
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 27

I'm ten years old going on elven in a few days which means I only have two years until I have to meet the elves in the imperial academy I thought that meant I had five years to establish myself and begin laying the ground work on becoming a shadow power running the world from the shadows starting wars introducing new and fun drugs into the populus instead I had to leave the fun side project of a coup d'etat of the sultanate in far less capable hands of Amin and the Lernea household to act as a go between for me and my fiancee's Savita faction who are currently working with us so they can assume control not actually being there makes it infinitely more difficult to plan on the eventual betrayal that the Stheno house is definitely going to try because if it were me I would wipe out my potential competitors such as Lernea house Amin his family and of course Savita because you can't trust who can betray their own family its just she doesn't see it yet.

The portal was completed a week before my return using biomancy I created new strains of plants that are now being processed into drugs to help finance the my endeavors of course the Lernea household was all too happy to take over production of this new stream of revenue and strengthening their power base being the only company that can produce the new trending drug as the plant exists nowhere else on the planet currently and comes with added bonus of boosting natural mana reserves making the highly addictive product to not only be in demand among the slums but also among the nobility a curative was developed to cancel out its addictive aspects but was kept under wraps as a insurance policy in case of heavy criticism from the public about it or from the sultan himself.

Now I'm back in the empire waiting on some pretentious cunt to look me over to see if I can run the race or if I need to be put down but being back in the empire is not all bad I got to enjoy Shelley and Alice and see a real life traumatized asshole usually after I'm done ruining people I never see them again its nice to know that Albert's life is destroyed beyond a shadow of doubt while I'm busy reminiscing about the good times the grand elder approached.

Grand Elder:"Was there any particular reason you decided to sow the seeds of civil war in the sultanate?"

Me:"Well that is what happens when I am left unsupervised"

Grand Elder:"Forget it I don't care I'm not here for that, Victor Crowley's personal ass licker is going to be here at our estate during the grand ball we will be hosting to welcome the younger generation to high society during this please try not make more enemies than absolutley necessary"

Me:"More than necessary?"

Grand Elder:"If you have absolutely no enemies it just means you are not worth the effort and it is unseemly in the empire while too many just means you are a liability of course you are still required to attend a party thrown by your enemy because it is a sign of weakness not to unless your excuse is good enough tongues will wag of course unofficially everyone is your enemy at these things"