In the Marvel MCU (Movies only, should I include the x-men?) with powers from different movies and manga, I guess? Might be overpowered, No harem. I own nothing. Irregular updates. I need to sleep.
Pov Rohith
"Are you seriously not the god of hammers?" I asked Thor as he worked the Forge.
Hey, it's been a while since you guys were in my head...again. Anyway, It has been an 'interesting' week, to say the least.
"No, I am not," answered Thor as he quenched the axe head he was working on and started grinding it.
After the explosion(I did not tell him it was Loki who did it), he was pretty distressed but soon became normal after I showed him my backups. He and Jane focused on Hela and ignored everything else, and boy, was Thor a mess after learning about her.
I had to knock him out twice to stop him from killing himself. Jane helped him break out of his flunk, and then he tried to lift Mjölnir again and failed. All this happened the day after the explosion, meaning on 11/09/2010.
After he failed, he didn't fall into despair this time; instead, his resolve grew, and he dared to yell that to my face. I punched him, of course.
After that, he tried to help Jane but became a nuisance, so she kicked him out of Divya Drishti and made him my problem. An annoying problem. I could not just kick him out to the streets, nor could I have him do housework. While it would have been hilarious, I think his parents would have held a grudge against me, so I thought of giving him a job; let me tell you how that went:
Combat instructor: Got his ass handed to him by his students.
Gardner: killed over half of the plants in half a day.
Teacher?: what is that? Can you eat it?
Super baby sitter: we do not talk about the daycare. What happens in the daycare stays in the daycare.
Blacksmith: a god as soon as he got hold of a hammer.
No, seriously. He looked at all the tools in the workshop, took hold of a small hammer, and looked up a few blacksmithing videos and vola. He is now an expert in forging knives, rings, swords, axes, and hammers, especially hammers; he started looking up images of different types of hammers and started forging them.
And now I am the proud owner of the only things ever forged by the god of 'thunder' (I realllllly want to call him the god of storms) in his god of hammers phase. I am going to make millions after 'New York.'
"Here," said Thor as he gave me his latest work that eerily looks like Stormbreaker.
"What's this?" I asked as I gave the hammer-ax a few test swings.
" I need a weapon if I am EVER going to stand a chance against 'them,'" said Thor as he narrowed his eyes with flames of determination burning bright in them.
I laughed; I couldn't help myself.
"You think it is funny?" asked Thor, his expression serious and ready for a fight.
"Yeah, The only way you are even going to stand a chance against 'them' is if you become worthy again, and the only way you will beat 'them' is if you learn to access your divinity without using any aids," I answered as my voice was filled with mirth.
"I will prove you wrong; you'll see," said Thor, his voice filled with defiance and determination.
The 'them' I am speaking of are a pair of conjoined twins. They are unique in more ways than one. One of the twins can manipulate electricity and make it do anything he wants. For example, he can make whips, swords, animals, and avatars. He can also make it completely harmless and so much more, while the other twin is even better than me in 'kekkai' generation and manipulation. We can't separate them because of how they are connected, and they react violently to anyone even considering separating them.
At first, I wanted Thor to teach them about combat and manipulating lightning since he is, literally, the ' god of thunder ' (I still want to call him the god of storms), but in the end, Thor was the one who ended up learning from them. I will introduce them to you guys one of these days.
"So, what are you planning on making for yourself?" I asked Thor as he went back to select another piece of metal to start working on.
"That," said Thor pointing to the hammer-ax that I put in the weapons rack," and something I am working on with Faiz," said Thor with gleaming eyes.
"So an armor specifically designed against electric types like yourself?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah? why?"
"I am soo going to have a super advanced armor built specifically to counter your lightning built based on the Faiz's armor," I said, grinning.
"Oh please, I don't rely on lightning much. I take hits and hit them back twice as hard," said Thor rolling his eyes.
"True; true, but it is one of your strengths, is it not?" I asked with glee; I am not sure where this glee is coming from, probably from the fact that I am going to be *uckig RICH!
Thor rolled his eyes as he threw the piece of steel into a crucible and put the crucible inside a red hot furnace.
"What are you making now?" I asked as curiosity took over me.
Thor looked hesitant and shy? is that a blush I see on his face? Oh my~.
"A short sword," he said after some time.
I am confused; why would he be making a short sword with that expression on his face?...
"Don't you think you are moving a little too fast?" I asked, if (that is a BIG if) he is doing what I think he is doing, then it will be an interplanetary shitstorm with so many complications I can't even begin to comprehend.
Thor's face turned solemn.
"I thought about it a lot. Right now, I am a mortal, without power, responsibilities, or a kingdom covering my back" thor stopped as he took a deep breath.
"Your father said something to me. 'A man's true nature is revealed when he is at his lowest.' Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to you and everything you have done and are doing for me, but this is the lowest I have been in my entire life, and during this time, it was Jane that became my support, my strength and kept me from falling into despair. I want her; no, I NEED her in my life," said Thor.
I narrowed my eyes at him. That is not the right mind to ask someone to marry them.
"Thor," I said in a serious, no-nonsense tone causing the crown prince of Asguard to look into my eyes.
"If I can give you your powers back and then some in exchange for Jane, what will your answer be?"
"NO," yelled Thor without even pausing to think about it.
"What if...?"
"To anything that involves the sacrifice of my loved ones and ESPECIALLY Jane, my answer is and always will be, NO. I don't care if the universe is in danger or that I will stay powerless forever; I WILL NEVER let my loved ones be in danger, consequences be damned, I will not let them be sacrificed or sacrifice themselves," yelled Thor as he got in my face.
