
Chapter 26

“ I guess I will have to piggy back you the rest of the way again."I winked “your gentlemanly qualities are drool worthy," I smiled ” if not for those heart thieves, I would have had a chance on you."

I guess the triplets stole my heart before I was even aware of it.

He paled at my words “don’t ever think about that again talk more of saying it inn the presence of the Alph_ triplets." he gulped in fear “they might have my head for something I didn’t commit."

his acting can almost be believable.

why will it concern the trips if am to date him?

They don’t love me that way right?

Am just a boy who happens to be new in their town.

“Hop on, let’s go”," he bent to let me up.

I graceful slid on, on his back( a secret if you want to really know, I wasn’t graceful at all, rather I was as clumsy as as virgin husband on his wedding eve).

He walked for hours none stop, the route we are talking wasn’t the same we took yesterday before we were captured.

“ this route isn’t familiar, I don’t think it’s the same we took yesterday."

“Because it isn’t, we are taking a different route from the one we took yesterday in case they decide to give a chase. This was the old road pack members take when are travelling or walking to Haji pack."

“How sure are you they wouldn’t realize the game you’re playing."

he turned and smirked “I made sure of that, am more prepared and careful than I was when we were caught.

We’ve spent a lot of time on this trip which isn’t supposed to be so. Had we taken the main route, we would have been in Haji pack by now, but we aren’t taking that route as that’s the first place they will look for us. Am taking great pain in not walking close to pack houses, they might smell us out and rat on us for whatever tidbits they might be given."

I nodded although I don’t understand what he was saying, how can they smell us out.

“do we smell that much?” I asked. Trying to smell my armpits.

he sniffed the air like an animal

 “of course not, we aren’t smelling. Why did you ask?”

“ Since we aren’t smelling all that bad, how will they smell us out?”.

He palmed his face “you know we have different gifts and capabilities in our town?”

I shook my head, I haven’t heard of that one.

“We were blessed and gifted by the moon goddess we serve, like I for one, am skilled in tracking.

I can track anything for you ranging from humans to animals and inanimate objects.

Some likewise are gifted with the gift of scenting, they can smell anything from afar."

it will be really cool to be gifted.

“wow bro that’s cool, your gift are extraordinary. How do one get to be gifted like you? Am I to start serving your moon goddess for her to bless me with a gift?”

His laughter although refreshing was as annoyingly as hell.

“this isn’t a laughing matter!” I pouted.

He didn’t stop laughing, he kept laughing to the extent I became afraid our captors might here it.

“ your laughter might attract our captors, stop laughing or else.. "

He didn’t heed my laughing, he instead increased the tempo.

“Let me down!” I squirmed on his back trying to break free of his tight grip on me, unbelievably he didn’t loosen his grip on me as he laughed, an almost impossible feat.

“I said let me down now!!” I started hitting him on his back till he stopped laughing, accidentally loosing him grip on me, the surprise made me fall on my butts before I can intercept the fall.

Clutching his stomach he resumed his laughter, this time laughing at poor old me on the floor.

“ today’s the first time in almost two years, I have laughed so hearty. Thanks for that Guel, you made my day."

“ Glad my misfortune can cause a person’s happiness," I said bitterly.

Standing up from the floor I was having a date on, I dusted my trousers.

So much for calling him a friend.

I took off, leaving him to follow behind “ do you know the way, this one you’re walking fast? wait for me!”

I ignored him as I picked up pace.

I don’t need friends like him in my life, am better off with Mr Kitty, he won’t pretend to be my friend and laugh at me when I fell, instead of helping me up.

“Guel am sorry, the sight was so hilarious I couldn’t help myself but laugh. Am really sorry please forgive me?”

he can go to hell with his apology for all I care.

I won’t talk to him again talk more of allowing him to piggy back me. 

“ you’re acting like a spoiled kid derived of his favorite toy, man up for a bit. You’re acting so immature."

me acting immature? Wait till I show him how immature I can be.

I know his trying to bait me by angering me, but I won’t give him the satisfaction, since am immature and his mature, what’s the relationship between us two?

I started whistling as I walked. 

 “Miguel, I said am sorry. I  know it was childish laughing at you when I was the one that caused your fall, am really sorry. Forgive me??” he made a pleading expression.

I would have fallen for his tricks if I didn’t know how good an actor he is.

“I promise I won’t do it again, I swear on my life."

you can swear on whatever you want to, I don’t care.

A small rat raced past.


I climbed on Mond like how a monkey climbs a tree.

“ what was that? “ I was shaking like possessed person who’s demon are being cast out.

He almost laughed, but he suppressed the urge “it’s probably a rat."

A rat? Oh my God am finished.

“Where did it run to?”

he contemplated for a second "towards our destination, now will you kindly come down from my body?” he tried to pry my hands away.

“No I will stay with you, wherever you go, I will go."