
A Mafia's Redemption(GL)

Lin all tired and weak, from the torture she had gone through for the past days, now tied to a pole right at the edge of the cliff, looked up to her killer who was standing some meters away, and asked faintly "Why do I have to be put through all this?" "Am just carrying out an assignment." the killer responded, with no sign of sympathy whatsoever. Lin stared at her killer, obviously the masked figure wasn't going to show her any form of mercy. Already tired of life and had given up, she asked her killer one last time. "You really think, my dad is going to let y'all go after am dead?". The killer gave an evil grin. "Seems you have so much confidence in your dad..." He said clicking his teeth, and after exhaling. "Your dad wants you dead sweetheart." He said bluntly, dropping the bombshell, leaving Lin in utter shock and confusion. "That can't be true." She whispered although she could hear the doubt in her own voice, as the tears flowed from her already weary eyes down to her cheeks. She really didn't want to believe this but something was starting to make sense to her..She had gone through a lot already "Just end this please." She said exhaling deeply, as she closed her eyes. She could hear the echo of the gunshot as she waited patiently the bullet to pierce for through her... Yet nothing came through, she couldn't feel any form of pain or sting... "Isn't it meant to hurt a little?.. Or is she dead already.." She thought, as she slowly opened her eyes... What she saw was overwhelming... Her killer was on the floor instead... She scanned around, and that's when she saw a young man coming towards her... As the person came closer, she started to notice, that the person was also having feminine characteristics.... Wait that was a lady, looking really masculine.... Clad in all black, high boots, and a neat cut... She was lost in the eyes of this stranger and hadn't noticed that the lady had started to untie her. "What's going on?" A very confused Lin whispered, "Just follow me." The lady replied as she loosened the last knots that held Lin to the pole. Already freed Lin tried to take a step but stumbled. The lady turned and gave a smirk. "You were quite strong at first." And before Lin could fathom what she said, she swept her off her feet. And whispered, "Am not letting you go this time."

XOxomethyst · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


Claire's P.O.V

I stepped out of the mansion in a haste, as I kept dialing Luca's line.


I called, and he was already behind me before I could yell again.

"Yes ma'am."

He said, taking long strides to keep up with my pace.

"Get a car ready, we are going to Luca's Manor."

I announced, as I placed my phone on my ear.

"The number you dial is unreachable at the moment..."

I sighed.

Seems I'll have to call Shyin.

After the first ring, He picked up.

"Good day Mom." He greeted causally.

"Hello, son." I replied with a sigh, as I walked towards the car.

"Is everything fine?" He asked, with concern.

"Mhhm ..."

"Mum, are you okay ?" He asked again.

I was in the vehicle already, and Henry was already driving out of the premises.

"Have you heard from Luca?" I asked.

"No I haven't, is any wrong?"

He was sounding worried already. And I didn't want to worsen anything.

"Uhmm nothing, when was the last time you heard from him?" I asked again.

"A day ago, you're sure everything is good... He didn't give dad the papers?"

"No not at all he'd give your dad the papers."

I said , trying to assure the already concerned boy.

"Uhmm.. okay.. you're sure everything is fine right?"

He asked again.

"Yeah, everything is good." I said, in a reassuring tone.

"Alright mom.. Is there something else..."

He asked again.

I was hesitant at first, but I guess I'll have to figure out things first.

"No there's nothing else."

I said, sounding confident this time.

"If something comes up, don't hesitate to call okay."

"Yeah, I'll. Thank you."

"Alright, take care Mom."

"You too, son." I said , before ending the call.

I sighed and slumped to my seat. Rubbing my temples, I asked Henry.

"How long is it going to take?"

"About half an hour ma'am." He replied, his gaze not going off the road.

I sighed again.

"Please be fine Luca." I muttered.

Luca's P.O.V

After a short search, I came across a simple affordable hotel in Casoria, a town around Naples.

