

Prince comes from a very rich home, but chooses to stay through to himself. He falls in love and ends up in a lot triangle. will he be able to find his perfect match or end up making the wrong match. Follow prince on this Short but exciting journey

Mochi_Godwin · Urban
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19 Chs


<The next day Prince decided to wait for Angela to come so he can talk to her. Angela walks in>

Prince: Angela good morning <She walks past him without looking at him he stopped her>

Prince: Angela wait am really sorry for ignoring you yesterday, i never meant it

Angela: <looks at him> really but you treated me like thin air, like i wasn't in class yesterday all because of a girl you just met

Prince: Am really sorry, i shouldn't have. I should have listened to you but i was curious to know more about her.

Angela: why after what i told you, you were still curious. I can't believe this <she tries to walk away but Prince Stops her>

Prince: Angela don't go

Angela: let go of me Prince

Prince: I won't unless you give me a chance to explain myself

Angela: fine i am listening

<Prince tells her everything him and Evelyn talked about yesterday>

Angela: <calms down> even this shouldn't have made you ignore me

Prince: i know and am really sorry

Angela: Am not stopping you from talking to her but don't get to close to her

Prince: i won't

Angela: and also never let what happened yesterday repeat itself

Prince: <smiles> yes ma

<Evelyn walks in>

Evelyn: Good morning Prince, could you help me with something?

<Angela tries to leave but Prince held unto her hand>

Prince: Evelyn now is not a good time; i still have some things to things to say to Angela so maybe later

Angela: There is nothing more to say let me go

Prince: Quiet we are not done talking

Evelyn: since now is not a good time i will come back later

Prince: thanks Evelyn

Evelyn: you are welcome <she leaves>

Prince: <looks at Angela> where did you think you were going to

Angela: to give you both chances to do whatever it is she came here for

Prince: Don't don that again

Angela: <laughs> relax i was just joking with you

<The bell rings for assembly>

Prince: let us go <they both leave>


<The weeks rolled by with nothing eventful happening apart from Prince trying his best to limit his talks with Evelyn and she trying to get closer to him as her feelings for him increases. Meanwhile the relationship between Chris and Angela has improved a lot. Apart from spending more time with Prince Most of the times she spends with Chris. Today Evelyn is talking to her friends>

Evelyn: Girls i think i have developed feelings for Prince

Joy: You shouldn't have, you know he has a girlfriend right?

Evelyn: I know

Princess: and you still allowed yourself to fall for him

Evelyn: i couldn't help it

Caitlin: What did you see in him?

Evelyn: Everything

Joy: you are definitely lovesick

Evelyn: I know, i want to tell him how i feel

Princess: no you can't. It's going to bring a lot of trouble

Evelyn: do you think am afraid of trouble

Joy: <looks at Princess> she is not listening to us

Caitlin: since that's what she wants let her go

Joy: you are really saying that, don't you know what will happen

Caitlin: of course but we can't prevent it, let her fight for her love, who knows maybe Prince loves her too

Princess: that is not possible, he loves Angela

Caitlin: who knows?

Evelyn: girls don't fight; i have made up my mind to talk to prince see you girls later <she leaves>

Joy: this is not going to end well

Princess: you are right, let's just wait and see