
The Princes of Asgard

Earth Date: 20/12/2010

Some Planet at the edge of the Milky Way.

A man walked into a bar. He wore a black turtleneck shirt and baggy cargo pants with a black trenchcoat accented with swamp green and gold colors, black gloves, and boots of the same color with a mask that doubled as a helmet with two horns that protected him from the planet's harsh weather.

The man's abrupt arrival got the attention of the bar's patrons, who cautiously reached for their weapons, and rightfully so; while they didn't know who he was, The god of mischief is not someone to be treated carelessly.

Loki removed his mask, shooting a disarming smile, his eyes SCREAMING of his 'innocence' and 'naivety,' causing many patrons to lower their guard and scoff at the young blood. In contrast, few were happy for the new opportunity to 'earn,' and others pitied the man; a select few heightened their guard and kept an eye on the god of mischief; one such person was a scout/spy belonging to the Mad Titan himself who had been briefed of the profiles of the Asgardian royal family for he was one of the many agents to try and infiltrate the nine realms to find the location of Nidavellir.

Loki walked to the barkeep, a humanoid with the head of an octopus with wayyy too many tentacles, kinda like Davy Jones from the pirates of the Caribbean.

"Give me your most expensive drink," said Loki with the most disarming smile ever.

"Of course," replied the barkeep with a grin as he turned back to get the drink. When he turned back, he was surprised to find Loki having a 'friendly' conversation with two of the patrons whose eyes were glazed over.

The barkeep respectfully gave Loki his drink, and he slowly escaped from the bar. He had a lot of experience, and there were quite a few things he had learned, one of them being if you encounter anyone capable of affecting the mind, you get the heck out of there because no matter what happened, it was not going to end well nor was it worth his life.

His choice was proven correct; a little while later, Loki walked out of the bar with the same grace he had walked in, leaving behind a barfight that involved blasters, cold weapons, and a LOT of screaming.

Loki spent a month traveling the galaxy, enjoying the sights and cultures of the different species and civilizations and their people, forgetting about his pain and feelings regarding his family. Then he started hearing about the ' heavy hitters ' in the galaxy, like the Nova empire, the neutral semi-democratic empire consisting of a multi-species society that sounded like a nice place to retire, or the war-focused fascist empire of the Kree, ruled by a supercomputer-AI called the supreme intelligence, The Sovereign, a race of gene-obsessed bigots who look like they are made of gold. The Skrull, a race of shape-shifting and mind-reading aliens, spread across the galaxy, and then there is The Mad Titan, the heaviest hitter in the galaxy next to Odin and Asguard; he has no base most people don't even know what he looks like of where he resides just that any place he has been would be left decimated and desolate.

There was no information on him, any attempt at finding information on him bearing no fruit and retaliation from the Titan, leaving only one thing for any who try to find out about The Mad Titan, fear him, and stay away from his path. Which was all the more reason for the 'God' of mischief to find out more about him but little did he know that The Mad Titan was coming for him, and even if Loki knew of the incoming disaster in his hubris, he would have welcomed The Mad Titan.

Loki left the planet and was returning to Glidsom, a world with lovely Turquoise people with slight telepathic abilities who talk through their minds and a lovable waitress in a charming village by a lake who had captured his interest. When his ship was more or less swallowed by a much larger vessel with incredible stealth, considering nothing poped on his ship's alerts before it was too late.

Loki got on guard and equipped his armor and daggers as his ship's door was forced open, not by ripping it out or hacking into the ship's systems but by simply moving the door's mechanism overriding the ship's control.

The door opened to reveal a figure dressed in a black leather coat that covered their entire figure, leaving only their hands and lower face visible, and a pale white chest plate accented with dull gold. The being's lower face was held together by a dull gold harness.

Loki smiled and was about to greet him when his mind was invaded. Every negative thought and feeling he had buried resurfaced with a vengeance tearing apart his mental defenses and giving the intruder free access to his mind.

Back on earth shortly after Loki encountered the Other.

Thor woke up in a panic, startling his lover, who was using him as a pillow/body warmer to combat the cold.

"What's wrong?" asked Jane as she saw his worried expression.

"Something is wrong. I need... Heimdall! Is everyone alright? Please give me a sign! I need to know!" yelled Thor, causing Jane to cover herself up and glare at her boyfriend.

They stayed silent for a few minutes waiting for something, and Thor was about to yell again, this time heading towards the balcony, when they were greeted with a knock on their bedroom.

Thor and Jane exchanged a look before he rushed to the door and opened it to reveal an irritated Rohith in his black lightning pajamas glaring at Thor.

"The next time one of you Asgardians wakes me up psychically. I WILL unleash a horde of Enderman to tear your stupid Island of a planet into shreds; consequence be damned. Also, Heimdall says he isn't allowed to talk to you until you get your powers back, and I am keeping Mjolnir on the pedestal in the garden. Good morning Jane," said Rohith as he left, leaving no room for Thor to argue or comment.

