
ch 2

When I finally came to I realized I'm currently three years old. While looking around the room I notice there is a maid there she looks skinny no T or A she is as pale as a sheet but what stands out most is how close she tries to be to the door and the look of fear in her eyes.

This makes me look around the room for any threat until it hits me she is looking at me now normally I wouldn't have been bothered by a look of pure dread but currently I'm three years old. With that thought I look at my hand see a normal child's hand except for one minor thing I see that is purplish tendrils of energy crawling through my skin. As if on cue in walks one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen with long flowing curly black hair luscious lips hour glass figure long legs that command attention plumpness where it is needed and hips that sway hypnotically. Were it not for the insane look in her gold colored eyes I would have assumed this woman was a angel.

All my instincts tell me to run as fast and as far as possible and keep going. That was case until she said:

"So how is my little boy doing today."

It came flooding back this psychotic is my mother! The reason I say psychotic is because my first memory is of her getting pissed at a Male servant for pouring her hot tea that was too cold using magic to heat the tea in the pot to point of boiling and forcing him chug it all down killing him. Neat so this world does have magic while I'm thinking this a smile forming on my face she gets excited.

"So you are happy to see your mommies we as well"

no you didn't misread it because her shadow began to move and peer over her shoulder. When she noticed the look on my face...

"This is your other mom in order make you special mommy made a deal with a Royal class Wraith your dad." she says with eyes full of love.

So apparently to make one of wishes work he had to find a nutcase who so happened to be nobility that allowed herself to be be possessed and her partner who so happened to be possessed by a Wraith king in order to create me. She was then secretly placed in a mansion in the country side by her father under heavy surveillance by mages raised by the family so she doesn't get in contact with dear old dad again. They also couldn't remove the shade because she willingly allowed it to possesse her and wasn't willing undergo an exorcism.

Eventually two years later because I had not shown any signs of instability the main house sent sword master the family sword techniques. When the mages weren't monitoring my mother they acted as tutors of general knowledge magic and alchemy. In order for humans to do magic they needed foci and incarnations and only advanced mages could do silent incarnations only certain races like elves, dragons and fairies don't require foci but usually limited by the number of elements. Exceptions to this rule include shamans which are limited by their spirit contracts and priests by their chosen deity.

Ofcourse whenever my mothers had time my human mother would ramble on about my father or some nonsense she thought about me all the while my shade mother would teach about my spirit half in secret. Apparently don't use foci or incarnations but instead grow and evolve using spirit altars to gather power but limited initially as weak spirits can only use one domain of power which is why they work under stronger spirits or form contracts with shamans. Ghosts aren't natural spirits which is why they turn to violence or possession feeding on victims rarely ever learning alternatives.

Now that I'm older I begin to notice a inconsistencies from what I thought was supposed be in a fantasy world and what was not. I also wonder how such as communication rings (which I wrote off at first because mom is a high risk person) that allow video calls that even servants have, modern kitchens no wood stove instead powered by mana but when I saw holograms showing a sitcom comedy in a maid's personal enchanted crystal projector I knew nothing about this world.

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