
A Match Made In Steel

A man doesn't need a lot to be happy, such a man was Cedrick Cassiel. He had everything he wanted and more. Emphasis on the had, because he couldn't prevent the tragedy that struck him and his family by the hands of a psychopathic serial killer. Following his death, he was granted the name Eldris by a powerful Death God, linked with the last legacy of said Death God's best friend and now without a family or friends of his own, he finds himself in another world - a world of Cultivation. Men and women alike ignite their spirits and traverse the world in pursuit of Power, Prestige or Knowledge. Immortality isn't a dream in this world, it is real and everyone is after it. But there's just one problem... Eldris is a stone. As an inanimate object, his life and any ambitions that he could ever possibly have in this world have been scattered in the wind. Eldris finds time to overcome his grief and move on. Or maybe he's distracted by the crippling insanity that is an added perk of becoming a stone. But he makes friends along the way and that's the important part. Read on, dear Reader! Because Eldris' real life has only just begun. --------------------------------------- A/N: This is my first time writing a story. Expect Mistakes by the dozen, but that doesn't mean I won't try to make this enjoyable content. Criticism is appreciated, so leave your honest reviews, it would help me as an author to make more amazing stories for you. Give the novel a try even if you feel unsure about the synopsis. Also this novel won't have a harem, same could be said for probably all the novels I write in the future. !!! This novel is something I have yet to make a serious dedication to, the update schedule is nonexistent. I won't drop it until it's completed but chapters will be slow. You have been warned dear reader, I am a lazy Author.(To anyone who may have been reading this, I won't be updating for a while. I don't think my writing skills are good enough portray this novel, with all the plans I have in store for it. I want this novel to be something good, so for now I will be learning from other works by authors more skilled than I, and trying to improve my skills. I will update the synopsis when I feel I can continue with this novel. I'm currently in the process of re-writing the Prologue and first chapter of Volume 1. This will be their final versions, that means no more rewrites unless they're edits like grammatical errors etc, but the story stays the same.)

Muranshin3 · Eastern
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Prologue: Everything a man needs


The Prologue will be about the Main character's life before he is transmigrated and I will be referring to events that happened in the prologue from time to time, as well as other things from the MC's past that weren't mentioned here. If you don't want to read it then just skip to the first volume, there'll be a short recap in the Author's Thoughts section.


Cedrick Cassiel had everything a man could ever need, and everything he himself could ever want.

His job, his house, his family and heck even his old beatdown Toyota Tundra, all of it made life slow but peaceful, like a breeze.

Wake up, Eat and then brush, and take a shower after that. Brushing can get quite messy sometimes. Use mouthwash, after the shower, to ensure your teeth remain healthy throughout the day.

Then give a goodbye kiss to the missus...

"I love you, Maggy."

"Mmm, Love you too dear, with everything that's happening you better come back safe you hear?"

"Could I call myself a soldier if I survived a decade long war but died now? Besides I'll be back before you can say-"


Margaret watched through the window as her husband ran across the street and out of sight. "That man is too old to have so much energy..." She sighed. "And he forgot to wake Caleb."

After that he's welcomed with a delicious dinner and his loving family.

Of course there were some bumps in the road, Cedrick recently lost his father to cystic fibrosis, which was a chronic lung disease. The symptoms were hidden for a while, which allowed the disease to develop. When the symptoms finally began to show, it was too late to change anything.

There was a relatively high chance that Cedrick had Cystic fibrosis too as his mother was a carrier but didn't suffer from the disease itself. His mum currently lived with him as he didn't want her to live alone or stay in a nursing home.

Although he was currently grieving, he tried hard not to show how much pain he was in. He thought it was unfair on others if they had to deal with his own problems so he kept things like this to himself.

It helped that his wife was always there for him, she gave him joy when times were tough, but still he was reluctant to really open up.

The only person he shared his grief with was his mother, he knew she was also having a hard time so they grieved together, and were strengthened through each other.

But he had also booked an appointment at the hospital for him, and his son, Caleb to check for any signs of the disease. He wasn't taking any chances. His appointment was due for tomorrow at 9:00 am so all he could do was wait.

