomaly. Even other quirkless people would consider him as such. Can you guess what he did instead of staying down and playing dead? He did not get up. HA! No, in fact, he dug deeper and found a different way out. A way no one even thought- couldn't even imagine as possible!     This is a story about how a moth became a butterfly.

The_Gem_Master · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 | No Way Home

Izuku was -as they say- an anomaly and for good reasons as well. I mean after having person after person, even their idol, pushing and kicking you down you would think to give up too right?

Not Izuku.

Izuku wasn't like any typical person- no he was an anomaly. Even other quirkless people would consider him as such. Can you guess what he did instead of staying down and playing dead? He did not get up. HA! No, in fact, he dug deeper and found a different way out. A way no one even thought- couldn't even imagine as possible!

This is a story about how a moth became a butterfly.


"Good morning Sensei!" The students around Izuku said as the teacher made his way to the podium.

"Alright sit down class," He set a vanilla folder down and looked around the room. "I have an announcement," The students began whispering to one another trying to guess what the announcement is.

Izuku perked up 'It's probably about the quirk exhibit Yagashi sensei mentioned yesterday. Oh, I can't wait to learn how quirks evolved and the time before them. What if humans always had quirks, to begin with, but they were all dormant-'


"Enough! Midoriya what have I told about the mumbling?" The teacher glared at Izuku.

"T-to stop because it's dis... disruptive." Izuku lowered his head as his face began to burn. "I'm s-sorry."

Ignoring him the teacher continues, "Today we are going to the Quirk Research Lab. Everyone pack up and meet me outside to board the bus." The teacher finished picking up his things and left.

Izuku quickly got up haven already packed up while the teacher was talking and made his way to the door but not before tripping over a girl's foot that she stuck out as students snickered. Izuku face burns again as he gets up and goes outside.


The bus was no different as his classmates continued making mean comments and the teacher sitting in the front ignored them.

"Hey, Deku I hope you brought your stalker book. You could probably learn about your kind today." Students near them giggled.

Bakugou pops his left hand turning back to face Izuku smirking sadistically. "Heh, hell while we're here the useless fucking nerd could probably learn how to get a quirk! Better yet you should probably beg them to make you one!" Students around the bus bust out laughing. Tucking his head down further failing to appear smaller as they continue their name calling. If Izuku looked in front of the bus he could've seen his teacher hold back a laugh before clearing his throat.

"Everyone calm down and take a seat the bus driver has to focus on the road." Sensei stared down at the students until they were all sitting and calmed down in their seats. Izuku sighed as he slumped back to his seat watching buildings go by in the window.

'If only that were possible.'

Minutes later the bus pulled up to a gray and white building with giant glass windows in the front. Outside was a tan medium height woman with dark blue hair tied up in a low ponytail and a yellow horn curve backward in the middle of her forehead wearing a lab coat.

Once out of the bus and standing in front of her, she began introducing herself.

"Hello everyone my name is Hiyano Kana, you can just call me Ms. Hiyano for now." Paused looking around at the students. "I am an intern here at the QR Lab aka the Quirk Research Lab. Today I will be the one giving you a tour around the place and showing you how everything works. Now please refrain from touching anything without permission otherwise I'll have to ban you from coming here again. Do you all understand?"

"Yes." The class answered.

"Good, here are your guest passes." Ms. Hiyano smiled handing them out before walking in.

Izuku took a closer look at it in amazement, 'Midoriya Izuku, Card Level 1 Guest.' Excited he pulled it over his head letting it hang around his neck.

"Woah," Everyone looked around the place seeing that it was way bigger on the inside. On the balcony, Izuku saw a giant reptile man in a lab coat walking with some other workers explaining something to them. Excitedly Izuku immediately grabbed his notebook and pen.

"Keep up everyone you don't want to be left behind." Ms. Hiyano announced as she walked up to a metal scanner before pulling out a key card and swiping it.

"Card level 4 Omega, welcome back Hiyano Kana." The computer said as everyone looked up amazed trying to find where the voice came from.

'They have their own A.I.! '

"Now everyone I need you to stand in a single file line to scan your card before entering." Ms. Hiyano stepped through the scanner.

"Watch out extras I'm going first!" Bakugou pushed everyone out the way pulling his card out and aggressively swipe it.

"Card Level 1 Guest, welcome Bakugou Katsuki. Please learn to wear a belt next time." The A.I. said as the students around him giggled. Izuku covered his mouth with his left hand failing to hold back giggles of his own.

Bakugou's face grew red sending out sparks, "Who the hell you think you are giving me fashion advice you hunk of garbage!"

"Young man! Please refrain from quirk usage in the building otherwise I will have you removed from the premises immediately!" Ms. Hiyano scolded as Bakugou just huffed rolling his eyes.

"Whatever nerd." He muttered.

Ms. Hiyano sighed already tired of the day, "Please continue," she gestured to the next student.

Student after student the computer gave out comments about each one. Some were compliments others were roasts and the rest were nothing. Then came time for Izuku's turn.

"Hey, I bet the computer can tell how useless Deku is even without scanning." A girl snickered.

Blushing Izuku walks up to the scanner nervously.

