
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

My Long Awaited Birthday Part 2

The garden was filled with roses since that's mother's favorite flower. I was enjoying my sight seeing when I saw him. The love of my life. Aerik Czar de Armas. Naturally at that time I didn't know him. The sight of him being in the center with flowers on all sides was quite breathtaking. He was but anything I had seen before. Pitch back hair and his gray eyes that one cannot forget easily just engraved on my soul. He was the just about my height. But he looked so beautiful that I couldn't take my eyes off. I knew it was rude to do. But I had never seen someone so beautiful before. I thought I was beautiful enough. But to think someone was on the same level as me of the opposite sex, it didn't feel right. Sensing my gaze he also looked at me. And God knows what had gotten over me. I took off me hair clip and put on his head, it was in silver color. It looked good with his black hair. He was astonished at what had happened before his eyes. And not minding his expressions, I said: "it suits you more, you should keep it". Suddenly we heard someone laughing, it was my brother Edward. He was laughing so hard that his eyes got wet and saying that I'm the first one to treat a boy as a girl. That comment made me come to my senses. If Aerik was first surprised, now he was angry but hiding his expressions, he greeted by placing a kiss on the back of my hand without asking and introduced himself. What he did was quite rude, first he did not ask for permission and second kissing a lady's bare hand is not normal. But I just couldn't point it out after what I had done. So I countered:

"Had you not introduced yourself, I would have thought of you as a girl. But sir Aerik this kind of greeting tells that after just one encounter, you got smitten with me. But then again, it's not your fault. It happens to everyone. So it's nothing new to me".

For a moment, he was speechless. Well he should be because I sounded so arrogant. It's not a behavior of a proper princess but I said whatever came to my mouth. Even Edward was giving me sideways glances. But the setting sun just saved me. I said: "I have to go back, so then I will excuse myself. Do enjoy your sight seeing."

After that I went back and when I came to my room, my face was red, don't know because of my rushing back or of my embarrassment. Even years later he made fun of our first encounter and I would always get embarrassed...

Suddenly there was a knock on the door so I knew it was time. Thus, I gathered my thoughts and checked out myself in the mirror before going out. I was accompanied by maids and guards until we reached the great hall. The grand door before opened with a creek sound and there was a pavilion in front. My father called me forth by introducing me as: "I present you all with the first princess, Athanasia de Aurelius de Obelion". (he did not introduce me as the crown princess). I looked at my mother's calm expression, so I also did not show any feelings. But with a bright smile I took my place beside father. And greeted them all(the huge crowd looking at me like I'm some kind of prize. Im not the type to enjoy attention but it was necessary.)

"I, Princess Athanasia de Aurelius de Obelion, the only daughter of Emperor Augustus de Aurelius de Obelion and Empress Diana de Aurelius de Obelion, greet you all and show my gratitude for attending this ceremony."

Everyone clapped with great enthusiasm. Since I was not called as crown princess but announcing my parents name just made them realize what it means to be the only daughter of Emperor and Empress. My fathers expressions remained stoic but I could see the tremble of his eyelashes. Surely, he did expect me to act this way. From the start I have no interest in crown but getting insulted is not something likeable and on such an important day. My mother's eyes were dripping honey, she sure looked happy. And that's all I need. For the first time I saw my father's concubine she has the seat right beside us. Liliana Grace... She is a daughter of viscount Grace. Just like her name she bloomed like a flower even in her early thirties. But she was not near my mother's beauty and elegant. After seeing her I was more sure, she was not simple. She gave a feeling to be protected that jsut entice a man's desire. But I also got a eerie feeling from her because she looked at me so sweetly that just sent shiver down my spine. My brother Edward also attended this ceremony despite being young. But again rules are made to be broken.

The ceremony continued with our first father daughter dance. And this was also our last. In terms of appearance our jeweled blue eyes and golden hair looked alike. Meeting my father after so long made me feel... Nothing... I could not feel any excitement. The only time my heart trembled was when he called my name. But that was all... And just like that our dance came to an end. And everyone according to their ranks came to greet me. Father presented me with some beautiful clothes and jewelery which I had no use. But I expressed my gratitude with a bow. My grandpa was next since in heirchy and seniority he is the senior most archduke. I was glad to see him and he gave me a sword name: Hell crasher... Everyone looked in awe. I didn't know then it could slash anything and had crafted by representatives of four different nations. Hell crasher is not a suitable gift for ten years old princess. But I was happy to have a real sword. Ignoring everyone's surprise, I asked:grand.. Cough, cough, Archduke Egilhard, can I see the sword? Normally you ask the emperor but ignoring him I continued. Father also didn't He nodded and then I came down from pavilion and unsheath the sword and did some air slashing moves. The crowd once again cheered up and started singing my praises. And with dignity I put my sword back and thanked my grandpa.

After that people continued coming and presenting their gifts. But it was boring. Because almost all of them were just dresses and jewelery and exception could be a villa or something like that. But nothing could be compared with hell crasher. It was like difference of sky and earth.

So with all the gifts, buffet started. The food was delicious. The preparation for this party was good, even ministers of high ranks sitted close to us started praising mother for such preparation. Even after years, she did not lose her composure of an Empress. She only acknowledged the praise.

After dinner, the emperor was busy talking with officials and mother was also taking with some high ranked people. I was bored so Edward pointed and I followed him. He went to the sweets and started eating without any restraint. There were other kids too but they dare not approach us. But suddenly I heard a similar voice. "So her highness liked swords. You are quite a lady yourself, princess. It was Aerik. I didn't want to get involve with him so I ignored him. But he again said, after making my heart beat fast," shouldn't you take responsibility". I was bewildered. How could he say something like that. Before anyone could sense what happened, I dragged him away with me into a corner. The hallway was empty, I removed my hand from his mouth. Since I used a teleportation spell, nobody noticed us. Taking my hell crasher out, I swung it in the air and said:

"Lord Armas, I just don't like swords, I also love playing with them. Would you like to play with me?" I was threatening him with a sword. Sweat did popped out on boys face. I cornered him, he was calculating his next move. But before he could do anything, we heard a shreik. We both got alerted and went to chase that voice. When we reached there, a maid looked appalled at the fainted Edward. I was shocked to see him like that. This was not good, I thought. And another shriek of Queen Lilian was heard. Everyone started a commotion but father gave order to take the prince and for a doctor. When everything was going smoothly this just had to happen...

First love is like a fleeting breeze of spring but it's effect last for lifetime. For some it will be harsh, for some wish they could go back, for some it will a stupidity, but some it will become nothing...

Time make you realize the harsh reality of life. But still I wish everyone good luck with their current or future partners.

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