Thor Just stood there stumped about what to do as he turned towards his love for help, causing her to sigh.

A few minutes later...

Thor and Jane were dressed, with Jane wearing a shawl to help with the cold, and both of them were sitting on a bench looking at Mjolnir, which rested on a platform in front of them.

"I have been thinking," blurted Thor causing Jane to look at him inquisitively.

"About?" asked Jane when Thor didn't continue to elaborate.

"Everything. What it means to be 'Thor,' 'What 'Power' means to me, What it means to be the 'Prince of Asguard' and its King, and What you mean to me" said Thor as he looked into her eyes with determination and resolve, mesmerizing Jane.

Thor gave her a small kiss and walked up to his trusted Partner.

"My answer? I am Thor Odinson, The 'God' of Thunder, and I shall be the first to stand between my loved ones and those that wish to harm them. I am Thor, the protector!" yelled Thor as he lifted Mjolnir to the sky, instantly creating a Lightning storm and causing a HUGE lightning bolt to strike him equipping him in his armor and giving him a huge power boost.

Jane stared at him awestruck and slack-jawed. Thor seeing her reaction smiled at her and came closer to his love and lovingly closed her mouth.

"Jane, I... "

"Take me with you!" yelled Jane hugging him.

"I don't know what is going on in Asguard, and it could be hazardous. Please wait for me. I promise I will return to you," pleaded Thor.

"You promise to return to me?" asked Jane, almost crying.

Thor took her hand and kissed it before adding, "I swear on my Honnor," he said and was about to let go and call for Heimdall to open the Bifrost when Jane kissed him, stunning him for a moment which she used to snatch Mjolnir from him causing a bolt of lightning to strike to the couple. This time it was Thor's turn to be slack Jawed.

There in front of him stood the most charming warrioress he had ever had the pleasure to lay his eyes on. She was dressed in a variation of his outfit altered to suit her form, with arcs of lightning flowing from Mjolnir into her showing her strength.

Before Thor or Jane could say anything, they were hit by the Bifrost 'inviting' the couple to Asguard.

Somewhere in the observable universe.

Loki opened his eyes to see himself surrounded by a snowstorm and an icy terrain that wasn't bothering him.

Loki felt tremors but couldn't see what was causing them, thanks to the snowstorm.

Loki tried to move toward the source, but the world shifted for him, making him and, thus, the world stop in their tracks.

Loki instantly realized where he was and was alarmed as he recalled what had happened before he blacked out.

'Shit!' swore Loki as he closed his eyes and took inventory of his mind.

Looking at what the intruder was doing was both alarming and a relief for Loki.

He quickly made a few 'edits' to his mind and memories and confronted the intruder.

Meanwhile, with the Other.

He was getting frustrated; accessing the child's mind was easy enough, so much pain and rage buried under the guise of loyalty and held back by something as trivial as love for his captors who lied/bullied him all his life.

His liege would give him the recognition and the throne he desires as long as he was loyal, so why was the child resisting? No, the child did not know of his grace's kindness; the child would have only heard of what the fools of the galaxy whisper in envy; he would have to educate the child, and he would do so gladly but first...

|The Other toppled a mountain with his mental powers trying to get the conscious representation of the mind [mind body] to show itself, and he was rewarded|

"You know it's not very nice to barge into someone's mind and start trashing the place; you never know what knowledge you might destroy when you do so," said a voice drawing the Other's attention.

"Ah, The pitiful child shows himself," said the Other with glee.

Loki was puzzled but didn't let it show on his face, instead bowed to the invader.

"Nice to meet you, Mr.Invader. I am Loki Odinson. How may I be of service?" said Loki with a charming smile and body language that showed submission.

"Smart, he shall make a fine addition to my liege's forces." whispered the Other to himself.

"I am the Other, a thrall of my liege. YOU will offer your very being to my liege, and he shall grant you everything you have ever desired!" stated the Other with devotion befitting a zealot.

"Tempting, but I refuse," said Loki as the world shifted, disorienting the Other.

Loki donned his armor and helm, summoned his daggers, and charged at the Other.

Loki cut the Other's arms and legs, disabling him, preventing him from moving, and forcing him onto his knees.

Confident in his victory, Loki stood in front of the Other, a Dagger at the Other's neck.

"Any last words, Zealot?" asked Loki condescendingly.

"I was right; you will make a fine addition to the 'Order,' after..." said the Other in glee before Loki decapitated him

"...Some training." finished the voice of the Other from all around him.

Loki panicked as the snowstorm was replaced by a rain of embers, the mountains by giant technological hives, and the ground by a metal grate that showed the eerie glowing sludge below him.

Loki looked up to the giant form of the Other that looked pleased.

"You have been taught well in the ways of the mind, but you are very lacking. I shall train you and mold you into the perfect tool for My liege," said the Other without moving his lips and his voice echoing all around.

Loki was about to retort but was cut off by the other.

"First lesson: The consequence of disobedience!" announced the Other, and Loki was assaulted by pain.