'Pleasedon'tbeaninsultpleasedon'tbeaninsult.' He swipes his card.

"Card Level 1 Guest, welcome Midoriya Izuku. I hope you brought extra books Dekiru."

'Dekiru? ' Izuku stared up wide-eyed.

"Dekiru? Must be some kind of error." A student whispered.

"Alright let's hop right into the tour!" She marched to the first section which was an exhibit of human bones. "As you know humans didn't always have quirks. Even though it feels like a long time ago but it's actually very recent!"

"Huh, but it was like 100 years ago!" A boy exclaimed.

"Actually it's over 200 years ago." Ms. Hiyano smiled.

"How does that make it any closer?"

"Hm," Ms. Hiyano looked around the students. "Does anyone know why it's considered recent?" She looked over to a boy with white hair raising his hand.

"Is it because there's still quirkless people?"

Ms. Hiyano hummed, "Not quite but close!" She looked around the students again as her eyes fell on Izuku who was standing in the back scribbling away. "How about you Broccoli boy?"

Izuku's head snapped up looking around before blushing and sputtering over his words. 'B-broccoli boy? I don't look like broccoli! '

She sent him a reassuring smile, "Well surely you could at least guess? There's no harm!" She encouraged.

"Heh, Deku probably didn't even hear the question." The kids snickered.

Swallowing his nervous Izuku spoke up, "W-well 200 years definitely isn't a long time. Uh..." He scratches the back of his neck, "Considering if you compare it to... Well, most species whose evolutions were more than a million years. Not only that but we're still in the evolving process since we still don't know half about quirks or where they come from. L-like mutant quirks," Izuku looked at Ms. Hiyano, "What is your quirk- i-if you don't me asking?"

Hiyano smiled, "My quirks called See Through, basically works as an X-ray."

"And your h-horn has nothing to do with your quirk right?" She nodded, " So basically you got it from one of y-your parents?"

"What does that have to do with anything Deku?!" One of Bakugou's lackeys sneered making Izuku flinch back.

"I-I well most of the time you inherit a q-quirk similar to your parents b-but uh well... I mean even though m-most do, there's still a chance that you can get one that's way different from them. S-sometimes you're born with an m-mutation that has nothing to do with your emitter quirk l-like Ms. Hiyano."

Bakugou scoffed, "Pfft like that'll ever make-"

"Makes total sense!" Ms. Hiyano clapped her hands together, "You have a brilliant mind broccoli-"

'It's Midoriya.'

"boy! You have a bright future ahead of you." She exclaimed.

"How can quirkless Deku have a bright future?"

Hiyano frowned, "Well that's rude and irrelevant, he can become a researcher here at QR Lab one day." She turned back to Izuku. "You're very good with analysis, kid you should apply here when you enter high school as an internship. Dr. Octavius would have a field day with you!" She smiled maniacally just thinking about it causing everyone to either move or lean back.

Fortunately -or unfortunately- Izuku isn't everyone as he was currently staring at Ms. Hiyano with wide eyes.

'She actually thinks I'm good enough to work here? '

The tour continue as Ms. Hiyano asked and answered questions from the students and after lunch, some head scientists came and greeted them!


Bruce was always a quiet and reserved man even after retirement he was still the same. He would never say he hate people, no, no, no he merely just didn't care for most of them is all. He was never good with them... especially kids. Always asking him, 'Go hulk! Go hulk! ' it was tiring. So imagine his surprise to see a bunch of middle schoolers in the cafeteria and his intern watching over them. Quickly trying to back out quietly a girl with tentacles for hair shot up and pointed.

"Oh look there's the Hulk!"

A boy whipped around, "Hulk?! Where?"

"Oh oh go Hulk!"

What did he say? Typical children.

Hiyano san stepped in front of them, "Hey hey, he's a person you know! Everyone settle down and-" Thankfully his good friend and co-worker walked in right on time.

"Look there's Dr. Oct!" Immediately the kids changed directions. Already asking him questions about his inventions.

Bruce sighed thankfully dodging a pullet until he heard a hesitant voice call out his name nervously.

"Uh, D-Dr. Banner sir, I- uh..." Bruce quickly looked down seeing a small child. At first, he thought it was his imagination but he sees that the kid's way too small for his age. Then it dawned on him that they said 'Dr. Banner'. Not the Hulk, not the big guy, not the green giant, no they asked for him and only him.

Hesitantly Bruce smiled back, "W-what can I do for you?" He cringed internally at his voice crack.

"Uh, c-can..." Bruce notice the notebook he was fidgeting with his tiny hands. "Can you sign my notebook!" He exclaimed with a determined look before immediately hunching back in himself, "Please?" He clutched his eyes as if waiting to get reprimanded.

Stunned Bruce stared down at the small child. Maybe he stared just a little bit too long as the kid immediately started to apologize.

"I-I mean you d-don't have if you don't want to. I m-mean why would you? I'm quirkless. I-it was rude o-of me to assume s-" Bruce realizing his mistake immediately crouch down (definitely not cringing at his knees popping) and reached toward the young man's notebook.

The boy flinched back (a little too hard for a simple startle) and stared at Bruce's giant hand.

