
A mermaids tale....literally

CVL · Fantasy
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The red haired mermaid

12 years later

It was another glorious day in the sea world below. Fish swam in unison. The coral bright as before. The kelp flowing with the tide. For one merman named Nafion ( short for Neptune ; god of the sea).

He was a prince of the sea but also a soldier just like other mermen. The only difference he was 1 of Many young mermen that were spared at a young age during the massacre of mermaids. He remembered his mother but was told of how mermaids fought all mermen for power and died in the process.

He never spoke of the pain. He truly concealed within himself. He hid the pain and never spoke about his mother again. By the time he turned 18 he became more distant from those around him. He just went out for most of the day 'patrolling' (swiming around, free time) to keep himself busy.

On this particular day he was out but not alone. He swam until he noticed at the corner of his eye a red spec. He turned his head and hid behind some coral. He saw what he thought to be another fellow merman with long red hair and thought to himself,

"I don't remember seeing him around here?"

He followed it and kept thinking. "This merman's body is oddly shaped…..-" he hid as much as possible but still kept sight as the red spec's body. He stared and analyzed how his waist had an oddly hour glass. He stopped thinking when the red haired merman finally turned around only to reveal an innocent angelic face. It hit him like a bull shark. She was a mermaid. But how? How can there even be one existing? Let alone alive?

Right then and there he stopped thinking. All that ran through his mind was She was beautiful with vibrant red hair. He also noticed how thin she was. They were far from the the school of fish that would swim around and hardly any fish or sea animals would be in the line area she was at. Right then and there he felt a pulling connection towards her. He used the his natural ability to pull the tide towards her. A long single huge strand of seaweed flowed towards her. She stopped and smiled. She swam over to it as he had a good look at her tale realizing that her tale was a beautiful vibrant blue /green her hair was past her waist. Her skin was fair but had an iridescent glow. He smiled at the warm feeling until something in his head screamed 'MATE'.

He stopped as fear and anxiety creeped up his spine like a hermit crab. He feared for her safety and for the others. He continued to watch as he realized that she broke off the roots of the kelp strand. She swam to the sea floor and dug a hole. She kissed the small plant in her hands. And placed it in the hole so it may continue it's life.


That's all that ran though my head. How perfect she looked and free she was but in the back of my mind I was being told:

"You can't trust them."

"What are you thinking?!"

"They will kill her on site."

That was my fear in an instant. I can't let her die.

There was the sound of dolphins making a call and she smiles swimming over to the pod of dolphins while eating seaweed. I watch her swim off. I immediately waited a good distance and started following her. I followed her as she swam with the pod. But the odd thing was the pod surrounded her as if she was one of their young. I stopped as I realize it was getting late. I had to swim off seeing as I had to make my journey on land again. But knowing this pod of dolphins they will be here tomorrow.