
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Love, Hate and Relationship

Augustus and Diana parted their ways but promised to meet again. Diana joined the academy of Magix. It was compulsory for every noble of empire to graduate from here. As it was founded by the ancient four Magicians. The academy did not only focused on its student's magic but also it valued other type of education.

All children above thirteen can enter the academy. It had dorms for students. Children from other countries also came. Augustus was his one immediate Senior in academy. So they spent a lot of time together and made many memories.

There were total four countries on the continent. One was the Obelion empire(the largest one). One was the elves territory, country of Alvanor,located deep in the Erigentes forest, the largest forest on the continent. After the ancient War, Elves had been living there. Because of the forest, they were protected from others. There were two small countries one was just at the end of the continent in North. It was the country of Atlanta. Because of extreme weather conditions, it solely depended on empire for food and other necessities. But because of largest mana stone mines there, they made their living. Mana stones are necessity for life. All the luxury came because of them.

Their enormous strength and the weather conditions made hard for the empire to subdue them. So both parties formed a peace treaty after the last battle.

The last country was Abraxas. It was the most mysterious place of all. But there were rumors that they used black magic for cultivation. Black magic is dangerous because it gave its weilders enormous power but at the cost of their life force. In short it shortened their life span. But they are just rumors. It was located across the Erigentes forest.

Academy of Magix purpose was to retain peace among human and other nations and train them to defend themselves against the demon attacks that happen every ten years.

Mother and father continued their education along their dating. Nicholas Egilhard (Uncle Nick) was the son of one the retainers of archduke, he had a crush on Diana since they were young. He was three years older than her. He was the most prospective fiance of Diana. He adored her like her family, and took care of her as an elder brother. He thought he would confess his love when she would come of age. But before that Diana found herself a boyfriend and he just had to be the crown prince. In status and ability, he was the best option. In the end he gave his blessings, the girl that used to follow him all day, was now following someone else. He chose to continue be her brother and swore to protect her.

The love story of Augustus and Diana became the talk of all. Even though they were dating, there were many who had a secret crush on Diana, no one could just resist her charm. She was talented, beautiful and headstrong. She was confident but graceful. Even the princes of neighboring countries liked her. But she rejected all of them.

Augustus was just as popular as she was. He was the most sought out bachelor in the whole academy. Because he was a true leader and mature for his age. The golden hair and blue jeweled eyes were so enchanting that it made countless girls heart race.

Before their graduation they were engaged and got married when Diana was eighteen and Augustus was nineteen. Their wedding was the wedding of the century. Being the only child.of their families, the wedding was the most glamorous one being recorded in the history.

Things begin to change when Diana could not conceive a child for five years. The first three years were the most blissful one. They were a loving couple. But after they were crowned, questions started to rose as the Empress, she had to give birth to a child. She did conceived but had numerous misscarriges. Her heart broke. But Augustus still loved her. She was satisfied with that. So she performed her duties diligently. She got the tile of the most wise Empress. People loved her evenore than the Emperor. Sure men could not endure women who are wise. So it a sore in young king's throat. But they still lived peacefully.

And everything crumbled down when Lilian came in their life like when the crad tower crumble down and you feel all your efforts before your eyes becoming meaningless. Polygamy was not forbidden but only one was the legal life.

Augustus still loved his wife, even when she could not conceive a child. As a king he indeed needed an heir. But he was helpless before his fate. He has been married for seven years now.

Demon started to appear on border towns and caused havoc here. Before the situation could get worse they dispatch their army. But it was not a simple battle. So all countries corporated for this task because a very strong demon was born and he made his army of minor demons and control the monstrous creatures inhabiting the great Erigentes Forest. It was war. They could had defeated them earlier if only Abraxax had corporated. But in the end they did send their troops.

Augustus, unlike other leaders was on the front lines. But at some point, he was gravely injured. This happened at Inej Valley. He balked out and his men could not find him. He was saved by someone. When he came to himself, he saw his savior and was surprised by her. It was a young girl not more than eighteen years old. She had pale skin and light golden hair. Her red colored lips made a lovely contrast with her pale skin. Her eyes were light blue that gave her an ambiguous appearance. She was wearing a white dress. She truly looked like an angel. Even Augustus could not help but be enchanted by her beauty. She was the complete opposite of Diana, if Diana was the proud goddess, the woman in front of him, gave him a feeling of a small fairy that needed protection. When she asked, If he was feeling better, then he came back to his senses.

Lilian was the daughter of a baron, Traynor. He owned a small gold mine. They were just not too well off but just enough to be a noble.