"Uh well... I can't exactly sign it if you don't hand it to me," Bruce looked down to his guest pass that hung around his neck to read his name. "Mr. Midoriya?" He looked back up chuckling awkwardly.

'Jeez, when was the last time I talk to a kid? ' Bruce thought, 'Ah... Since him.'

Bruce shook those thoughts away as the green-haired boy pushed the notebook into his hand. Bruce examined the book before opening it to a random page filled with a random hero analysis.

'These are really good and he's only in middle school.'

"U-uh here sorry," Blushing the boy took the book back and quickly flipped to a different page. "H-here."

Bruce looked at the book again and see that it was an analysis of him. There were all sorts of theories and hypotheses (which most were scaringly accurate). There were also suggestions on how he can take back control from Hulk or be conscious of everything being Hulk.

"These are amazing," He breathed out.

Midoriya blushed quickly, "Wha- what? No, no, no! There n-nothing really. T-they're just fanboy n-notes. Y-you know? Nothing b-but a silly h-hobby." He stammered flailing his hands around.

Before spiraling into another ramble Bruce chuckled grabbing his pen in his lab coat breast pocket and clicking it once, "Well whatever this hobby is you're very good at it." He stated before signing his name under the sketch of himself.

Midoriya stopped abruptly and whipped his head toward Bruce. His eyes are blown wide as Bruce can see confusion and awe in them (and if you asked Bruce about that day again he would say he had seen a spark of hope in them as well).

"R-really?" Midoriya tugged at the sleeves of his wrist, "You... You don't think they're..." He looked up hesitantly, practicality prepared for immediate rejection. "Creepy?"

Bruce did a double take not expecting... Well, that.

'Who ruined this kid's confidence so bad he thinks doing hero analysis is creepy? '

Bruce cleared his throat, "Well to be honest with you Midoriya, people actually get paid to do things like this."

Midoriya gasped, "R-really?"

"Yes," Bruce chuckled awkwardly. "I'm more surprised you never knew. You're very smart Midoriya, especially for someone your age." Bruce patted around his pockets before finding the right one and pulled out a business card and handed it over to Midoriya. "I like to see more of your analysis in the future Mr. Midoriya, this could help many heroes improve." Finally standing back up to his full height (and again not cringing at his bones popping) he put out his hand for Midoriya to shake. Staring at it for a moment before shaking his head and snapping out of it (jeez hope he doesn't get a concussion) quickly grabbed it and shook it enthusiastically.

"T-thank you so much I-I'll work very hard to live up to your expectations Dr. Banner!" He smiled brightly.

'Oh, you already did.'

A thought popped up in Bruce's head, "Oh, and just a suggestion,"


"You should also analyze villains too. Never know what might come up, right?"


After that interaction and new determination, Izuku wrote in his book twice as fast jotting every little new thing he could learn on the tour. Unfortunately, the Tour was over halfway over as they walked up to the last few exhibits.

"These are Clubiona Caerulescens spiders that were imported from Ukraine after the Chornobyl disaster in 1986.

" Woah! How are they still alive?!" A boy exclaimed.

"We still don't know. All we know is that they're able to reproduce with all other spider species which is how most of them are still alive. Although they have evolved in a way for some of them to reproduce asexually and even shown hints of them to have some sort of quirk." Ms. Hiyano smiled proudly. "The ones that were showing signs are kept in different captivity." Hiyano turned and gestured for them to follow.

Still writing Izuku began walking again mumbling as he write. "Have evolved to reproduce asexual-"

Accidentally bumping into Bakugou he whipped around grabbing a handful of his shirt lifting him easily off the ground. "Watch it, nerd! And stop with the mumbling it's pissing me off, Deku!" He lifted his other hand that wasn't raising Izuku off the ground toward his face threatening to blow it up any second.

"Hey, Bakugou remember what the unicorn chick said about the spiders?" One of Bakugou's lackeys called out.

"And what about it extra?!" Bakugou turned toward the boy, teeth bared.

"Well, she said that some the of spiders showed signs of quirks." Izuku's heart stopped, already guessing what his classmate was suggesting. "We'll be doing Deku here a favor don't ya think?" He smiled with false innocence. He lifted his hand holding, and what could only be a stolen keycard. With new vigor, Izuku began struggling uselessly in Bakugou's hold.

Bakugou's smile somehow grew impossibly bigger. "I like the way you think extra."

"W-WAIT! She said t-the ones that showed signs are in a d-different exhibit!" Izuku tried to remove Bakugou's hand from his shirt which only made his grip tighten.

"Well, we'll just have to try our luck." He turned back to Izuku, "Well Deku, it's your lucky fucking day!" He dragged him closer to the door exhibit as the lackey swiped the card opening it wide enough to shove Izuku in. "Let's hope you get a quirk and if not well sucks for you!" Immediately Izuku tried to run to the door right as it slammed shut in his face. Panickally he tried opening it seeing that it didn't even budge Izuku's anxiety flared.

'In four out four, in four out four,' Izuku breathed trying to push down the panic attack that was bubbling inside him.

"Ow!" Izuku slapped the back of his neck quickly turning around just realizing he was stuck in a room filled with spiders.

