
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 3

I beginning to come around to the idea of an advanced world mostly because of the basics that you don't know you would have missed once they're gone most importantly the bathroom. It only really occurred to me when I was using it. I would have missed out on all the easy ways to cover up a murder as most deaths that occur in a home happen in there (no the irony is not lost on me It just the facts). I mean when that old pot bellied butler Winston didn't show the proper respect to his betters when he used insult me ways he thought I didn't understand so decided to kill him in way he wouldn't understand.

It wasn't hard biomancy finally proved useful in its first live test. I took some flowers changed it's properties into three different compounds that when combined form a mild paralytic mixed them with the pretentious dick's bath soaps. Why three compounds because the old man had peculiar wash regimen exfoliation, cleanser and scented soaps in that order I even created a soul trap for good measure. So when the other servants found the old toad they just assumed he slipped broke his neck in shower. So when I asked about where he went they said he retired to be with his family it took everything in me not to laugh and keep a depressed look.

The shocked look Winston's face made it all worth it at first he didn't suspect me even when I retrieved his soul from the soul trap hidden inside the light in the bathroom. He tried to get me release him but instead I decided to come clean 🤣 with dear old Winston and informed him it wasn't accident and how he would serve one last time. Needless to say he was pissed and such foul language to use in front of a child I couldn't be more pleased transform him into the foundation of my spirit altar.

With all the sweet nothings Winston whispered in my ear I took him to the woods a little outside the mansion for a moon lit stroll. I told him it was my first time doing this and I wouldn't be gentle he screamed for hours as I refined his soul into my spirit altar his fear, hatred and pain helped create a solid bedrock of negative feelings that would make it easier create my own spiritual domain. I didn't need to use a soul to create my altar anything would do but would require more power to forge into one. My original plan was to use a refined mana crystal but with such an opportunity in front of me how could I resist.

Over the course of the next three years I improved in my studies enough to garner the attention of the main house. This was mostly because I'm grown man in a child's body but also because combat instruction whether it be magic or otherwise I took like a fish to water. I didn't waste all my time in getting good grades not long after Winston's retirement two teenage girls were recruited to take up his slack. The blonde with a average body and no outstanding features that almost blends in with the background and the tubby not really fat black hair, tan rough skin and acne. The blonde girl name Shelley and the brunette Alice.

Your probably wondering what do these homely creatures have to do with anything. The answer is simple my spirit shrine needs to be nurtured as the mansion lacks spirits to become my subjects and I'm only half spirit anyway I decided to get these girls to look after it. In order to do this I needed to get them on my side before they are completely recruited to any faction in the mansion so I used the one thing almost all women crave beauty. I first cornered Shelley in the solarium because it would be easier to fix "plain Jane".

Me: "Shelley would like to be beautiful and...." before I could finish she cut me off

Shelley: "Yes whatever you want if can make me pretty I'm yours" not one to look a gift horse in the mouth I agreed

Me: "Good meet me in the woods behind the mansion"

As it turned out when I did some covert digging into Shelley I found out she only started working here to save up for beauty potion which are not only expensive but hard to find and the affects are minimal at best to be beautiful from plain according to the ether net one would need fiftythree bottles which easily explained why it was so easy to recruite her as flesh sculpting magic hasn't been successfully created many do try but still have yet to perfect it. So that night while Shelley was stumbling around the woods with Ironically target numbertwo:

Me: "Shelley so glad you made it do you still want our deal but why did you bring Alice" it's always good to make someone believe they can back out.

Shelley:"More than anything she is my friend we started working here for the same reason" still not getting the cost

Me:"That still doesn't answer my question why is she here" I direct my glare at Alice I need piggy to speak for herself

Alice:"I want to be beautiful and I'm willing to give everything for it" she doesn't realize how true her words will be

Me:"Good follow me"

I lead Shelley and Alice to my spirit altar which at the moment kinda looks like crystallized tree sprout with purple energy running through it. Every spirit is stronger closer to their altar which is why we're here plus I need to bind them as my slaves "who needs trust when you control their souls".

Me:"Alright here we are now take these needles and prick your finger and let a drop of your blood land on the sapling" handing needles Shelley and Alice

Alice:"That's it?"

Me:"I thought you wanted this maybe I overestimated your resolve"

Alice:"No! I do want this I was just expecting more"

Me:"I offer a quick and easy way to get what you want and it's problem? I guess you don't need my help" with a look of contempt on my face

Shelley:"She didn't mean it!" she glared at Alice and said "just do what he said!"

After they follow my instructions the paralytic agent I coated the needles with kicks in. The energy generated from the blood mixes with my energy before piercing into their souls fusing and binding them to me. In order keep other beings from tampering with my property I tattoo a tramp stamp with the excess energy (with this any extra mana gets harvested by altar). Then I began to hold up my end of the bargain looking at their fear filled eyes I begin to reshape them to my liking.

Shelley's hair goes from pale and flat to golden and curly, her eyes become a deep like sapphires I raised cheek bones give her full lips give a large bust fix the arch in her back and added a little more to back end to make it pop when I finished Shelley looked like a beautiful angel.

Alice on the other hand was getting a different makeover for questioning me her short shaggy mop was transformed to long wavy locks, her skin kept its tan but became soft and smooth without blemish all her excess fat moved to her tits and ass I rounded hips made her eyes into smoldering sultry coals her lips full and pouty. It wasn't even a question she embodied sex itself.

Me:"I fulfilled my end of the bargain you both now belong to me and I got big plans for you two in the future" I said removing the paralytic with a smile