"Okay, I get it, geez," I said, pushing his face away. He backed away, too, still a bit pissed at my questioning.
"If you are serious about everything you have said, come to the Training ground behind the orphanage at 5 pm tomorrow. It's about damn time I teach you how to be a 'god,'" I said as I walked away, leaving a confused Thor behind, who nodded.
As I exited the workshop, I greeted Jane with a nod as she came to pick up Thor.
POV Jane/third person, a few hours Prior.
THIS IS AMAZING!!!! I had no idea that India had made such technological advancements in astrology! I will be able to solidify my theories with actual proof this time!
"So what do you think of Thor?" asked Darcy out of the blue, completely catching Jane off guard.
"What?" why would she ask me that?
"What do you think of him? How invested are you in him romantically?" asked/elaborated Darcy as she made an expression as if she was asking a kid, which kinda pisses me off.
"You realize that he is going back to Asguard, right? Even if I was romantically interested in him, I would only be hurting myself, and if what I have learnt of his family is true, then any human would only end up being a burden to him, a weakness for his enemies to exploit. I don't want to end up like that." I told her and looked away, trying to hide my face and keep the pain away from my voice.
"You really like him, huh" concluded Darcy. How is she so sharp in this kind of thing?
"If you want your credits help me organize this," I said while pointing at a rather large pile of paper, causing her to groan.
"Well, you..."
"Dr. Foster?" came a voice from the door cutting Darcy off.
"Yes?" I answered, thankful for the distraction.
"The deep space probe just returned some data. Chief said you might want to take a look at it," said the scientist peaking in from the door.
"Lead the way," I said leaving the room, not daring to look back at Darcy, but I couldn't help but think of Thor and what to do with my feelings.
A few minutes later.
"You seem distracted," said an old voice bringing me out of my stupor.
"Oh, it's nothing," I lied as I turned towards the speaker, who was an older woman in a sari.
"It's not 'nothing,' Ms.Foster if it can get you of all people not to get excited enough to start dancing or cursing after seeing the data you are holding."
I just stared at her for a few moments before sighing in defeat.
"You are right, Mrs.Agarwal, there is something bothering me, and I can't think of a solution," I said without giving anything away, but she seemed to have read something in my face because...
"Ah, matters of the heart are always a little complicated. I could give you advice if you tell me about him. Over a cup of coffee, of course." she said with a warm smile, and I agreed.
"A cup of coffee sounds great, Mrs. Agarwal," I said with a smile.
A few minutes later, in front of a roadside tea stall...
"Okay, what's the problem here? He honestly sounds like a good man, and those are rare and even rarer to find," said the woman.
"It's just... *sighs* I don't feel I am worthy of him and that I am afraid I am simply going to be a burden to him," I said, complaining; god, what am I doing?
"To me, it sounds like you are trying to make excuses," said Mrs.Agarwal with an amused face before it morphed into one like a mother scolding her daughter...
"Jane Foster, You hold 3 degrees and are on your way to receive the Noble price. You are more than worthy of any man in the universe. So, don't ever doubt yourself and deny your happiness. If that man has stolen your heart, then steal his and show all that doubt your bond why that doubt is pointless. Am I clear?" she said in a voice that caused me to reply...
"yes, Mom," as a reflex. What on earth did I call her?
"I am sorry... it just..." I tried apologizing, but she waved it off.
"Don't be. You are the same age as my youngest daughter, and she needs help making up her mind from time to time," she said with a motherly smile.
"Thank you. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a prince to catch," I said as I started walking towards the vehicles.
"Good luck" yelled Mrs. Agarwal.
"Thanks!" I yelled back as I nearly ran to my moped courtesy of Rohith.
A few minutes later.
I am now standing near the entrance of Thor's workshop. How on earth do you face someone you want to confess to? Do you say 'I love you,' or do you engage in a conversation and hint at them and hope they get it? Should I have showered? Changed my clothes? I hope my hair isn't too messed up.
The workshop door opened, and Rohith came out grimly, nodded at me, and left. I hope everything is okay.
"Are you okay?" I asked Thor, not realizing when I entered the workshop.
"I am fine;wh...what are you doing here?" answered Thor with a beaming smile as he started clumsily cleaning himself up. Cute.
"I was hoping you would join," THINK JANE, THINK! " A walk! Yeah, a walk by the river. Mrs. Mehera said that the scenery there is beautiful..." WHAT AM I DOING!!!
"Yeah, sure," answered Thor as we kept staring into each other's eyes.
"Kyaaa" Jane's startled scream-that-I-don't-know-which-effect-to-give-so-I-am-just-using-generic-anime-scream-sound-author's-hipen-note?.
"That startled me."
"So about that walk? Do you want to go now?" asked Thor with a heartwarming smile.
"Yes, No...I mean, let's have lunch and then go for the walk?" what on earth is happening to me?
"Sure," said Thor as he turned off the furnace and removed the leather apron revealing his muscles barely hidden by his shirt.
"Let's go?" said Thor as I realized I was staring at him, causing me to blush slightly.
"Yeah," I answered as I followed him out of the workshop. I think I will tell him about my feelings later.
I will confess I have no idea what goes on in people's heads, especially in the heads of people who are in 'love' as I have no experience in it, so excuse me if you find it a little cring.
See you guys/gals in the next chapter.