
A mortal landing in mha with 3 wishes and a superhuman ability?!

humangreed000 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Meeting a being unknown

Artemis was a strange one his patience and temper was really high, he can even remain calm after he died. "What now?" he looked around an endless abyss. "3 wishes has been granted upon you by random with also choosing which world you want to stay in and your memories" a being replied.

Artemis was an otaku he was 17 and pretty smart. Yet he managed to fall victim to the mighty truck-kun. "Oh I suppose this is I-" he couldn't finish his sentence as he got hit.

Back to the conversation "wow never expected it to be so short (referring to his life) anyways my destination will be the world of my hero academia. "My first wish is to be reincarnated as Eijiro Kirishima. My second wish is to be born with my quirk and for my final wish is to have a system." "Consider it done my friend"

He looked around and saw his mother looking at him happily but sadly at the same time. After a while he realised and adapted to his situation, and tried to think 'status' a screen popped up which displayed:

Name:Eijiro Kirishima

Level:1/infinity (baby)

Str:2(6 year old strength)

Spd:0 (can't crawl)

Vit:1(as weak as a toddler because of his quirk)

Int:6 (above average)

'Pretty good' he thought and saw something else

Unlock multi conscious?

Yes or no?

He tapped yes and in doing so he realised nothing happened to him...

A few seconds later he lost consciousness then regained consciousness after an hour. His mother was panicking quite a bit but she just thought he didn't have enough sleep.

Combine multi consciousness into single hyper consciousness?

[Yes] or [no]?

Although he didn't want to pass out again or something similar like last time, his curiosity got the best of him and he tapped [Yes].

[loading... merging... complete!

New stats unlocked:

Str: +1 (due to his will)

Vit: +1 (due to his will)

Int: +1 (think faster)

Spirit/will: +3

He felt as though a massive wave of energy entered his body.

'Usually in Webnovels you get a starter pack hm il ask system' 'System!' {Generating starting pack... Complete!} 'woah I didn't even say it maybe it listens to me at all times but only actually does my command when I say it.?'

'System! Open starter pack please' {opening you got:

: Supa Supa no Mi (Dice-Dice fruit)=surpassed/adapted

A/n it took me like 5 hours looking for a good fruit rip.

:1000 SP}

'Wait give me information about the fruit System'

{it has adapted through travelling worlds and has lost all weaknesses and gained some strength some of the strength includes:

:adapts to users fighting style and body.

:permanent steel covered inside your body meaning your entire body is as hard as steel and as sharp as blades, however it looks completely normal.

:massive boost when fighting with or against something similar to its powers.

:don't restrict weight or movements

:can eat 1+ more devil fruit

'Holy that is op do I have a shop System?'


Other: (available)


Devil fruits: (available)

Surpass limits: (unlock at age 12)

Races: (unlock when you defeat the strongest person in your current world)

+500 SP (for unlocking shop)}

'Alright not bad what can I use with SP and can you make so I don't have to say SYSTEM every time?'

{Yes host and you can unlock skills or upgrade your status, upgrade skills buy stuff and more which you will unlock later on. Here is current skills available suiting you:

Iron skin: skin 2x thick without restricting movement= ~750~ =500

I write this late at night so it was a bit rushed sorry

humangreed000creators' thoughts