Probably poisonous if he's lucky.

Shaking his head as tears pricked at his eyes he faced the door again and started banging on it as loud as he can. Not even realizing he wasn't breathing as his anxiety grew with each bang. Stepping back from the door slightly he slid to the floor as he curled around himself trying to steady his breathing to not pass out in a room full of spiders.

Unfortunately, that thought passed through his mind as his vision started to black out. He couldn't hear the footsteps running toward him before he gave in to the darkness.


Waking up all Izuku saw was a plain white ceiling reminding him of a hospital.

'Hospital?! ' Quickly Izuku shot up immediately regretting it as his head started pounding.

"Easy there kid, don't need you passing out again." A middle-aged man with blonde hair wearing a lab coat got up from his swivel chair at his desk. Walking up to Izuku he took a small flashlight out of his breast pocket flashing it in his eyes.

Izuku suppressed a flinch letting the man check on him.

"Any dizziness, queasiness, or emesis?" He asked while putting the flashlight back in his pocket then folding his arms and leaning on his left leg.

"J-just a little dizzy, probably from sitting up so face." Izuku throws his legs over the cot absentmindedly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, that's good! Considering where you were..." The man mumbled the last part probably meant that Izuku wasn't supposed to hear. "Well anywho... Those boys that locked you in there are in big trouble that's for sure."

Izuku perked up, "Wait really? What's about to happen to them?" Izuku didn't expect anything to happen to Katsuki let alone something that wasn't a slap on the wrist considering Izuku statist.

"First off what they did was trespassing and could what be considered 'attempted murder'." The man did air quotes. "But since they're minors and this happened inside the QR Lab property the most we can do is give them community service and a permanent band along with a week suspension." He paused and thought for a moment, "Obviously this will go on their record."

Izuku shot up shocked, "Attempted Murder?"

"Nah just trespassing... I wanted to fight against it but..." The man looks back behind his shoulder to the clock on the wall. "Welp time for your class to leave, call us if any symptoms show up." Izuku was handed a small business card with a phone number on it.

Sighing Izuku grabbed the card and picked up his things following the scientist-nurse... Doctor? Whatever he is to the entrance they entered from the beginning of the field trip. They waited there for a while until he saw his class walking out from a different hall in the west wing.

"Ah, there you Midoriya, get in line with the rest of your class so we can board the bus." His sensei instructed.

Tiredly Izuku made his way, dragging his feet a little, to the back of the class keeping his head down. He peeked up seeing that the explosive blonde and his friend aren't in the group. He sighed once again trying to comfort himself with the thought that he won't have to deal with them until next week.


Him and his big mouth.

What could only describe Izuku's predicament was 'the gods must really hate me' as he and his mother were currently outside in front of the Bakugou's residence. Apparently, his mother received a call from Aunty Mitsuki explaining what happened and invited them over for dinner to apologize. His mom who was shocked to hear this from her- and not the school of all things, (Why didn't they call me? My baby was trapped in a room full of spiders! Oh here let me check you!) was overcome with worry as she full on ran toward him as soon as he came in.

So now here he is beside his small fidgety mother who had just knocked then heard a loud muffled 'Coming! ' through the door. Izuku's breath hitched hearing the familiar voice of his mom's best friend and his aunt who he hasn't seen since he was 5. The door swung open fast, more surprised that it didn't hit the wall, making him jump seeing the blonde spikey hair woman in front of him

"Hey, you guys made!" Aunty Mitsuki came up to his mom embracing her in a hug who returned it like it wasn't years since they last saw each other in years.

"Hello, Mitsuki how's everything?" She asked pulling away a bit to see her face. Now, most people would say that he was an exact copy of his mother but he had to disagree. While they both were crybabies and get emotional easily Izuku has to say that his mom was much more confident than he was, as he stumbles and stutters a lot, his mother on the other hand was always more level-headed even when emotional. She could get along with anyone and everyone no matter their quirk or background. No one could ever get angry at her as she was a very kind and gentle woman. Heh, not even Kacchan could get angry with her.

"Everything's been going okay." Aunty Mitsuki turned seeing Izuku's small form beside her. "Izuku! Come here squirt! I am sorry for what the brat did." She squeezed him tight but comfortingly.

Izuku jumped not having realized that Uncle was at the door until he spoke, "I too like to apologize on behalf of our son's behavior." Uncle Masaru bowed behind his wife.

"I-it's fine don't worry about it! It's n-no big deal at all!" Izuku stuttered out awkwardly wrapping his small arms around Aunty. Letting out a cough he looked back at his Uncle.

"Nonsense! Speaking of which come inside and make yourself at home while I'll get the brat now." She stepped aside letting them walk through the door. His mom and Izuku took off their shoes slipping on the guest slippers.

"Here, please feel at home." Uncle Masaru leads them to the living room before going into the kitchen most likely to bring some tea.

"W-we really don't have to be here mom," Izuku whispered to his mom scratching his neck absent-mindedly.

His mother gasped, "Izuku! Don't be so rude we haven't seen Mitsuki or Masaru in a long time." Wonder whose fault that was. "Plus you deserve an apology-"


"FINE WHATEVER HAG- OW!" A wack could be heard upstairs as both Midoriya's sweatdrop.

