
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 28

Thankfully I was guaranteed at least one enemy from the Griffin house as they were long time rivals of the Hydra family they are famous knight focused family in the empire that uses a code of chivalry to dictate their lives and shun magicians they are surnamed after the fact they use griffins as their mounts and the only to successfully generation after generation breed them as well as the only family to be able use griffins successfully as mounts as opposed to the Hydra family whose name originally came from whole sale slaughter to the point of near genocidal fervor then later using said creatures as weapons against any who would oppose them ignoring codes as chivalry and decency as they ruthlessly destroy any all things between them and their desires.

This means all I had to do was show I'm the best of my generation from my family and automatically I would become the target of their ire but as they were a guaranteed enemy they barely counted so I needed to have another four personal enemies but the entire event was not only about enemies it was also about making connections so the key here was to make strategic decisions and not alienate those who would be useful or become potential obstacles the problem that also existed was said enemy also had to be of certain level of power to dictate a level of respect in other words he or she must be my peer in some form but it is also frowned upon to only use family status and I can't pick someone whose enemy card is full up unless they personally challenge me in some form as that makes one no better than a common thug all these rules aren't official so some don't follow but are usually new families or weak and declining families with few exceptions.

As far as alliances are concerned there is no particular set limits imposed upon it although if if I partnered up with someone similar to the Griffin family which was severely unlikely I would be forced to act in accordance to their level of ethics in order to maintain a relationship with them seeing as that for me is an impossibility I would rather choose not antagonize them to stay off their Dudley do right radar I don't need to make problems where there are none as for those I can use well as long as they are not hard liners when it comes to morality it will be pretty easy for me to make them dance to my tune as I have decades of experience to pull from.

When the day of the ball finally arrived lord Eric, the three cousins and I are currently are minutes away from making our entrance to greet the guests which have arrived and are currently mingling amongst one another lord Eric properly introduced me to my cousins while we waited but I didn't bother learning their names with the exception of Elizabeth who filled out very nicely since I last saw her like all nobels she's very pretty but unlike most girls in her age group at fourteen she is stacked to the point it becomes an impossible task to not check her out although lord Eric seems to manage making me wonder if his dick still works and how I can get her alone so I can educate her on the topic of men and women while I'm plotting how to get away with rape it becomes time make our appearance we are introduced then forced to mingle unfortunately due to this I lose Elizabeth in the crowd while random nobel youths drone on and on while.

random nobel youth:"Its good make your acquaintance I'm blah blah of the blah blah family..."

This shit goes on and on with different young nobels all too desperate for my time to try and incite me to be their enemy or kissing my ass to be my ally and none worth my time as those wishing to be my enemy are too far beneath me and the others are not even fit to be my henchmen luckily when I finally catch sight of Elizabeth once again as she is currently looking around for help to escape her predicament as a handsome but greasy looking nobel from the black family is trying to pressure her into a relationship with him but as this event is for the younger generation the older generation just leave her to her fate lucky me as this hits two birds with one stone I can force her into my camp and get my first enemy as this greasy shit stain perfectly fits the criteria for me.

Elizabeth:"As I stated before James I need time to excuse myself to greet the rest of the guests it would be rude to them if I didn't" with fear and concern in her eyes

James Black:"But you can't possibly deny me the pleasure of your company as we are in the middle of a conversation" he began to reach toward her as she shied away "perhaps we just need to get better acquainted" run bitch!

Me:"Elizabeth have you found yourself a lover?" catching both their attention

Elizabeth:"No its just...." stammering for an answer while looking at me with pleading eyes

James Black:"How dare you interrupt us!?"

Me:"Then why are you wasting time here with this grease stain" blatantly ignoring James while staring at Elizabeth

James:"Do you have any idea who I am?!" his face is changing colors from pure rage

Me:"James Black of the black family you grew up in one of branches of your family upon noticing your talents in swordplay and curse magic you were moved to the main family where you were trained to be a dark knight were you made a name for yourself as a undefeated knight drunk on your success you challenged Angela of the Griffin family suffering your first and only loss ruining your image as the strongest of the young generation in other words not worth my notice"