
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 17

When I arrived at the capital of the sultanate my vehicle was stopped on our way to the central section of the capital as only nobility and servants that were heavily restricted and given clearance were permitted to enter to enter this section as the only way to enter or exit were these check points because not only was there a chasm surrounding it but also a nearly imperceptible shield as our vehicle approached we were stopped by sultanate guards.

Guard 1:"I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the vehicle"

Me:"Is there a problem officer?" not stepping out of the vehicle

Guard 1:"We have reason to believe you are trying to illegally enter the nobel district now step out the vehicle" keeping an even voice

Me:"And if you are wrong how will you compensate me for making such a bold and disrespectful statement?" still not moving

Guard 2:"Just shut the fuck up filthy mixed mongrel"

As guard 2 opens the door and forcibly removed me from my vehicle ignoring the driver before his partner could say anything and takes a few swings at my face it isn't until his partner pulls him off me that he stops and this is the reason I didn't want to come naga are big on racial purity unless they are decedents of powerful serpents which then becomes a bragging point now I'm a fan of oppression but not when it is used on me

So in order to get revenge for this humiliation and and make the guards suffer although they were right because I'm not a naga my current identity is the bastard son of Amin so how dare they command then beat me for any reason while they are naga and rank above the average citizens of the sultanate I'm currently nobility so who the fuck do they think they are! I then pushed mana into my signet ring I got from Amin but I also alter my aura similar to the point it resembles a Hydra from the time I first got my familiar who while in my soul helped me keep control over my mind while using the aura.

One of the few things Amin taught me was that naga and other reptilian people were sensitive to aura which is how the ring functions as it radiates an aura that reflects rank house and lineage and can only be made by the head of the house which it belongs to and only be used by those he authorized my Hydra aura on the other hand is based loosely on the Hydra queen I encountered and have refined into my own making the guards upon feeling it realize they fucked up.

Guard 1:"Your lordship I know things have gotten out of hand but I remind you that we are guards in service to the sultan"

I say nothing but apply more pressure from my aura because fun fact aura when applied on races highly dependent to it can do harm or help naga are really influenced by more powerful snake lineages in this case hydra using my aura I reached out grabbing on to them draining their ability to resist leaving the both of them helpless walking over to guard 1 I grabbed him.

Guard 1:"Wait! what are you doing you can't do this I'm a guard of the sultan!"

While ignoring what he said I begin to drag him to the edge of the chasm and fling him in and return to give guard 2 my undivided attention.

Guard 2:"I'm sorry I was wrong I shouldn't of laid my hands on you please don't do this!"

I could have created a weapon of some sort but because he used his fist I decided to do the same thing and continue to keep punching him but never letting go unconscious or numb until I see guards approaching then I just fling him into the chasm to find his partner as the driver is shivering in his seat unable to abandon me even after seeing me blatantly murder two guards in order to prevent the situation from before from repeating itself I keep my ring and aura active as these new guards approach.

new Guard:"Sir if I may inquire about the situation before we arrived if it isn't too much of a bother"

I give them a brief rundown of what occurred before their arrival they promptly apologized and called for another set guard of guards to provide me with an escort so I can arrive at my temporary residence in the capital unmolested and that his how my first day in capital came to an end.