"Dinners ready!" Uncle Masaru called from the kitchen.

'Oh thank the Gods, hope this gets over with quickly.' Izuku sighed once again getting up with his mom and making his way over to the kitchen. As they sat down they heard two sets of footsteps walk (one was most definitely stomping) down the stairs. Then came two blondes making their way in. Katsuki made a detour to his mom first wrapping his arms around her plump frame.

"Hi Aunty," Katsuki mumbled into her shoulder.

"Hello, Katsuki," She said hugging him back. "Hope you've been well."

Izuku jumped as Katsuki's eyes roamed over and landed on him. "Yeah, I have," he seethed.

'I really wanna go home.' He gulps slouching further down in his chair.

"H-hey Kacchan." He nervously waves to him because he knows Bakugou isn't going to hug him. He was more amazed at the fact that he greeting him at all.

"Hi, nerd." Since Izuku was sitting down and Bakugou wasn't, he was looking down at him (not that he didn't do it every day).

"Katsuki! Be nice you brat!" Aunty Mitsuki yelled from the other side of the table.

"D-don't worry Aunty h-he's just teasing." Izuku waved off their concerns before going into a coughing fit.

"Izu?" His mom reached over softly patting his back.

"I-I'm fine... My mouth's a l-little dry." He smiled bashfully. If he was being honest, 'nerd' was the least insulting name Katsuki spouts at him.

"H-how about we start dinner?" Mom suggested sitting back down in her seat, not before glancing at Izuku and giving him a 'We'll talk more at home'' look. Izuku swallowed thickly shuddering at the conversation that will come.

It was silent for a moment until Uncle Masaru cleared his throat, "So Izuku how's school going Izuku? Learned anything exciting?" He spoke softly almost making Izuku's nerves relax... Almost.

Even though it's been a couple of years since he last saw the man he still held himself the same. Still kind and soft-spoken like he could lull anyone to sleep, Izuku could remember the times he would come over to have sleepovers with Katsuki and Izuku would wake up from nightmares, Uncle Masaru would come and gently pull him in his arms (he was always gentle) rocking him back a forth lowly talking to him until he fell back to sleep or calmed down. Izuku looked back at the man again wondering how he remain so calm over the years.

"Uh n-nothing special, we just learned h-how Mountains are made in s-science class."

"Oh really?"

Izuku beamed, "Y-yeah! It's so fascinating because Mountains are most often formed by the movement of the tectonic plates in the Earth's crust- although Tectonic plates move very slowly so it would take millions and millions of years for mountains to form. Volcanos though..." He slowly began muttering and theorizing.

His mom leaned down nudging him a little, "Izu honey you're muttering again." She said with eyes filled with amusement.

Izuku jumped back waving his hands as an apology formed on his tongue, "I-I'm,"

Aunty Mitsuki interrupted, "Don't worry Izuku we don't mind-"

"Tch I do," Katsuki spat.

'Ah, I was wondering why it's so quiet.'

Aunty opened her mouth ready to berate Katsuki for his behavior until Uncle's voice spoke up, "Actually Katsuki don't you have something to say to Izuku?"

"Tch no. I have nothing to say to that nerd,"


"Katsuki." Startled Izuku whipped his head towards his mom who was staring at Katsuki keeping eye contact, "What you did was dangerous and wrong to Izuku." She says still holding eye contact.

Katsuki stared at her for a moment before looking away, "Tch... I-"

"Ack- ough..."  Izuku scrambled to grab his chest as he started wheezing.

His mother scrambled to the floor with him, "Izuku! Izuku sweetie? What's wrong?!" She rubbed his back in small circles.

"I-It's ack- ugh," He tried but his throat felt so dry it hurts to talk.

"Hun his face turning red!" Aunty panicked.

"Izuku I need you to breathe with me!" His Uncle put a hand on his shoulder squeezing it firmly.

"Masaru please help me bring him to the car!" His mother ordered

As Izuku continued wheezing he was oblivious to the hands around him carrying him to the car.

'Mom? Mom! ' He couldn't breathe, couldn't see, as he clutch his chest tighter. Desperately wants to reach out his hand for his mom to hold him. 'I can't breathe! ' Tears started to spill from his eyes as he started hyperventilating. He heard someone calling his name but it sounded so far away. Black spots crowded his already poor vision as the world turned black.


When he woke up again all he saw was a white ceiling.

'Ugh... What happened? ' He slowly looked around the room his eyes landing on his mom laying her head by his hand sleeping in a chair. He quietly tried to get up,

"... Izuku?" His mother shot up pulling him into a hug. He could feel her tears wetting his shirt as he could feel tears of his own build-up.

"M-mom," He croaked out.

"Hold on baby," She grabbed a cup of water from the table beside the bed he was laying in. Helping him sit up enough for him to drink before putting it back on the table.

"W-what... What happened?"  Izuku blinked trying to regain his vision again.

"You had some sort of allergic reaction but the doctors don't know what from." She said as she rubbed small but slow circles on his back making him relax more. "Do you remember eating or even doing something that you could have such a reaction to?"

