
A Lonely Princess

I died in an accident at 21 yrs old age. And then got reincarnated in a fantasy world as the first born princess of Obelion empire. My father didn't care about me but who needs him anyway when I have a loving mother and extra ordinary powers to make my mark in this world. It's a story of her life filled with betrayals, death, mystery, drama and unannounced romance and her journey to find herself along the way. Join her on this journey to find the truth that's been hidden beneath many lies.

Fahmakhilji2021 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Love, Hate and Relationship Part 2

Lilian when went to Academy of Magix, she heard about the royal couple too. She fantasized about them, wishing that she too would find the love of her life just like they had found each other. Like a little girl she thought about love.

She was a second year student, when on the opening ceremony, Emperor Augustus was invited. He was the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Straightening her feelings, she just admired him from a distance.

Like most of the time, she spent all day in the library. She was reading the history of empire, when from the corner of her eye, she saw him sleeping like a child in library. She did not know she would be lucky enough to see this scene. He must be quite tired. She scanned her surroundings. There was no soul in sight. He was just too handsome for her to ignore. Sharp jawline, golden hair(shining like sun), thin lips, high nose, it was just too much. She wanted to take a closer look, so she moved forward. And God knows what came over her, she kissed him in his sleep. It was just a peck on lips but if she get caught, that would be a disaster. She stole a kiss from the emperor.... She was too daring. Not knowing what to do, she dashed out of the library. Breathing heavily, she traced her lip with her own finger, the sensation still lingered. Her face was red and that time she knew she had fallen for him completely. And she vowed that she would make him her man one day.

Time passed, and she was given a chance. It was a voice she had started to hear after that incident. She followed that voice and saved the king. And was given a promise to fulfill her one wish, Augustus swore in the name of Emperor of Obelion. She was just too lucky.

She married him and became his mistress but she could never accept his relation with Diana. So in the end, jealousy filled her heart. As Augustus was distancing him. She hated Diana. Why she had everything, she is loved by the people, looked upon by the court but also the only one in Augustus heart. Why everything Lilian wanted became hers in the end.

Augustus wanted to get close to Diana. But she was avoiding him. With the excuse to give her a break and celebrate their ten year relation, Augustus took Diana to his private villa. They spent a month for a vacation. He tried his best to take care of Diana. He gave all his time and attention to her as if trying to make for the lost one. At the end, Diana forgave him and could not help but love him. As always her happiness did not last long.

On the other side, Lilian was having a hrad time. She became addicted to drinking. From dawn to dusk, she drank alcohol. Her attendants were quite worried about her. She could never face the reality that she was the one who came in between in then but always blamed Lilian.

There was a harvest festival in the capital. She decide to go out of this suffocating palace. She took one escorts with her, Gabriel. He was a handsome knight. He was the commander of second knight order. He always had a crush on Lilian. He was satisfied with protecting her. Lilian knew of his feelings but she did not pay much attention to it. She roamed through the streets and went to bar and started drinking. She had heard that the royal couple used to go out of palace and roamed in the streets hiding their identities but August never took her out. Anger burned in her eyes and she drank until she blacked out.

When she came to herself next day, what she saw was hard to believe. She slept with someone and none other than Gabriel. His silver hair and blue eyes were shining. She stared crying but Gabriel vowed that he would take this to his grave. He gave her his oath as a knight.

Month passed and the royal couple arrived back to palace. Work was piled for both and they got busy as soon as they got here. But August still spent his nights in pearl palace. He hardly saw Lilian and only went to her one time a month to fulfill his duty. Lilian was heartbroken but after she had slept with other man, she had not the courage to see him.

But everything changed as she was found pregnant. And the timing matched with Gabriel. She was scared out of wits because every child of Aurelius family had undoubtedly golden hair and blue jeweled eyes. Her secret would be out. So she asked for Gabriel's advice. He was also at a loss. Because both of them would be executed.

Lilian sent him and thought of a plan and another than a miss carriage she couldn't think of anything else. She threatened Gabriel with her life and asked for the medicine. But she did not take it, as she smiled that was not a smile.

Diana and Lilian had a luch together every two weeks. As they were eating together, suddenly Lilian had cramps, she bent down and tears were flowing. And then she fainted.

Diana called for the physician and was quite shocked. Doctor told her that the royal lady Lilian had a miss carriage. August was also informed, he was heartbroken but nothing could be seen on his face. Diana wanted to console him but was at a loss to what to do. Investigation started and the drug was found in her food. All the evidence was against Diana.

Augustus did not know who to believe. The investigation was carried out by his trusted knight Gabriel. At one side he finally became a father but lost his child and on the other side was Diana. He could not believe she would do something like that. Lilian started her protest, she sat on her knees outside his office without eating or drinking. After even 24 hours, he did not come. So Lilian had no other choice but to use her trump card. She was asked by August. She went down her knees and said:

"Your majesty, do you remember your promise that you had given me that you fulfill my wish. I want to use that now.

Augustus was in turmoil. He could not bear to see her like that. He helped her to get up. But she refused. And continued.

"I'll forgive sister Diana for what she had done and would not ask for official decree. But just as you had spent ten years with her, now I want you to spent the next ten years with me. Empress will not come out of pearl palace and you are not allowed to enter it either".

Augustus was shocked at her demand. If he did not fulfill his promise he would have to give up the throne. And he could not bear to separate from Diana. At that moment he finally realized that who was truly in his heart. And he regretted but there was no use of crying over spilled milk.

His heart was broken but he did what he had to do. In order to save Diana, he confined her to her palace for ten years. Hoping she would understand. But that was just his selfishness.

Lilian gave the message to Diana that had a twisted meaning that Augustus did not believe in her. After that she went to her palace with her few trustworthy people. Her father wanted to protest but she asked him that they must follow the emperor's order.

Luck or not soon she was found pregnant. She hid her pregnancy and after Athanasia was born healthy then she informed Augustus of his daughter. No one could accuse of her anything as Athanasia had royal blood and undoubtedly was his child.

It almost been a year since he had not seen Diana. Lilian changed a lot or maybe he was too blind to see her true colors but as she had become pregnant again, he could not do anything to her. But after spring, he received a letter from Diana. It was first in a year. And it included the news of his daughter's birth. He was over joyed and wanted to announce to the whole world. But Diana told her not to do and wanted to keep her daughter a secret.

This was how they both ended up. They both did make mistakes and were to cruel to each other till the end.

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