
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
127 Chs

Ch 70

Me:"I don't see why it is such a big deal my concern has always been about my desires and how I can profit"

Istaqa:"That is true he has never made that a secret so what do we have to offer for the identity of the decedent of Hecate"

Me:"Nothing because it's not for sale and I won't give it because it is more profitable for you to use my services as a intermediary instead of direct contact were you would try to cut me out of the deal"

Devon:"So your goal is to keep milking us for more money?"

Me:"Not just money but other advantages it's like a wise man once said there is more to be made in treating a disease than curing one"

Devon:"Could you please stop your killing the image of the spirits which we elves believe to be sacred"

Me:"Yeah but most worship the good or neutral spirits ignoring the evil spirits entirely so your concept is not really a fair assessment now is it?"

Aranel:"He is right historically speaking..."

Elrond:"It doesn't matter he is not a true spirit!"

Me:"Trying to look for a new angle because you can't scream human anymore to me because if we are going to talk history, historically elves served titans alongside the humans and giants just as faithfully as they served the spirits which is why when the gods invaded killing both titans and spirits enslaving all their followers the titans fought on the frontline to protect their people allowing the spirits to take the elves and the giants to run abandoning humanity as most had turned traitor working for the gods but now one sits among you and still you seek to find fault are the elves so ungrateful?"panic is on everyone's face

Aranel:"Is what you mentioned true?" pale with shock

Me:"Whenever I reveal such facts in the past I'm sure you verified it with your leadership in communication with their contracted spirits or you can ask the one hiding on you that you thought I never noticed maybe it's privy to such information although good and neutral spirits tend to withhold information for your own good as they say where as evil spirits don't care about such things as long as were appeased"

hidden spirit:"That is because your kind are inherently selfish and completely disregard the the consequences!"

Me:"It is better than to be deceitful through omission like you little storm spirit"

Devon:"Heng is what he said true about the titans and the spirits?"

Heng:"I don't know about the titans it was before my time evil spirits wouldn't value such information as for the spirits protecting your..."

Me:"I would be careful with that little spirit good spirits tend see the end justifying the means so if he thinks you are a threat..."

Heng:"How dare you make such an accusation when I am trying to..."

Me:"Twist the facts about how you and your masters are shaping the elves to fit your image if not for the evil spirits and the fairies the elves would have been conquered years ago without them ever realizing it"

Aranel:"What do you mean!?" fear in her eyes

Me:"Haven't you figured it out yet spirits ultimately control the major factors of your society and because of the general bias the evil spirits get sealed and the good spirits are left unchecked leaving an imbalance as they continue to guide you to become what they want and you like content sheep willingly move to your pen" Devon runs out of the room

Heng:"What have you done!?"

Me:"Careful he might do something for the greater good hahaha okay seems like this meeting is over Angela and Elizabeth follow me" hearing my warning she sealed Heng inside a ring as I leave the room with my two girls