Izuku thought back from today about what he did. From waking up in the morning, to running to class, to the field tr-.

"Oh no..."

A panic expression flashed on her face before it was replaced with confusion trying to stay calm. "Oh no? What 'oh no'?" She put a comforting hand on top of his giving him a gentle squeeze.

"Uh... You s-see..." He swallowed thickly.

His mom gave him a sad smile. "Izuku, I won't be angry I'm just... I'm just concerned about your health."


"Izuku, breathe." His mom's brows knit together. "Now can you say it slower, please? Your talking has gotten faster lately." She chuckled fondly.

"It may have to do with the spider exhibit which I may or may not have gotten bitten..."



"... What?"

"So, uh, when I'd got locked in there I felt a small pinch on the back of my neck."

They stared at each other in silence as his mom tried to process this information.

"Probably more considering I passed out in there."

"You," She pointed at him. "Got locked in a room full of the spiders. Not even knowing if they were poisonous or not-"

"Actually they have some with q-quirks..." Izuku saw the incredulous look his more gave him halfway through his quirk rant.

"Spiders with quirks that BIT YOU?! And they didn't even consider calling or having you go to the hospital!!!" Her voice shook with horror and barely contained rage.

"W-well they did... sort of check on my health."

"Izuku that's not the point. They should have called and taken you to a real doctor." She rubbed a hand down her face exhausted. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were all wrinkled. She had dark circles under her eye from the stress and worry of today. She looked like she aged ten years and with that fault, Izuku thought he couldn't feel more guiltier than now.

Wrapping his arms around her chubby frame he let out a shaky breath, "I know I'm... I'm sorry, I didn't t-think it was such a big deal. I didn't want to worry you... m-more than you do about me." He squeezes her tighter.

She squeezed him back before pulling a little away. "Don't apologize sweetie. What they did was wrong and irresponsible. The adults watching were the ones that were supposed to watch and protect you. All of you..." She looked down thinking about her next words. "I... I am to blame too."

Izuku jumped surprised waving his hands dismissively, "W-what! No no no, you- this wasn't your fault! You couldn't have known-"

Tears formed in her eyes and she shook her head. "No Izuku, listen to me." She pulls his hands into hers squeezing them. "I could- no, I should have seen it, sweetie. Not just today but the days before."

Izuku froze trying to understand if he heard her right. As if she's implying what he thinks she's implying... She couldn't know. He hid everything so well. Smiled so bright. Had an excuse for everything, took care of everything-

"Izuku a mother always knows when their child is hurt."

Did he say that out loud?

"Yes Izu, you were muttering." She said teased with a fond smile as he blush.


"But let's not get sidetracked." Her face became serious again. "I should have seen the signs... No... I did see the signs and I ignored them." His breath hitched, "I didn't want to think that they... They would ever hurt you." Tears stream down her face as she started to hiccup. "After tonight I realized how much I failed you... Katsuki,"

Izuku's breath caught in his throat, 'She knows... She knows... Sheknowssheknowssheknowssheknows.' He started shaking.

"Katsuki was... One of the ones that hurt you." She breathed slowly, "Wasn't he Izuku." She looked- stared into his eyes.

"M... Mom i-it wasn't-"

"Burns on your clothes, your destroyed things... I can't believe he..." She put her face in her hands. "Well go to the school tomorrow and fix this-"


She was already lost in her thoughts, "Even if I have to put you in another school."

"Mom!" She startled up looking at Izuku with tear stains on her cheeks as more were ready to break out at any moment. "Mom please y-you... You can't- we already can't afford for the both of us... You don't have to bother..."

"It's not a bother in my baby's hurting because of my negligence." She replied with a pinched expression.


"What? Speak up, hun-"

"I said I'm quirkless Mom!" His breathing became regarded as tears of his own fell. "Y-you know the statistics already mom! You know my kind aren't even considered people! You already have a hard time getting and keeping jobs because of me! Imagine people find out how you came at a... at a school for some stupid useless Deku of a son..." He hiccuped as the waterworks poured down.

She scrambled to his side enveloping him in a hug. "No, no, no, it's not your fault!" She was already crying now she was crying even harder as she tried to swaddle him in her arms like he was a baby again, "W-who told you that? Who called you that? Izuku please tell me who said these things to you."

He stopped breathing trying to compare the pros and cons of telling her.


"E-every... everyone." More tears slipped out of his eyes as he told the last piece of the puzzle, "The teachers... t-they never do anything... K... Kacchan was the... the one who gave me that n-nick... n-nickname." He admitted breaking into to cold shuddering sob.

"He what-"

"I-it's not his fault mom..." He fruitlessly tried wiping the tears away but more replaced them. "It's not... The... the adults enable it! He doesn't know-"

"Not knowing and not caring are two different things Izuku. They may be enabling him but that doesn't mean he's not as much fault as the others. They all need to be held responsible." She tried to reason as she continued rubbing his back in reassurance.


"Izuku... If it weren't you, do you think they wouldn't do it so someone else?"

He opens his mouth again ready to defend Katsuki before halting thinking over her words.

