
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Disaster after Disaster and Me in the center....Being... Entrapped...

I just can't believe that someone would be so stupid to use poison to take Ed down. Is it mother? I looked at mother, she wasn't showing any emotions but behind that emotionless face, I could see the bewilderment. Then what could have happened? I tried to scan my surroundings. But found nothing.

The party came to halt and the royal family was gathered in the Ember palace (the residencecy of Father's mistress). The royal doctor was attending to the prince. After half an hour, he came out. The tension was unbearable. The doctor told that the prince was indeed poisoned and it's hard to know it's origin. He had never seen that poison but the poison was a slow acting one. Queen asked about what did he mean by that. Doctor explained by saying that the prince was not poisoned today but weeks before. It was hard to digest as Ed had not showed any signs of being poisoned. It was truly a mysterious one. The cure was not found till then but using some health portions but his condition was still not much stabilized.

Father's face did not show any emotion but he still ordered to find the cure. As the temperature of the room was getting lower, I could still feel how much father loved his only son. Maybe he did prefer boys to girls. Suddenly mother asked the permission to heal Edward. I was quite taken a back. Since healing magic is rare and my powers are not that strong enough now to heal Ed. But mother never told me that she could use healing magic. Father nodded his head. But Ed's mother started rebuking my mother.

"You, Witch, after killing my one child, you want to kill my son now. Do you think, I don't understand your tricks. I would never allow you to get close to my children. This.. All of this happened because of you... Why did you even come out of your place like a bad omen... You..."

Father didn't say a word until the end. Mother also remained silent. But how could I let that woman insult mom any further.

So I started laughing. Everyone started staring at me. Sure enough I got their attention. But before they could say something I countered.

"Well, my dear queen, we sympathize with your situation but members of royal family don't lose their calm even in storms. Oh maybe that's the difference between real and a fake one. You should act according to your position."

" Athanasia!, mother said but I broke in...

"Here my mother is offering her help, do you think anyone is stupid enough to do harm in broad day light and in front of everyone. All your actions are disrespectful to the emperor since he already gave permission. Do you want to disobey his majesty? You should think about brother Edward's situation before rejecting". Then I respectfully bowed a little in front of father and said:

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, as the first princess of the empire, I cannot allow anyone to act without dignity in front of you. And I ask for your forgiveness since I should not have acted on impulse. Please forgive my ignorance" I said with an innocent face. Well after this act even he wanted to reprimand me, he could not do so now.

Father told the queen to be mindful of her words and should know where we are standing. He had an expressionless face, other than anger I could not see any emotion. And he ordered to investigate this matter thoroughly. Mother went into room where Ed was laid. Healing magic as I was saying is rare but it also takes a lot of mana depending on the condition of a patient. After mother used her magic, the sign of weariness could be seen on her face. After doctor confirmed that Edward was out of danger, we came back to our palace.

I came back to my room, I sighed. It was a long day. I took a bath and laid on my bed. It was exhausting. At the end Ed got treated. But I couldn't understand the words that that mistress was speaking of. Did mother killed her child. Is that the reason why she was confined to this palace. If that happened then she could have been stripped off her title. Why would she do something so risky. And why she was only confined? Nobody denied what she was saying but can I believe her words. There must be a story behind this. I turned and tossed in my bed. With these thoughts how I could fall asleep tonight. I got up and used the secret passage to get out of there.

As I was walking down the path, I heard someone's foot steps. Nearly giving me a heart attack. But the sound was getting dim. Nobody knows about those passage except mother and me. Thinking it would be mother, I followed them by using magic I walked without making sound. After a few twist and turns I reached mother's room. I was at some distance. But as the door opened, in light there was a man in black clothes, even his face was covered. Seeing a man going into mother's room, hundreds of questions ran through my head. The passage opened into mother's study room not bedroom. So I took another turn and reached the place behind the bookshelves. Here I could see them as the wall had pattern of web. I could see and hear clearly since I had used enhanced maics on them.

Just when I came to that point, I heard a crisp sound of slap. My mouth was agaped. Mother slapped that man. Okay, she wasn't cheating or anything. But I had never seen her this angry before and using violence. Never in my life I had seen her with this expression as cold it was. My mind became clearer with their conversation.

