
A Master With A System

he grew up in a very normal family, live normally like any other teenagers but failed to accomplish anything. im open for any suggestions but dont get offended if i didn't accept one of your idea because i also have my reasons the update for this novel is whenever i have the mood or not join my discord for more info- https://discord.gg/7Ej3uSW

TornHeart ¡ Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

you didn't see that coming!

[Keiji pov]

From the past there's have been a lot of discussion about how stupid shiro is, in the vn(visual novel) you can terminate angra mainyu and sakura contract stopping stopping the disaster.

But can irisviel do the same thing? Fighting dark sakura won't trouble me as long as I have my A+++ max mana capacity with the help of my equipment.

[Pov end]

"I call upon your help, please answer my call!" As keiji mentally prepared himself and kotarou stand behind him looking for any malicious intent to the newcomers.

"Servant class caster, i have answered your call my adorable master" a hooded woman appeared in the middle of the room facing towards keiji.

"My name is keiji, keiji hinagara your master" keiji is quite nervous as she don't want to leave a bad impression to her or he might f*ck up the plan.

"My, where's my manners my name is medea, it's pleasure to meet you my master" she chuckled as medea saw how nervous Keiji is.

"Yeah," Keiji extended his slender right hand, grabbing Medea's hand and shaking it firmly.

Keiji just smiled while medea got taken by sudden attack, kotarou 'am i a nuisance?'

"Ahh- sorry i was just excited to have you around" keiji just smiled helplessly 'damn i don't remember her having a charm skill' 

Medea took off his hood and said. "Nn- i don't mind it"

Keiji looked surprised, how the hell her bond level suddenly increased followed by ascension.

After he lets one of the rooms to medea he directly goes to where irisviel is.

Not long ago he found her in her bedroom, Keiji took the chair from the table and placed it near her bed where she was knotting some scarf.

"Have you enjoyed your stay here?" Keiji knew what he would do next would be very brutal so he might as well talk to her for the last time.

"N- not really" keiji knew that she has always been locked in einzbern territory, going out for the first time then getting locked again by someone she didn't know.

"He is coming" Keiji decided to give her a little hope.

"Wh- who?" Although she already knew who it was, she still wanted to confirm it.

"Kiritsugu, he's coming to get you back" Keiji just said it without a care.

"Ummmm" irisviel looked down for a moment, she knew keiji was helping her but how about kiritsugu?

But keiji decided to break something he would never do again.

"Kiritsugu emiya, he have this ideals where he wants to be a hero of justice knowing it was impossible to save everyone, so he changed his way of thinking into objectively, if he need to kill 500 people to save the life of thousands of people he would gladly do it, i'm not telling you this because i want you to hate him in the past he have killed the 2 most important people he have because at that moment it's either he let thousands of life lives or kill one of his most precious people in life" keiji then looked at irisviel who have stopped moving while tears flow through her eyes.

At that time Keiji successfully planted the seed to his plan.

"Yes, he have been suffering i want you to go back with him and don't tell him about any talk that happens here inside the house" keiji want to make irisviel realize how she have been selfish towards kiritsugu making her realize how unhelpful she have been thus voice of angra mainyu might already be ringing to her ears.

"You need to be strong and protect him this time" Keiji grabbed Irisviel's shoulder waking her up into reality.

Keiji then said his goodbye to irisviel who was just staring at the distant sky.

As he exits the room 3 ninjas jump towards him.

"I want you to call everyone, into the basement" as the ninja nod and disappear, keiji looked at the window in the hallway and saw that night might fall soon.

[Time skip]

Keiji has been wearing a white polo and a black leggings that suit his slender body, his white pony tail hair seems to add more charm to him while his blue eyes make everyone awe.

"As you know i'm a servant that is summoned to participate in this holy grail war, but an anomaly is happening because of the past mistake letting the holy grail get corrupted, any wish that it grants will surely lead to extinction of humanity, and i was summoned to that very reason to stop that from happening, you are all bound to me till death so i expect a full cooperation under my lead" keiji then take another breath.

"Avicebron, how is the process of homunculus?" Keiji looked at avicebron.

"Quite good actually, the souls that you gave let me write a proper soul if mixed together while the spirit root gives the homunculus a high end magic circuit"avicebron said quite proud of himself.

"I see, how about the lifespan?" Keiji asked as the homunculus always have limited lifespan.

"With the use of spirit roots it made the body very durable unlike humans who live for a hundred, homunculus made by spirit roots last twice longer than ordinary human life, but it can be adjusted to ho2 long you want it to be" avicebron explained.

"Can you make them connected to me? So that as long as i exist they won't die"avicebron got silent for a moment.

"Let me help you" medea offered her help.

"Thanks medea, then both of you will work into it, kotarou i want you to interfere with both lancer and Saber if they decide to attract tonight, let the master enter and i will be dealing with them" keiji then looked at avicebron.

"You will support his ninja with your replaceable golems, lancer don't have any flashy attacks while saber is cursed so it will be enough for now" keiji then dismissed all of them.

spartaaaa! a gamble to the death!

●mixed world of terraria and magic fantasy genre like overlord [1]

●danmachi [8]

●bleach [2]

●naruro [2]

●date a live [2]


happy reading, sorry to the late update as i was laying my foundation into the story very cautiously.

TornHeartcreators' thoughts