Lilian when saved Augustus life, he brought her to their base camp. The caravan was attacked by the demon, in which Lilian was going. Augustus called for her and asked what she wanted in return. She of course denied but in the end, Augustus promised to fulfill her one wish.

They won the battle and when they returned to capital, Augustus tried to forget Lilian face but he could not. Agter some time, there was the celebration part for the victory. It was also the same time for that yearly ball. All noble children come for their children's debut in the social circle.

Lilian came to that party. She made a lot of admirers. But Augustus could not digest the unsettling feeling. But one incident changed everything. Lilian was asked by a count for her first dance, it was important because it was done with your love interest. She knew Augustus was watching her, so she accepted the count. But people started talking loud enough it could be heard that she spent a night with a man in wilderness. A woman's integrity was being questioned at her debut ball. Nobody said to her face but she was utterly humiliated. Diana was with neighboring countries representatives in another room. She was not present at the scene.

Augustus felt that as all that mockery was directed at him but not at Lilian. In order to save the dasmel in distress, he like a knight in shinning armor(his gown), came to save her. He in front of everyone said that:

"I admired your courage to utter such mockery to your emperor," he said with cold face. His voice was loud enough to be heard by everyone.

Everyone felt shivers down their spines when they heard, "the man you're talking about is me, Lilian Traynor was with me.

Insulting her meams insulting the emperor, himself".

With these words he made Lilian his woman. And in order to settle the rumors, they married. Since he was already married, he could not give her a wedding ceremony. After their first night, Lilian became the mistress of the emperor.

As for Diana, she was heartbroken. But after spenting all night crying, she hardened her heart.Since there was no elder in the family and only Diana was the female in the royal family, she had to go to the newlywed couple's chamber to confirm the virgin's blood. Her lady in waiting Rosetta told her that the nany of the emperor countess Elkhart could attend the ceremony but Diana insisted. Because it would be disrespectful to her. So she ordered her maids to prepare everything. She looked beyond gorgeous. Even though she was twenty five but age only added to her beauty. Her elegance showed her birth and status.

With Countess Elkhart she went to the bridal room. That was the first meeting of Diana and Lilian. She did not make things difficult for her but invited her for dinner. Lilian asked: If she will be coming with her husband.

That remark was quite bold as she was just a mistress not the real wife. But Diana was the Empress.

Countess Elkhart, as the nanny of Augustus was considered to be one of the elders of royal family. She was already not happy with this marriage, it was Diana who asked her to come.

She reprimanded Lilian by telling her to know her place. She was quite dissatisfied by her. She loved Diana and was sad for her. But Lilian remarks made her furious.

That night, all gathered, Augustus, Diana and Lilian. They sat down according to heirchy. Augustus looked at his wives, could not help but compare them. One was like the dawn of new day, Lilian, the fresh breath of day. One could not help but want to breath in that air.

Diana was as bright as the full moon. Those green eyes were as calm as night but had endless sea of stars in them that had witnessed everything that the world could offer. One could not help but be drowned in that sea and want to know that they had hidden.

Time passed but Augustus could not help but be drawn to Diana. After Lilian came, she became distant by giving them space. She said it was his duty to have an heir. But all that encouragement only made him more distress. He could not but wonder if she even loved him. Surely, he wronged her but did her feelings changed with time,it can't be? The burning sensation did not sit with him. He wanted to go and confront her. If it was in the past, he would had done that but now everything changed. Whenever he saw her, he only felt guilty towards her. The sight of Lilian reminded him of his sin. He could never give her the love she demanded.

Diana tried her best and made herself more busier with her duties. She did not want to come between them. She made herself distant, so she wouldn't have to see them and be reminded of his disloyalty. She always thought that he could never love anyone other than her. But someone did came between them. It was hard for her to accept the reality.

She did want to become blinded with jealosy. Only God knew how much she loved him. But at the same time she could not hate him. If the matter of heir was not important, she would never allow him to get married. But she was proud that he did ask for her opinion for his second marriage. How could she hate him? When he atleast confessed and asked for her permission. Even the matter was already out of hand. But giving him the permission only heightened her status. She was truly an ideal wife. But the price she had paid was not small.

It's not like that she did not want to hate him. She tried her best but the care and attention that had been given to her in the past ten years was not small. She was reminded of the past. And her role as the Empress was quite heavy for her.

So in the end, who could she blame, no one but her foolish heart. She wooed her tears and wore a bright smile and went to her office for work....

How could she hate him... *When he was the man she chose*

Love Can make someone's life a heaven or hell.

The most poisonous thing in this world is the heart of a jealous person.

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