
Ch 8 First Steps

Chapter 8

I fall to the ground and just sit there thinking.

All is not lost as I have said before there are a shit ton of super serums out there that can make me strong enough to fight Thanos.

Plus in the past, there are still methods to get strong like Chi from Kun-Lun or dragon scales and wind martial arts from Ta-Lo.

There's also Wakandan vibranium and the heart-shaped herb and Atlantian stuff maybe.

We never saw Atlantis in MCU but I think Namor was supposed to be in the next Black Panther movie.

I can still do this but first of all, I need some kind of fast travel method to replace the portals I was going to get.

As I come to I look around and see the Ancient One and Master Paddy plus a short stocky man that looks Germanic.

"Sorry about that had to reorganize my thoughts and plans, not having access to magic is quite debilitating" I say softly

I took out my brewing set and took to brewing tea with the leaves mother had given me for relieving stress

"You looked quite stressed, what is the enemy needed to learn magic to fight ?" the Ancient One asked

"Short term I have to fight Xu Wenwu the warrior king, and long term is an enemy you wouldn't know of because he strikes after you die" I say

The unknown wizard shouted "The Ancient One die, impossible and I have never heard of this warrior king"

"Don't worry her death is 6 centuries away" I say to shut him up

"Hmm I do indeed die in 6 centuries he speaks the truth no need to be hostile Fran"

"I apologize Chen Yang" he says as he does a little bow

"No worries, more importantly, I was wondering if any of you know some non-magical way to travel long distances fast or teleport?"

The others look unsure, but the ancient one has a glimmer in her eye and she says

"I know of a group that has a special concoction that grants the drinker the ability to teleport, but whether or not they give it to you will be up to them"

"Where are they?" This will speed up my training considerably though I have never heard of this in the MCU maybe its agents of shield.

"They are known as the Council of 7 and they are monks in a compound in Tibet" she says

"That doesn't have anything to do with Kun-Lun does it?" I asked curiously

"Kun-Lun huh, your knowledge is truly baffling but no the Council of seven can turn their bodies to mist"

"I heard legends of them but was unsure of their veracity who would have thought it was my salvation" I said chuckling

"I'll take you there with a portal later but you should rest for now you've had quite a journey"

I nod and hand out cups of the tea I was brewing after Fran leads me to a room.

On the way there I can see the rest of Kamar-Taj with various robed students practicing magic.

I smile bitterly knowing I will never be a wizard as I often dreamed of when I was back in my original world.

"How old are you Chen Yang it must have taken some time to travel here from Fu-Chou?" Asked Fran

"I'm still only 15 I left home when I was 13, I have an important goal and I must train early to stand a chance" I said

He looked shocked "Only 13" he muttered

"Don't worry I made my peace long ago, where are you from Fran? Let me guess Germany" I said changing the topic

"No I'm not from Germany but Latveria it's a small country you probably haven't heard of it" he said.

Latveria isn't that the country Doctor Doom leads, that means the fantastic 4 are likely in this universe. Not that it immediately helps me.

"You'd be surprised Latveria is fairly important in the future" I say as I lay down on the bed

He looks surprised but nods and leaves me alone with my thoughts.

I'll make a little plan for the future first I'll convince this council of seven to give me the mist concoction

Next, I'll travel to the mystical Ta-Lo on the day of the Qingming Festival and learn their martial arts and acquire dragon scales for armor and weapons

My WIS is high enough that I can replay the screen in my head where the characters see the path to Ta-Lo revealed.

Afterward ill see how strong I am if I think I'm ready ill infiltrate The Ten Rings and attempt to assassinate Xu Wenwu and take the rings

If I'm still too weak ill try to go to Kun-Lun and see if I can get the Iron Fist and Chi.

But I don't know when is the next time the gate opens, ill ask the Ancient One

The next day I woke up and walked to the courtyard to see Paddy training I shout.

"Ey Paddy want a sparring partner"

"Top of the morning to ya Yang, sure I'd love a fight" he said

We stood apart in the training grounds if I want to fight a wizard I need to be quick and brutal.

He is a master of the mystic arts and probably has a bunch of crazy moves that I can't beat.

He probably won't see my incredible strength coming.

I still have a swimmer's body hidden by silk despite the fact I'm able to lift nearly 500 Kilograms and move at 20 miles per hour.

Fran counts us down "5,4,3,2,1 Go"

I instantly throw a dulled dagger straight to his head, he barely blocks it with a magic shield.

He looks smug but I'm already right in front of him I perform a spinning kick directly into his gut with full power,

He goes flying back I run to perform a follow-up but he's still on the ground clutching his stomach.

"Fuck Yang you kick like a fecking horse, Jesus fucking Christ" He said unleashing the famous Irish swears

Fran was laughing his ass off "You got him talking like he did when he first arrived here"

"Its not fucking funny I swear he shattered my goddamn ribs"

"Ah sure look it'll be grand" I say

"You little shi-"

"Language" said the Ancient One

He shut up quickly, a shame I missed the Irish language I was Irish before being sent to this world.

"You and Captain America would get along" I said chuckling

"Who's America" said Fran I forgot when I was for a bit

"Doesn't matter Fran all that matters is DOOM"

Fran still looks puzzled I give a laugh and ask the Ancient One when ill be heading to the Council of 7.

"Brew me another pot of tea and ill take you there after"

We had a small tea party and she opened an orange ring portal and I step through to the next step of my journey


Chapter end

For anyone wondering the mist people is based on John Aman the Prince of Orphans

He could turn himself into green mist and was related to Iron Fist

Although I'm going to nerf his abilities a bit since he could go intangible whilst still being able to attack physically which is OP

Takes the one weakness of Intangibility the ultimate defense and then throws it out the window

Everyone knows that Obito and Mirio were OP enough