
A mortal is immortal

Bukhobenkosi · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 002 1 out of 56

"Sir, we should have taken the lift," Me Yuan said. "Nonsense, leg exercises are good for you," Yan Ri said exhausted while walking. They finally reached the floor rooms 40-50. Me Yuan found the room and desperately opened the door out of exhaustion. The room was quite beautiful and was the most beautiful out of all the hotel rooms Yan Ri had been in. It had a 55 inch flat screen TV, a 3 cushioned couch, the paint absolutely matched with the ceiling and the tiles on the floor and it had automatic curtains.

"Damn it's bigger than I thought but people give this hotel 3 stars, I wonder why," Yan Ri said lying on the bed. The room was really beautiful and had the most expensive furniture but it also felt weird to Yan Ri's senses. Me Yuan looked at Me Yuan looked at Yan Ri with a confused face. The room was missing something. "Sir where am I going to sleep?" the girl asked wondering for a long time. She was even looking outside the room for another bed. Yan Ri smiled and stood up. "Well Me Yuan, there is only one bed," Yan Ri said walking forward," And we are 2 so..." Me Yuan could already feel her heart racing and pumping blood rapidly.

'Are we going to sleep together' the thought alone made Me Yuan blush. "I'll sleep on the couch," he said continuing. Me Yuan looked at Yan Ri and smiled," No sir don't worry, i'll sleep on the couch then you can have the bed all to yourself." "That was not a request it was a statement," Yan Ri just smiled. Me Yuan felt bad about him sleeping on the couch while she relaxes on the bed, it was simply too disturbing but she had to do what she was told. "Right," she climbed onto bed and sat still.

She watched as Yan Ri collects and takes extra blankets from the wardrobe. "And done," he was finished with setting up his sleeping place in just half a minute which was pretty impressive. It was the weirdest way to show your ability but it would take a normal person 5 minutes to finish setting up a bed. The couch was very comfortable although it was rather crammed and if he moved he could fall. Yan Ri got into his new bed and sat up straight. They were waiting for the room service (dinner).

They would usually eat dinner in a place like a restaurant and you would oder food but for them they had to be kept a secret. The man looked like he was very frustrated earlier, maybe he thinks that Yan Ri and Me Yuan can make him lose his job. The dinner service arrived in the nick of time. "Looks like you guys have settled really well here, that's good. Here are 2 bowls of ramen and desert is ice cream custard," the man from earlier arrived with 2 bowls and 2 glasses of ice cream. The man left without saying another word.

Me Yuan looked at the food in surprise. Yan Ri looked at her and saw that she was very surprised," Why are you so surprised? Do you not like plain food? Don't worry I'll order expensive food then," Yan Ri said concerned about her. "No it's not that at all, it's just that..... I've never had such a kind friend like you sir. All my previous masters did not treat me like you do. They treated me like I'm a sort of machine but you are different from them and you show that you care," tears started to run down her cheeks. "That's wrong, you shouldn't tolerate someone who's treating you like a teddy bear to play with. Out of all the 56 guards who I have employed in the past, you are the only one to impress me. You listened to my orders and that shows me that you were trained with discipline," Yan Ri looked very frustrated as he clenched his fist but eventually stopped. "Now let's eat," Yan Ri said looking at the food with focused eyes.

Later that day

Yan Ri and Me Yuan were fast asleep, the bowls of ramen, the ice cream everything was gone. They ate all the food and there was no complaints about anything. The food was truly exquisite and it was very delicate. It wasn't a long time (about an hour past) before 4 people came into the room through the window. The people were carrying guns and heavy machinery. They all went straight to the direct of Yan Ri. "Now time to join your ancestors kid," the leader of the people held up a gun and pointed it towards Yan Ri's forehead. The guy set the gun and attempted to pull the trigger.

Clank! Clank!

The sound of metals striking together echoed the whole room. The was no bullet nor trace of blood on Yan Ri. On the wall they see a sword with two small holes with scrapes and was attached to the wall. On the other side they see Me Yuan standing there. Yan Ri was fast asleep and could not wake up yet. "Do you guys wanna kill me now?" she said smiling as she took two knives from her pocket. The leader pointed the gun at Me Yuan and pulled the trigger.

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Me Yuan was still holding her knives and she was still alive. The leader looked down at the bullets and saw that they have been sliced into two. He was very impressed by this young lady. When he pulled the trigger, no bullet came out and he needed to reload. Me Yuan knew it was her chance to beat these guys. She ran to these guys and jumped to them. Before she even knew it one of gang members held a gravitational machine which kept her off the ground.

"Alright, it's my queue to wake up," a guy dropped as blood appeared on his abdomen. The gang started to become more and more scared. There were three of them left already. Me Yuan was still floating and when she saw who it was she smiled. Yan Ri was standing there infront of them. "Let her go," he said. Those words brought fear to the hearts of the members. "Never," the leader said bringing out another gun. "If you refuse I will kill you, I will use your leader as a demonstration," he said walking forward.

The leader shot 2 bullets. Yan Ri kept on walking and the bullets just passed through him. "This is a magical spell that allows me to only show my soul and not my body. It's called Unclean Soul," he said. The leader ran and jumped to Yan Ri," I have a strategy too, suicide." He exploded while next to Yan Ri. "You don't listen do you? I said I can't be hurt," the dust cleared and Yan Ri was still there. He jumped up and held Me Yuan and dropped with her. "Sir you're doing really great," she said. "Hey Me Yuan do me a favour and kill me just once," Yan Ri said infront of her. Me Yuan had no words to say. "I know it's too hard but I won't.... bwaaargh," Blood splattered from Yan Ri.

A long knife went in and came out of Yan Ri's lower back and abdomen. He fell down. "Sir?" Yan Ri didn't reply