'If not me then someone else...' Izuku thought back to the times he seemed to bully others in school, calling everyone extras, evening going so far in thought to remember the first time Izuku stood up to Bakugou.


"Why are you being so mean?" Little Izuku shook his head trying to get the words out, crying from the boy behind him could be heard. "Y-You're making him cry, Kacchan!" His legs shook but never budged as he stood in front of the crying boy.

The other boys behind Katsuki laughed, "Eh? What are you gonna do about it?" He taunted.

"If you keep on hurting him... Uhh..." Izuku's hands clutched tightly as he stood straighter,  "I'll, uhh... I'll stop you myself!" With determination, he spread his arms out as a protective barrier between the boy and Katsuki.

Katsuki and the others all but laughed as he began popping sparks out of his hands, "You want to pretend to be a hero?" They began running toward Izuku activating their quirks. "You don't stand a chance without a Quirk...



'If not me, someone else...' Bakugou was never as violent to someone else that wasn't him. He encouraged kids to bully him. 'If I leave then... then...' He swallow thickly, 'Someone else would be his new punching bag.' Izuku never thought about it that way. It was always just him getting hurt the way he did. He never thought someone else could be under his wrath. Bakugou hated Izuku so it always made sense he go after him but...

"I... I" He swallowed hard coming to terms with it. He may not agree with it but... He understood. "I think I understand."

His mother nodded who was still rubbing his back.


"Yes, hun?"

"I'm tired."

"That's okay... Go to sleep we should be able to go home tomorrow and I'll handle everything." She bent down giving a kiss on his forehead running her hands delicately through his, wilder than usual, curls. "Good night I love you, Izu."

"I love you too, mom."



Izuku jostles awake as the security alarm blares into his ears. Sitting up he looks around quickly but soon regrets it as everything is too bright.

"Argh! Ugh! " Suddenly feels a presence beside him grabbing his shoulders. He thinks they're speaking but it's all too painful to hear. It's like all his senses were dialed up to a thousand. Feels himself being brought into a hug as the person began rubbing his. He feels their chest vibrate meaning they're trying to talk to him again. Izuku takes a deep breath as he tries calm himself (and hopefully his senses).

"... ku, Izuku it's going to be okay. But we need to leave." Recognizing the voice immediately he chanced his luck opening his eyes. Slowly his mother's worried and scarred face came to view.


"Oh thank gods- Izuku comes on we need to leave!"

He blinked twice groggily trying to stay awake, "What?"

"There's a villain attack at the hospital!" Okay now that woke him up, "We need to hurry up and escape now!" She put his hands in her shaking ones quickly pulling him out the door and making him pull up his shirt to cover his mouth and nose. Soon as they left the room everything was smoking red and loud. A scream could be heard in the distance and cries for help were yelled. It was... It was like a warzone that only got worse the farther they went. Finally reaching the stair doors his mother ran into it shoulders first pushing it open. Never letting his hand go through it all.


His mom perked up "HELP WE'RE OVER HERE!" She waved her arm as coughing could be heard by Pawprint as he made his way to them. If they weren't in a burning building or anywhere else really Izuku would have fanboy meeting the hero.

"Are either of you hurt?" He came around ushering them to follow him as he led them toward the exit.

"N-no we're okay. What happened?" She questioned. They were low to the ground moving slowly but quickly.

"A villain, with a fire quirk, in custody laying in the villain ward, had somehow escaped and is now gone wild in the hospital, everything will be under control soon don't worry." He looked back making sure they were following behind him.

Izuku and his mom nodded,


"GET DOWN!" Pawprint pushed them out of the way then quickly helped them up and led them around the collapsed ceiling.

"Cough cough..." They went a little faster seeing that the building is collapsing a little faster than they anticipated.

"GRRRAHHH! LIKE HELL I'M GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!" A crash and a rumble could be heard from the wall beside them and then a man with a reptile-type head bust through the wall. It all happened so quickly that Pawprint didn't have enough time to dodge for the reptilian man to grab him and fling him a crossed the hallway knocking him out effectively. Seeing this his mom tighten her grip dragging him into the hole that the villain had just come out of. The villain in question felt a shifting presence behind him turn to see the two Midoriyas running. Smiling cruelly he grabbed a nearby gurney and threw it at the retreating forms.

A tingle spiked through Izuku as he instinctually use his other hand to grab his mom's arm, as they were already holding hands, and pulled her to the side just in time for a gurney to fly past them.

"Shit!" Shit indeed as Izuku couldn't blame her for using such language.

'T-that was too close... How did I even-? ' Another rumble could be heard behind them as the floor shook. Looking behind he saw the villain charge at them making big steps as he did. Immediately he pulled his mother ducking down another corridor with fewer flames.

"Come on pigGIES! I just want to plaAAAYY!" He screeches making them both flinch covering their ears. The more they ran the harder it was to breathe. It felt like they were nowhere near the exit as the dodged another object being thrown at them.

"W-we should be on the f-first floor right?" He coughed out as the ducked into a room catching whatever air of breath they could get.

"Ye-" She started coughing, they were away from the fire but the smoke filled out the building. He started patting her back as she tried to collect herself again. "Yes we should be on the first floor but-" She was interrupted by a stomp outside the door.

