
A monster second chance

this story is being written out of boredom no scheduling of releases just when I can this story is about a VILLAIN so he might in the future do some fucked up shit it most certainly isn't a redemption story Morales and such are just concepts that don't stick to this teflon jerk. there might be a harem or just a string of encounters he won't try to stop evil he was a great evil himself if you're looking for good guys saving the day and freedom for all your screwed

Guardian1 · Fantasy
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127 Chs

ch 16

In order to develop an alternate persona we leave the confines of the the Hydra estate by means of yet another secret portal in secret room below the dungeon of course before I left I had the grand Elder promise to secure my possessions so I don't come home to same scenario that occurred after the hydra familiar ceremony.

Emerging from the portal the environment is drastically different instead gray cement flooring and featureless walls it is now white tiled floors pillars and statues kinda feels like the of a drug lord I once knew the first person to greet us is red scaled lizard woman who for most part looks human with minor exceptions of scales here and there and her tail she is dressed like a harem girl which I greatly appreciate as she is very pretty with her orange eyes.

harem girl:"Greetings honored guests atabeg Amin has tasked me to guide you to the garden where he awaits your arrival"

Big Boi:"An atabeg is a governor but also nobility in other words he inherits his role" he explained as we follow the little harem girl

Apparently we are outside the human empire and now in the sultanate of the naga which shares borders with the human empire and the draconic theocracy apparently naga refuse to acknowledge dragons as the supreme reptiles and instead prefer serpentine creatures at the top of the totem pole and view dragons as pretenders to the throne this also why the Hydra family is respected in these lands and and are seen as unofficial nobility even though they are human and not publicly accepted but it is an open secret.

With Big Boi talking in my ear about everything and anything of naga culture we finally arrive to the garden which is more tropical than what I'm used to back home and needlessly flashy to the point of being gaudy in the center sipping tea and petting a large and clearly endangered species of bird is male naga in a fanciful outfit kinda like prince the singer his hair is perfectly styled his face takes on feminine qualities and he's clearly wearing makeup to highlight that fact waving girlish fashion toward us.

Amin:"Yoohoo boys I'm so glad you came all this way to see little old me" first a sumo ninja and now a feminine snake man

Big Boi:"Didn't you read the entire dossier or were you too high to bother" frustration clear in his voice

Amin:"Of course I read it my Bff your grand Elder wrote it I'm just making polite conversations as a civilized individual should considering what is being asked of me it shouldn't be too much trouble for you to show some decorum"

Me:"What is being asked?" I ask feeling dread

Amin:"Well apparently I had a son with a palace maid who I confused with a whore in my drug addled state"

Me:"Did it say you thought it was a man?"

Amin:"Why would that matter? I heard you have a skill that can alter your body so you're going to need to add some serpent features to look like my son"

And just like that I spent time with my new father who happened to be a heavy drug user and didn't seem to care about his job more interested in wild parties than politics over the course of months he paraded me around as his fith son that he only recently found out after the had died and a doctor secretly sent the information to him like what happened with his third son.

When I wasn't attending parties with Amin I was learning ways to sneak around the city unnoticed and help eliminate Amin's enemies from the shadows or finding blackmail in order to keep them in line giving him a stronger hold over the the city.

Big Boi didn't only teach me about assassination and espionage but also about elven culture, philosophy and history apparently besides eating he also excelled at cultural studies of non human species which is why they assigned him to me in the first place but that wasn't all shockingly he was also our kingdom's second best assassin making me wonder how he killed all his targets did he sit on them or just eat them when I asked he disappeared into fat air and kicked me in the back of my head.

Recently though because the sultan's sultana has given birth a son the nobility are expected to come to the capital to celebrate the birth of a new prince unfortunately I literally drew the short straw so now I'm being sent to represent Amin and on top of that I have to come up with a gift for sultan's family before the party as it seemed like too much of a bother for something that is my problem according to Amin.