
A Master With A System

he grew up in a very normal family, live normally like any other teenagers but failed to accomplish anything. im open for any suggestions but dont get offended if i didn't accept one of your idea because i also have my reasons the update for this novel is whenever i have the mood or not join my discord for more info- https://discord.gg/7Ej3uSW

TornHeart · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

awakening (1/3)

As the moon brightens the trees around the house, at the middle of the forest saber is advancing with caution.

Keiji decided to let kotarou intercept them as saber right hand should still be curse and won't heal making her unable to use her noble phantasm, while Lancer well he is just a lancer may be if he's facing lancer ću then he won't let kotarou alone but lancer noble phantasm are his spears only, a spear that make you unable to heal the said attack making it quite useful and the other one that is very similar to [rule breaker] that ignore any magic base defense.

Hassan of hundred persona also decided to join the fray making keiji aware of kirei existence, always giving him the CE that he don't really need.

Yup, he needs to kill him and vent his frustration.

Just as saber enters the forest she is already intercepted by golems, keiji didn't plan to use the skeletons as he didn't want to empty his so-called treasure.

Not long ago, lancer also arrived but instead of fighting with saber he insisted on helping her.

Kiritsugu stealthily entered the house, followed by an angry magus with a slimy boy.

The silver slime kept wrecking anything trying to find kiritsugu, who had hidden himself.

Lord el-mellio climbed the second floor and started to open the door one by one, until he opened the last door.

Irisviel is woken up by the sound of fighting outside, she can hear a wood getting broken and from far she can hear a swords clash she looked at the door nub that clicked.

It opened slowly until she saw a blonde haired gentleman, his eyes quickly grew in happiness. He walked towards her and grabbed her in the arm.

"I have been chasing the one who tried to attack me! But he keeps running and running like a coward! That rat will surely enjoy a show scalp!" Just as the silver slime-like substance is about to slice irisviel.


A submachine gun pointed at him fired a lot of bullets, and Kayneth abandoned his attack and went into a defensive state.

The slime-like substance formed a curved shield making all the bullets useless.

kiritsugu then threw his hand gun and grabbed another gun at his suit, his mystic code [origin bullet] that is made from the part of his ribs allowing him to pass through it's defense.


The wall got sprayed by the blood from the force behind the bullet.

"You! Ughh how dare you spill my blood scalp!" Kayneth commands his slime to slash kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu side stepped to the wall, giving him a cover.

"THis LiTTle RaAt!" Lord Kayneth looked at Irisviel and laughed very hard.

"I need to exterminate all of you!" He punched irisviel into the stomach that made irisviel curl in the floor because of pain.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" The slime kept slashing everywhere making toll into his body as [origin bullet] began to take its effects.

"Tsk" kiritsugu clicked his tongue, he reloaded his hand gun, taking a long break and.

"[Time alter: double accel] As the time slowed down he took an aim towards lord el-millio firing another shot.

"Fervor, mei sanguis" this time the slime dances into a curtain like wall then it twists, making the bullet trapped inside.


Kayneth caught a blood he drag abandoned all the defense and got into attack.

"Scalp!" The slime strike in four different angles, destroying the door.

"No!" Irisviel can't do anything but cry.

Kayneth decided to beat irisviel to the death but.


"Huh!?" Kayneth didn't see that coming it was too fast, a black tentacle slashed his back neck.

Seeing that, Kiritsugu ran towards Irisviel who is now unconscious.

"Take her, and move out in the east it was clear of golems" Keiji appeared like a ghost making kiritsugu startled for a moment before nodding.

Kiritsugu carried Irisviel on his back and exited the room.

"Are you really just planning to let them go?" Medea also appeared as both of them can transform into spirit form.

"Yes i have already achieved what i want also… can you use your noble phantasm to this guy" keiji pointed at kayneth or more known as lord el-milloi.

"As you wish" but before medea could stab her dagger, Lancer materialized in front of his master.

"Can we talk about this, i know my lord has been reckless but at least forgive him for what he has done" He clearly knows he is being surrounded, not just keiji and medea as the other ninja is well hidden by ninjutsu.

"Your master is no good, he got shot by saber master's mystic code [origin bullet] that tear and connect the magic circuit inside his body, the more powerful it is the more effective the effect is" keiji didn't really care about him, if he could have a choice between him and ću he would cleary choose the ću as he was more funnier than him.


"Fine, i'll leave your lord alive or even heal him but in exchange i want you to kill your self" keiji knew he already swore his loyalty to kayneth and his master is already useless making him unable for fight so he is facing a dead end.