
Chapter 41

The words seem to stop everyone in their tracks as they turn to look at her. Whispers of 'human form?' are heard. She ignores them all, choosing instead to think about it. It's true that she showed herself in her human form to not make them afraid. She honestly planned to remain like that, but her Pokémon form gave her the increased strength that she needed to help them escape.

She lets her mental hum be heard so everyone can know she's thinking about it. She knows that although some people here will report what they have seen, few people will take them seriously. Maybe if she takes a chance and reveals herself on her own terms to some of the higher-ups like the Colonel or Peggy Carter, showing only them who she really is…

She nods at last. 'Okay, I would do so, but later on.'

"Can we see it now?" a dark-skinned man spoke up, curiosity clear in his voice, while some of the surrounding guys chattered loudly, filled with anticipation.

She is hit with a wave of emotion. 'Critical hit' she thinks when she sees their tired but excited faces, and the puppy eyes. So, with a sigh, she says, 'Okay, but better give me some clothes, as otherwise I'll appear naked.'

They look between each other and their sweaty, dirty clothes.

She sighs, but still points to the dark-skinned man who talked earlier. "May I know your name?"

He startles but, with a straightened back, he answers, "Gabriel Jones. Call me Gabe, though."

"Okay, Gabe. Would you lend me your jacket for a while?"

He only blinks once and without giving much thought, he takes off his jacket, which is big and warm and would cover her whole upper body and half of her lower half. She takes it via telekinesis and when it's near her; she uses to cover her. Then, thinking it won't be enough, she uses a low powered Dazzling Gleam and when everyone's covering their eyes because of the light; she changes into her human form.

The flash only lasts for a second, but the effects still remain as she can see them blinking quickly, with their posture ready to attack.

… Maybe surprising people who just escaped imprisonment isn't the best idea. Oops?

'It was me. Calm yourself, please,' she says in their minds and when they turn to look at her, she's quick to add, this time by talking with her mouth, "Sorry."

Her voice startles some of them, especially the nearest to her, as she's been a little loud for those that are in the back.

Murmurs run around as they ogle at her. She tries to ignore their intense, incredulous looks, but it's hard. Especially when they're whispering and pointing at her. Still, she manages a tight smile. The people she's talked to so far seem to be amazed at the show of emotions more easily seen in her human form.

Bucky, who has already seen this form, walks up to her and gives her shoulder a friendly pat. "Hey, haven't noticed your hair is blue. Shouldn't it be green or yellow?"

He says in reference to her shiny Deoxys' form, which, yeah; she forgot about that. Her hair is blue because her Mew form has blue fur, or she guesses it's because of that. Anyway, there's nothing she can do about it, so she shrugs. "I can't change it."

"You're still the shortest among us," Dungan notes in reference to her Deoxys' form, which shouldn't be above 1.70, but it's still larger than her barely 1,58 in her human form.

"But now you're cute," Jacques says with a flirty smile.

She glares at him, startling him and making him wary. Though her pouting and her 'I'm always cute' grumble disperse the thought that he offended her somehow.

Still, feeling self-conscious of her height, she floats up slightly. To be seen better is what she justifies to herself. She says both out loud and in their minds, "Okay, Gentlemen. Better go. I'll grab you, now."

And with that, she grabs everyone one by one. As opposed to her sudden grab when they escaped, she's gentle this time, to not freak them out. It's harder because she's still not used to using her powers in her human form, even if it's much easier than the first time she tried it with Tony.

Ignoring the pang of guilt and sadness at thinking of her friend, she focuses on the matter at hand. Choosing to change her form to Deoxys once again, she returns the jacket to Gabe. Her mood a bit down because of her thoughts. She promises herself then that when she's alone, she'll deal with her emotions regarding Tony.


Almost six hours after she started the trip, as planned, she stops a kilometer from where the perimeter starts. She's slightly tired because it's been almost twenty-four hours since she's been awake, with almost eight hours passing with her using her powers almost constantly. So yeah, she's tired.

She won't complain though as it seems something silly to do when the men she's been carrying have suffered worse things while being in captivity. She's also hungry, but would only eat after the others have eaten as she's heard some have been eaten the minimum for weeks. And going on by their shallow cheeks, it shows.

It's early morning when she put them down onto the ground, awakening those that have fallen sleep with a small nudge of her mind. Most have tried to remain awake, but it was a futile effort when she started rocking them as one does a small kid. She refrained from using her Sing to make them rest as she assumed it would not be well-received to make them sleep after the ordeal they suffered. She doesn't want to do anything without their consent.

"You seem tired, girlie," Dungan says when he sees her rubbing one eye. Morita looks at her droopy eyes, visible even in her Deoxys form, and gives Dungan a dry look. "Really? Wouldn't have guessed."

She shots him an eye-smile, which must look ridiculous with her droopy eyes. At least, she's not in human form as the previous shape of her eyes seems to have followed her into this life as they are the half lidded type that makes her look even more tired when she's sleepy and without makeup.

Steve, who has been looking at the guys she's still slowly putting down, careful to not make them smash the trees, turns his head towards her with a concerned gaze. "With this terrain, it will take us one or two hours to arrive at the camp. Do you want anyone of us to carry you?"

Gabe, who has asked her to call him by his first name and without a Mister behind it, scratches his head as he squints at her.

"Yeah, a catnap would be good to recover some energy," he says, which makes her giggle because her natural form is the one of a cat-like Pokemon. The others give her curious looks, which she just waves a hand at them.

'Not making fun or anything, just reminded me of something.' She then thinks about it and decides to shake her head. 'You're tired, too. I may be not the heaviest, but I don't think carrying me for over two hours would be okay.'

"I can do it," Steve is quick to say. And yeah, maybe he could do it, but still…

They see the doubt on her face, so Bucky is quick to add, " You can change your body, don't you have a smaller form then?"

She considers the proposal. Maybe she can use a smaller form she's not used before. She rules out Mew because it is already known in the future, and she also rules out Linoone for the same reason. Her Gallade has been seen while fighting Obadiah. She only has Hatterene, which is too big; Milotic, which is the same as Hatterene; and Alolan Raichu.

She smiles wryly. There's no need to think about it more, is it?

Transforming into the cute Alolan Raichu, she now has to tilt her head up to look at the others, who are now looking down at her. She turns to Steve and does her best impression of a little kid's 'up' gesture with her paws, accompanied by what she knows is a cute smile.

She gets a quirking up of lips from most. Before Steve can crouch to lift her up, she herself floats up to his arms. Luckily, they can't see her blush because being so near to his sculpted body makes her flustered.

Steve cradles her like a baby, being careful with her tail. When he's found a good position, he asks, "Better?"

'Yes, thank you,' she answers with a yawn. Trying not to nuzzle against his chest, she closes her eyes.



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