Truth be told, Cedrick wasn't worried about the Cystic fibrosis at all. He'd realised the fragility of life during the war, so he tried not to be bothered by things too much, and when he was he tried not to let it show.

Regardless, funds for medical research had increased exponentially during and following the war so most diseases and Injuries weren't really that threatening. So long as it was caught before it got too serious, people who actually had cystic fibrosis could still live well into their 70s, but when you eventually get there you'd probably wish you couldn't.

This all didn't mean Cedrick didn't love his life though, truthfully he thought his life was great, and honestly speaking he couldn't be more grateful. Which is exactly why he could leave this world and pass on, with a smile on his face.

"Cedrick, wake the f*ck up! How many times do I have to tell you to stop sleeping at work. Honestly what the hell would you do without me, one of these days the boss is gonna find out and you'll get fired."

"My bad Pete, I've handled all the documents so I thought I'd catch some rest."

Peter clicked his tongue and sighed, he was used to Cedrick finishing up quick but it was common knowledge not to sleep during work. It gave you and your mates a bad look.

"If you've finished everything then go talk to Ashley, you should know by now that we've always got something to do, we've been here for half a decade."

Cedrick apologised once more and made his way to Ashley's office. Ashley was the administrator of his department and she was usually the one who assigned them tasks or documents.

Cedrick had already received his bachelor's degree and worked as a CPA in Mickey D's Goods, the world's most renowned retail company. He made an absolutely outstanding salary of £30,000 a year.

Ashley was tired of Cedrick to be honest, she didn't like him one bit, he kept finishing his work so early which led him to her for more work. She had other things to do, and the boss always yelled at her whenever he came in and saw Cedrick without work.

"You shouldn't pick favourites amongst your subordinates Ashley! Cedrick should receive work like all the other hardworking employees."

She'd try to explain that Cedrick was simply so fast that he got work done hours before others but her boss shouted at her for arguing.

She had to manage the whole damn department, so searching for things for Cedrick to do was just a pain. So today she just let him leave early, and if the boss came in she'd just say he was sick.

There was still 2 hours left of work but honestly that man burnt through documents like a hot knife through butter, and she didn't have the mind to put up with it.

It was raining heavily, as Cedrick was walking home, his wife had borrowed the car to go shopping and then loop back to pick up Caleb. His workplace was only a five minute walk so he could withstand the rain.

He wondered about what he should do for his birthday, it was tomorrow and he hadn't thought of anything. 'I guess I'll call over Pete, Patrick, and Joe and we'll figure out something, after my appointment.' he thought that was a good idea for now so he smiled and checked the time.'3:30 PM the Caleb should have got back from school around 10 minutes ago...'

He picked up the pace as his house was just around the corner, but a sharp siren assaulted his ears, as five police cars and multiple ambulances passed him. They were headed towards his street. It was his first time seeing so many, but he knew with the circumstances that there was only one reason why they were here.

'Please be safe.' He silently prayed as he began to sprint towards his house, in his head, he was cooking up all sorts of scenarios. He approached the door and whipped out his key. Just as the door opened, there was a loud shout and Cedrick was tackled to the ground.

Multiple voices were screaming various commands and slinging expletives like seasoned sailors but he didn't hear any of it. His ears were ringing like he'd been slugged by a professional boxer, it drowned out all his sense of reason.

He couldn't even think, as the world around him blurred, the sight he'd seen inside had left him faint and his mind was failing to keep up with his eyes.

He couldn't process what he saw because he knew once he did the grief would paralyse him.

Inside. His Mother, His son Caleb and his wife Margaret. All three of them lay down memory lane, on the bloodstained carpet with a bullet between the eyes.

Instinctively his brain kicked into gear, as he wrestled the officer that was on him. He twisted his arm behind his back, grabbing his gun and pressing him into the ground, his knee rested on the officer's back. The officer felt the barrel of the gun press into the back of his head and heard Cedrick cock the gun.

"Fuck! Get off me! Someone Help! He's a maniac!" The officer screamed for his life and struggled to get out of Cedrick's grip.

Nothing was on Cedrick's mind except anger and revenge, he wasn't even consciously aware of what he was doing, it was just how his body reacted. His heart pounded in his chest, as he gritted his teeth and roared in anger, and the officer also began to scream.