Going to a five star hotel was out of the options, glamour wasn't what I needed at the moment also the chances of the Guans combing all hotels in Italy is high.

So this hotel is the best option at the moment.

It's is situated on the outskirts of town, away from the bustle of the city.

It's serene atmosphere, providing the solace I need right now.

I walked into the reception, and was warmly welcome with a smile from the receptionist.

"Good day sir."

"Uhhmm.. good day." I reply, clearing my throat so as not to sound too hoarse.

I had my shades on, so the puffiness of my eyes wouldn't raise brows.

The receptionist didn't seem to mind though.

"You here on a vacation I see.." she said smiling brightly.

I gave a soft smile. "Not really."

I guess even after spending almost all my years in Italy, some one could still tell I was a foreigner.

"Okay... Let's get to booking then, shall we?"

She asked, as she brought out a register.

I hummed, and looked around.

This place was looking older on the inside. And there don't seem to be much people either, at the driveway I just saw two cars, with mine making it three.

"Peaceful.." I mumbled...

"Pardon." Her cheerful voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Uhmm.. nothing, where I'm i signing?" I asked , focusing on the already opened register.

"Here, and here..... How long are you going to be here?"

She asked, after she was done pointing some columns.

I honestly didn't know how to reply that.

"A week." I said without thinking much.

"Okay Sire.."

She said, as she bent down slightly to sign on the register.

I glanced at the Italian brunette, She looks really happy and fulfilled.

The way she greets you with her dazzling and welcoming smile, enough to lure crowds into the motel.

Someone with her personality shouldn't be working in a place like this.

"You like working here?"

Oh shit... It wasn't intended to come out that way...

She raised her head up, and gave a confused look, even with that she gave aa smile...

"I'm sorry... I wasn't meant..."

"Yeah.. I love working here." She replied interrupting me.

"Ohh okay..." I wanted to ask more questions, but I refrained myself from doing so.

She then opened a drawer and started to fumble with some keys..

"Is there like a non exposed place where I can park my car?"

I asked again.

"Nahh.. sorry we don't have that here." She said, wearing an apologetic smile.

How can someone smile so much..

"Mhmm.. it's okay." I said, giving another small smile.

She finally brought out a key, that had a number tag on it.

"You'll be in room, twenty one through out your stay here." She said, sounding like she was finding it difficult to pick a room for me.

The way she said it... It was as though she wants me to pick a number by myself or something... Is that how empty this place is.

"It's cool... I'm okay with it."

I said, with a chuckle.

She smiled and seemed relaxed after my last statement.

She then ringed a bell, that was on the table.

"Do you mind waiting for a while?" She asked, again with the same apologetic smile.

"Uhmm... No I don't." I said.

I was about to say something else, when my phone rang..

Oh shit I forgot to return it to flight mode after surfing the internet.

Mrs Guan was calling, but I simply turned off my phone.

When I looked up, the brunette seemed to busy herself with a journal...

"Any ideas on who owned this place?" I asked again.

She turned to me with a sad smile, this time

"My grandparents.... They owned this place."

"Ohh.. okay." I said, knowing I had brought up a sad topic unintentionally.

"I'm sorry." I added.

"No no... It's okay." She said, with her usual dazzling smile.

This time looking straight into my shades.

"It's not sunny in here... I've been wondering why you were still putting that on."

She said, as she looked back into her journal.

"Uhmmm..." I stuttered.

"It's okay... I understand." She said, giving another warm smile.

"I'm here Signora.." An older looking woman came running into the reception, drying her wet hands on her apron.

"Just in time Diana... Kindly take Sire to his room...room twenty one."

She gave a nod and turned to me.

"This way Sire." She said , leading me into a corridor.

I turned to look at the receptionist one more time.

"Take care Miss." I said, waving her bye.

"Enjoy your stay.... If there's any issue please report to me." She said smiling brightly.

I turned to follow the older woman into the the dimly lit, warm and cozy corridor.

Everything about this place screams old.. but it was oddly comforting.