
Chapter 8: Second Mission

We arrived at Mount Olive safe and sound. I told Mr. Rolando to ask the servers to prepare the snacks while I’m going to the tent to change clothes.

“Your Highness, everything’s ready.”

“I’ll be there.”

In a few seconds, I went out from the tent. “How’s everybody?”

“We’re doing good, Your Highness.”

I nodded. “Tomorrow is my second mission. I can’t wait to finish all my missions. I miss home.”

Everyone also agreed. It’s been a week since we left in the palace. And I’m dying to go home. I miss my parent’s. I miss everything left behind.

“After this mission Your Highness, we’re excited on what the kingdom would be in the future. Knowing our soon to be King is a great leader and a great man.” Heneral Melchor said while holding his drink.

Everyone applauded. “And of course, we’re excited as well on how his highness would pursue his girl?”

They teased me like my love life is the most beautiful story of all. It hasn’t began it yet. Well, not now but soon.

“Anyway, your highness, is she here tomorrow? Will she watch your second mission?”

I paused for a moment. I didn’t know how to answer them. “I….”

“His highness is blushing.”



I stood up. “I’m not sure if she’s here tomorrow but….”

“I hope she would do.” One of the guards continue on what should I say.


They keep on teasing me. “Fine. Of course I’ve love to. I want her to watch me on my second mission.”

“The king is in love.”

They laughed and continue teasing me. “I will go now. I need to take a rest early for my second mission.”

“Go ahead, your highness.”

I smiled to them. “Thank you.”

They continue eating and drinking while me inside the tent resting. I’m blessed to have them. My parent’s and the whole kingdom for the support they gave me. I will never let them down. I will make them proud of me.

What could it be my second mission? The first one is not easy though. I just hope the second it not hard but how about the third one? Haist… it seems like I have to ready myself whatever it is.

The day arrived for my second mission. I just woke up early and do my daily routine. When I went out to the tent everything’s ready.

“Good morning, your highness!”

“Good morning!”

“Are you ready?”

“Always ready.”

“That’s the spirit!”

I nodded. “Let’s start for your second mission.”

“Today, we are here gather for his highness second mission. We are all eager to watch what could it be and how his highness will get through it. Without further ado, let’s witness his highness second mission.”

“Your Highness, your second mission is called a Test of Cross.”

Everyone’s cheering. I felt nervous. “Go, Your Highness. Fight and win.”

“A test of Cross means carrying the crosses of the kingdom whether it is good or bad. Willing to listen the kingdom’s wishes and plea. Willing to sacrifice for the sake of the kingdom and his people. Thinks not for himself but for the welfare and betterment of the kingdom so that justice and peace will reign in the entire kingdom.”

Heneral Melchor said about the Test of Cross, I don’t know but I feel the pressure now. I do hope I will win.

“Your Highness, what you gonna do right now is to carry the cross that is beside you and carried it until to the top of the mount Olive. You have only one hour to do that. Every strategy is acceptable as long as no using of your power.”


“Is there any problem, Your Highness?”

“No! Of course I’m ready to do it.”

“Very good.”

What now? What should I do? I just smiled at them as an assurance that I can pass the test.

“Our time now is 9:45 in the morning. At exactly 10 in the morning your highness we will start the mission.”

The top of the mount Olive is too far away. From what I’ve learned it’s 25km from here. I need to think a plan on how can I get there directly.

“And then, your highness since you have only 1 hour to do that, so you should finish it at 11 or before 11 in the morning. Am I clear, Your Highness?”

“Yes, Heneral Melchor.”

“The bell is ringing. It means to say we will start now the second mission.”

The crowd cheered. This is it. God, please guide me.

“Your highness, it’s 10 in the morning. Now position.”

I nodded. I carried the cross. It’s quiet big and heavy but I can handle it.

“Your highness, 1… 2… 3 go!”

I automatically walked fast in the secret forest of the mount of Olive. I didn’t expect that I will walked again on this part. The mount of Olive is not only a forbidden mountain but also it has a secret forest. I know this when I was a child. Father and I traveled here to practice archery. I now finally understand why my father wants me to practice here archery in the sense that I can use this for my mission.

It’s not that easy to enter since secret forest as well has wild animals. However, I can manage it since I know as well martial arts and technique on defending them. It so called secret forest since only chosen one’s can enter the premises. Only choose by God can enter.

I’m now in the middle part of the secret forest. I can now heard the noise of wild animals, their growls indicating that they are coming to me, ready to devour me.

As when a wild tiger went to me, I immediately put down the cross. I jump on the falls and swim. Shit. I need to get out of here or I’ll be drawn here.

“What shall I do then?” I heard the sound of the wild tiger as if he’s frustrating and the other wild animals came. I heard the angry sound of the wolves as well as the bark of the wild dogs. Shit. I’ll be dead meat if they catch me. Think Rich. Think a better plan.

I can’t stand here any longer. I need to breathe. I have no choice but to get out of the falls. I stayed here for almost 10 minutes. Luckily, I’m able to manage it.

I swim back and when I was going to get out from the falls, I saw a light. The presence of the wild animals got disappeared as if they are having fear.

“What happened?”

“No wild animals left here.”

“Why it is the Cross having light? Is this the reason why the wild animals afraid?”

I don’t know the reason why but whatever it is, I’m thankful about it. I carried again the Cross.

I stared at the Cross. “If you’re the one help me, thank you. I’m grateful for your help.”

It’s just possible that God gave me miracle through this Cross. I continue walking. No time should be put into waste.

“Almost coming. I’m near. I’ll get through this.”

“What took him so long?” I whispered. “Where are you, Your Highness?”

The time is almost to end. It’s 10:40 in the morning. I know you will win. You’ll pass the test.

“My dear God, please hear my prayer. Please His highness pass this mission and also his last, the third mission. He deserve to be a King.”

I prayed hard. “His highness is here.” The Royal guard reported smilingly.

I sighed in relief. “Thank God, you made it.”

When I see him, I want to hug him but I stopped. What even I’m thinking? Eurylice, get hold to yourself. He’s fine.

The crowd went wild when he appeared. A relief was written all over our faces. He put the Cross on the thick long green grass. He faced his people and smiled.

The crowd clapped and cheered. “Congratulations, Your Highness.”

“You’re so amazing, Your Highness. Congratulations.”

“Please silence, I need to ask his highness about his thoughts regarding the second mission.”

Everyone silent and listen. “Your Highness, how’s the second mission? What can you say?”

“I thought I could not make it since the path I choose to go over here is the secret forest.”

“Then, your highness, what happened?”

“I encountered wild animals but I’m thankful since God help me get through it and here I am, I pass the test.”

Everyone clapped. “You’re incredible, Your Highness.”

“I take the path of secret forest since it’s nearly on the top of Mount Olive. If I choose the other path, I cannot make it.”

They agreed. “Anyway, your highness, you make us proud. You’re so blessed as well that you can enter the secret forest since not all has the privileged to enter, only the chosen one’s can enter. On the other hand, it indicates that you deserve to lead our kingdom.”

“Long live, future King Aldrich!” “Long live!”

“Congratulations again, Your Highness. You finished the second mission at 10:51 in the morning.”

“Thank you. You’re all my inspirations. I offer all my victory to God and to all of you.”