The villain crept down the hall with blood racking his face must've been why they were able to escape him, however, short it was. His eyes closed as he sniffed the air catching a familiar scent before smiling with glee.

"Found yOU!!!"

Their breath hitched as the quickly and quietly got up. Izuku looked around to see a window in the room.

"Mom, we're on the first floor- it s-should be safe to climb out the window." He dragged her to said window praying for it to open as they heard the footsteps get closer. Izuku unlatched the lock, thank the gods, and open the window. "Here mom go first-"

She shook her head, "No Izuku you got to get out first I'll be right behin-" The room door flew off its hinges landing close to them.

"IZUKU OUT NOW!" She pushed him out the window as he landed roughly on the ground. She followed behind falling roughly as well but quickly scrambling up. "Come on quick-" Another tingle spiked through him as he quickly tried to get up pushing his mother away but he was too late. The wall beside them busted open sending him back hitting his head hard on the ground. The impact made his vision blurry but he could blatantly see his mom's figure in the hands of the villain as she kicked and screamed hitting his arms where he held her up. Panicked, Izuku got up quickly not helping his vision and vertigo in the slightest but he couldn't worry about that as he ran to his mother reaching his hand out. Although he knows that he's very concussed and his vision isn't the best at the moment he wasn't sure if the white thing that flew out in his field of vision which came out of his wrist was real or not as it landed on the villain's eyes blinding him for a moment. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth he took the opportunity to kick the villain where it doesn't shine.

"AARRG YOU BRAT- GAAAAAH!!!" He bent over in pain dropping his mom in the process as Izuku reached for her relief-filled her eyes when tried to she reached back but in one moment everything slowed down in front of him...


It was sunny out, the birds flying out of trees, flowers blooming brightly, although it was October the warmth from the sun hit his face nicely as the gentle breeze from the fall season brushed through his hair and not even clouds to be seen. It was...


Too perfect. Like the gods spit on him when he gave up already. Because today he was burying his mother, today he lost something irreplaceable, someone who he always know would love him unconditionally- from his quirklessness, and muttering, to his tics and 'stalkerish hobbies'.

'Even though Dr. Banner said it wasn't stalkerish. What good am I if I couldn't even save my own mother?'' A tear slipped down his face, 'Worthless...' He couldn't bother wiping it away already too tired to care.

"Today we are gathered here today to mourn the sweet soul of Midoriya Inko..." The priest spoke mournfully his hand in his front holding a book.

Izuku's eye mindlessly looked around not really caring or bothering to hear what the Priest has to say. He already knows, probably the same as everyone else; 'Inko? Aw, she was such a kind person to keep a quirkless child.', 'She so strong to raise a child on her own.', 'It's a shame she wasted her life on such a thing! She was too good for this world.'. The people around him were never good at talking quietly... or discreetly. Anyways his eyes carried on the task at hand mindless looking at the fak- at the people who showed up. There was their neighbor Ms. Tika, some of his mom's colleagues, and the Bakugous who were coming near him- Bakugous coming near him?

He willed himself to focus more on the small family coming near him slowly and cautiously as if he was a scared animal that would run off at any second. Stepping closer he could see tear tracks on Aunty Mitsuki's face her mascara was slightly smudged from her tears, and he could see that the tissue in her hand has some mascara on it probably from wiping her tears and eyes. The makeup concealed it well but Izuku could tell that she hasn't slept well in days by the dark circles under her eyes. Looking over he could see his Uncle who was doing much better than the said woman, although he wasn't crying his eyes were glossy like he was staying strong to comfort anyone who needs it, especially Aunty. Then finally Katsuki who hasn't looked up at him since he's been here. The scowl on his face was still there, painted on his face but held way less heat. Even though Izuku couldn't see his eyes he could guess that he was glaring at the ground like it killed his favorite hero or something.

Izuku's eyes fell back to his aunty as she smiled wobbly, "I-Izuku, hello hun," In all the years Izuku has known the woman he has never heard her speak so... Soft? Gently? It was to say it was a different experience from the woman. "How are you feeling kiddo?" She bent down slightly to get to his height.

'Oh, you know my mom just died in front of me and I was powerless to it all being a useless worthless Deku who is now a useless worthless orphan Deku. The police still trying to get in contact with my bastard of a father who in any case I much rather be an orphan than be with him. So yeah everything is going fine how's your day going? ' He stared back at the woman wanting to be anywhere else but here around people who didn't give a damn when his mom was struggling to keep up with bills, struggling to keep food on the table, and struggling to keep jobs just because she had a quirkless son.

And so he left,

He couldn't find it in himself to care about the hurt expression that flashed on her face when he didn't answer back. He couldn't find it in himself to care that he walked away from them, couldn't find it in himself to care that he ignored their calls to him, definitely couldn't find it in himself to care that he left the funeral, getting away from the fake people who called themselves 'friends' just so they can look good or feel better about themselves wishing him false wishes, couldn't find it in himself to care that he walked into his home with his shoes on, couldn't find it in himself to care that he was laying in bed with his funeral clothes still on. All he could really find it in himself to care about is...

'I'm alone...'