

A long time ago, the people of the Kugama kingdom suffered attacks from stronger cities around them for several years, then came the advent of King Bajju the Sixth who decided to put an end to the misery of his people. He dared to venture into the evil forest (Saro) to seek the help of the spirit wisperers also known as the Izagi and he got a solution but not without giving them something in return. In answer to his problem, two beautiful daughters bestowed with the power of music (Etsako) were given to him. The people of the kingdom were also given the power of music from generation to generation but they are not as powerful as the princesses. Their powers were controlled by the magical lamps of their ancestors. A power that no force or even the strongest of armies could stand against was given to the two princesses. At a hit of their first and tiniest musical notes, they destroy their enemies. One of the twin princesses was the most powerful because her musical notes were not controlled by the magical lamp (Dendi), this made her one of the Chosen (Oron) while the other was controlled by the magical lamp. Her powers were in a honeycomb-like design lamp in the middle of the sacred shrine (Tangale shrine) where their lamps were kept safe. The lamps rarely go off but if eventually a lamp goes off, that means the owner of the lamp is gone to the world beyond, and as soon as a new life is born the lamp comes on. When the two daughters turned into women, As per tradition, the king decided to coronate the chosen one believing that she would be able to protect their kingdom more. But on her coronation, her father the king saw her get angry with one of the guards and she suddenly struck him dead with a musical note. When the king confronted his daughter, she didn't seem to be regretful and so right before her, he coronated his other daughter. Infuriated, she tried to attack her sister, the queen and in her attempt, she murdered her father who tried to protect his other daughter. She was arrested and banished from the kingdom. As she left she vowed to come back and take what rightfully belonged to her. Several years later, the Queen had a daughter and was happy that she had a successor, someone to leave the throne to after she was gone. But as the princess grew up, she didn't have a voice, a magical singing voice. A MAGIC WITHIN was lacking in her, although she grew up faster than the other children in the kingdom and her eyes would always glow beautifully in the strange night, she was not showing any signs of the powers she was supposed to have as the firstborn. The queen worried and did all she could in her power to bring back her daughter's voice. Meanwhile, far far away. The banished princess was ruling her kingdom, she had her army and was swiftly taking over the strongest kingdoms there was in the world with her amazing powers. She was still determined to come back and take what rightly belonged to her. To find out if the new princess will have a voice, what her glowing eyes mean if the banished princess will take back what belongs to her, and if the new princess will be able to fulfill her mother's wish of becoming a successor after her departure, then please read to the very end...

Mey0 · Urban
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31 Chs


"Yes. I peeked into their future and saw how they will look when they are all grown up." Agu replied.

"You can see the future as well." The king said surprised.

"Yes. I am that great." Agu said making King Bajju laugh.

With a smile, the king invited the spirit whisperers honorably to join them for the ceremony.

"We will be the ones to name the little ones because the gods of your ancestors have already given them a name from above," Kadu said to the king.

"To be precise, Kadu will name the precious souls herself." Agu chipped in with a smile. King Bajju was shocked, this was the first time he had seen her smile and she looked beautiful despite the mud and dirt on her face.

"It will be an honor for me." King Bajju said with a small bow.

Impossible!!! Yelled one of the priests who was there to name the babies. Everyone turned towards him.

"Why?" The king asked.

"They are imposters claiming to be the Izagi's, the most powerful beings in the Saro

"And how do know that they are imposters? I collected the magical flowers that gave us powers from them." King Bajju said looking upset. He didn't like the way the Izagi's were being disrespected.

"No your highness, my great king. They trying to fool you by disguising themselves as the Spirit whisperers." The priest cried out.

The people turned to the Izagi's, looking sternly at them, and then suddenly there was an uproar and everyone wanted to give his or her opinion while staring at the spirit wisperers disgustingly.

The Izagi's just stood looking at the people without saying anything.

"Anyone who dared to even look at the feet of the Izagi ends up dead." The priest said sending more fear into the people who then began to stare more coldly at spirit wisperers.

"Is that the story you formed of us?" Kadu asked, her calmness suddenly looking disturbed.

"It is no story, this is the truth of the spirit whisperers.

"Since he wants to die. Why don't I strike him dead now." Agu said ready to fight as always. Agu twisted her hand ready to strangle the priest from afar even without getting close to him.

Don't you dare, Agu!!! The other spirits' wisperers chorused. Agu quickly dropped her rage and stood looking like a baby whose candy was taken away.

Among the spirit whisperers, Agu is the youngest and also the most childish one but she also has incredibly strong powers maybe because of her stubbornness she is among the Chosen. A Chosen Izagi is no different from a god, their powers are extreme and can destroy if not controlled properly.

Though she still doesn't know her full potential she still uses the one she is aware of rashly and that is why she always gets reprimanded.

"We spirits whisperers are also human like you. Daughters from noble and respected households but because we were girls a girl wasn't useful to her parents back then except for getting a few coins from her head and getting rid of her. When we girls were thrown into the evil forest to die, our souls died leaving our bodies to wander around. We all met each other in the Saro and came together. We ate whatever we found and slept wherever there was shelter until one day, we went into a carve and there, we felt the presence of something greater than us, it was the presence of the gods of our ancestors..." Kadu was deeply shaken by the memories that came back to her after ninety-nine years and so another older Izagi stopped her and continued telling the people their story.

One day, when we all gathered in the carve, we were suddenly covered in smoke and we had no idea from where it came. It filled the carve, we were scared and very cold. Something happened, we started hearing lovely music playing in the carve with different invincible instruments playing as well, we felt so good from hearing it but suddenly we were possessed. We knew because everything about us changed including our physical appearance, we now had beautiful singing voices and even the anger and resentment we had for our parents disappeared, we only had a love for everything around us. Since then, we became the guardians of the evil forest and chased away evil from our forest, parents who tried to kill their children or get them thrown into the evil forest we punished on our own. We tied them down in the forest for three days and saw if they survived after three. We dined and lived with tiny creatures and spirits living in the Saro. We sing for them filling them with hope to survive the evil of the people who threw their first or even something so precious into the evil forest."