"How could you not do one thing properly. All you had to do assasinate that prince Edward, but you couldn't even kill a kid".

" I ask for your forgiveness your Majesty! Prince Edward went to the ceremony but princess Athanasia was him the entire time, so we couldn't find an opportunity and when we found one, he fainted".

"Then who poisoned him?"

"Please forgive our incompetence, we don't know for sure but we do suspect it to be the queen Lilian.

Your majesty, should we execute the plan?"

"What's the point now, as you lost such an opportunity in the introduction ceremony. Withdraw for now and wait for my orders".

The man got up and left using the same passage. Since I was in a blind spot he didn't notice me.

Before I could register all this, I herad mother's voice. "Princess Athanasia, come out of your hiding, we need to talk". I was shocked, how could I get caught. So she knew I heard everything. But she still continued her conversation.

But taking deep breaths, I decided to confront mother for real this time.

I pulled the handle of candle and the wall disappeared and entered the room. Mother had an expressionless face. But this time I hardened myself.

"How are you going to explain this, mother?"

She said, "what you heard is true." And she became silent not saying anything else.

"And that's it. You're not going to say anything else. Then did you also kill her child".

"What do you think, dear?"

"I, I do not know anymore, I thought you could not do this but after listening to the previous conversation with that masked man, I need you to clearly tell me the truth".

"Fine. I did not kill that child. But I did try to kill Edward".

Suppressing myself from tearing up, I asked why.

She laughed, "When you will come to love someone, you will understand. The despair, the humiliation, I went through".

I could not accept what was happening in front of me. Mother was one of the most kindest souls, I had ever seen. She had a tolerating and forgiving nature. Was all that a lie. But how could everything be lie? Wiping the unshed tears I said:

"I understand mother that you hate that woman but why do you hate Edward. He did not do anything wrong."

"He did not do anything wrong? Indeed he is innocent but what one can do? But how you can be so naive my dear daughter. He is her son what can you expect from him. Can you guarantee the future. Letting things be as they are now. I waited for ten years but he did not come once. He never believed me. (I knew mother was talking about father). But how can I let them get in your way. You're supposed to be the crown princess. Yet he did not introduce you so".

"Mother I understand where you are coming from but father also did not proclaim him the crown prince yet. I think you need to change your actions. And I never said that I wanted to be the next Empress."

"Princess, because of your father we are only confined in this place. After him do you think they will keep us alive? There is only one way of our survival is you being crowned".

I never thought that far. Maybe I was being naive or acting like a kid, just made me one. Lilian conspired against mother and even she was not able to prove her innocence. Anything could happen in the future. And I naively thought I was going to live my life the same as it had been. But I out of everyone should have known how unpredictable life can be. Just like my last one. I don't want to lose my loved ones. Wasn't I working hard just so I can protect my people. And it's true as a legitimate heir, I'm the biggest thorn in Edward's way of being crowned. I should have thought from mother's perspective. But there always more options.

"But still I don't think we need to take it that far. Mother, you know how much I hate that throne. Isn't that the reason of our misery. Because of that crown, you lost your husband's love and I grew up without a father. But if you still want me to take that damn crown, I'm willing. But I need you to stop what you're doing. I can take that crown and my right by my own hands.

You don't need to dirty your hands! With my power and talent I can take the crown but for that to happen, we need to wait for the right time. Just make that option as a last resort. Edward is a good kid... if he wanted to fight I'll fight. I won't back down but please I want you to stay with me, so please mother do not do anything recklessly", I said while staring at mother face without batting my eyelids.

Mother saw the determination on my face, her expressions softened and she called me lovingly.

"Dear, I knew my daughter would understand me, even if the whole world did not".

I did not say a word.

She motioned me to come close to her. I went to her and she hugged me and wished me Happy birthday. In all the chaos, I forgot that it was my birthday. Her eyes were wet but her face had a loving smile. My mother was beautiful but in that moment she looked bewitching. I hugged her back and asked shyly if I could sleep with her tonight. She said of course and we went to bed. That night she told me her love story and how she ended up like that.

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