But the gun gave him comfort, oddly enough, despite his long and painful history with it. He felt his heartbeat slow and he began to lose consciousness.

Two sharp prongs pierced his back and 50,000 volts of electricity coursed through his body as he fell stiff on the ground, but his hand wouldn't release the gun. Multiple officers rushed over and pinned him down, screaming at him, and trying to pry the live gun from his grip.

Cedrick finally fell unconscious due to shock and the police officers managed to snatch the gun out of his hand and put him in cuffs. Luckily his finger wasn't on the trigger or no doubt there would've been an accident.

The police immediately entered the house and began to check the pulse of all the victims, although they had been shot in the head if they were breathing then there was a chance they could be saved. At the same time two other officers began to scout around the house and secure the perimeter, in order to search for the suspect, as the paramedics made their way into the house.

"The victim's are confirmed dead, what a tragedy... Officer Blaus, go take care of the man who appeared at the door. The rest of you go to the surrounding houses and look for witnesses, except you Officer Fisher stay with me and collect evidence."

The police got to work quickly as more and more officers arrived at the scene. To put it short, it was a bloodbath, brain matter and blood scattered all over the walls and floor. A rookie officer had almost puked after accidentally stepping in the blood and was immediately sent out to get some air.

The police chief arrived at the scene soon after and called up Officer Blaus who was outside with Cedrick. "What's the situation Blaus?"

Blaus shivered and said. "It's a massacre sir, three bodies, Fisher says it looks like a .45 Caliber ACP bullet sir. Most likely a handgun of some kind. And the blood, there's just so much..."

"Alright Blaus, put that man in the back seat and return to the station, I'll handle this."

The police chief then approached the house, but he couldn't help but think. 'They most likely stole a service weapon. I'll need to check with the higher ups.' In the UK the chances of getting a non-service related gun were little to none. This had been strictly enforced after the war.

The chief entered the house and grimaced at the sight, after 23 years of work he'd still never get used to the blood. "What do you think boys?" He asked the officers on scene, but it was obvious who the suspect was.

"John Liebermann, otherwise known as Kira. It's a new case every single week and we can't find the damn bastard, he's already killed eighteen people and this makes it twenty one. Chief we need to do somethin, and we need to do it now, before more civilians get hurt!"

"I agree Officer Lee, but first let's analyse what you've gathered from the scene."

The Officer called Lee turned to the bodies behind him, and he knelt by one unfortunate young boy who hadn't even gotten to his teens. 'That sick, twisted bastard! Not even kids are safe.' he thought.

"The bodies are fresh, really fresh, this is the closest we've ever been to catching him honestly. He had the nerve to do it when it's still light out too, he's getting more confident. But look, bruises on the knuckles and choke marks on the throat. The young boy was obviously a fighter and he was most likely the first to get put down, but he didn't die in vain, look here."

At this moment the officer fished out a crumpled piece of paper from the boy's trouser pocket.

"So brave even in the end, he somehow managed to get a victim list, presumably from the suspect. It seems like he's targeting specific families but we can't find a reason between the choice of victims."

The police chief allowed himself to smile for the first time in weeks, and clapped his hands.

"Excellent! What a brave boy! God rest his soul. Don't worry about looking for a reason, we'll just have to beat it out of the fucker when we catch him."

The police chief scrutinised the paper in Officer Lee's hands. "He's headed for the Martin family on Eastbrink Lane next, put the family into protective custody and gather the special forces and prepare an ambush, we're bringing him down and I won't accept failure."

"Yes sir, Sergeant sir!"

As Officer Lee started barking orders, Officer Fisher anxiously approached the chief and asked.

"Uh sir? What should we do with the man named..." Fisher looked at Cedrick's work ID. "Cedrick Cassiel sir, he hasn't responded to any questions."

"Good question Officer Fisher, tell Blaus to put the man in protective custody as well, I've already sent them to the station, who knows if Kira might come back to get him."

"Yes sir, Sergeant sir!"

Let me know if you like the Prologue, if you do feel free to add this to your library. Criticism is appreciated and if you have any ideas for AMMIS lmk in the comment section.

Muranshin3creators' thoughts