
Chapter 21: The Signal

(A/N: I've finally recovered enough to continue writing. Right after I recovered from an accident, I was hit with severe sickness, but thank God I'm back at semi-full health once again.)

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While two of the leaders were inside, the other one wasn't, which meant he was outside somewhere. There were still different places yet to be turned, so the team of three set out from there. 

The outer area of the bandits' den was quite large, giving room for the accommodation of many of them without any issue. It was really something. There was no way they wouldn't take too much time going around together, so Daru took the decision of them splitting up.

-"You, Kazi, go that way while Linx head that way..." He pointed directions as he spoke, "I'll head this way, and we'll meet up there." He pointed to the rendezvous point.

Three of them separated from there. While sneaking around, Kazi listens in on the conversation between a small group of bandits gathered around a dim camp fire with alcohol in their hands. 

"It's so good that we get to be a part of such an organisation.. *burrrpp, really nice... We get to do little and still enjoy the benefit, I me-ean, what else could be better?"

"Maybe some women on my d*ck, that's what. Those in higher positions hug all the fun, *spit."

"All you think about is women, Lin, go to a brothel then, there's a ton of'em out there."

"Heh, whatever. Maybe after Lord Maro comes back we'll get some leftovers, they should be back anytime soon..."

After Kazi had listened enough, he moved from there. He also heard talk of how the sutori assisted with the work outside and they the bandits got to just slack off for the most part.

When Kazi met up with the rest, he replayed the information he had gathered, which tallied with the one from Daru's side. Once again, Linx didn't get anything useful. They found a good spot to lay in wait, well, Linx and Kazi did while Daru left to contact those laying in wait just outside the entrance. He would have brought the other two with him, but there was no need to risk it.

He informed Gaz and the others that the leader was going to be coming back soon and that they should keep an eye out. After he did that, he returned back to the boys. 

-"This is what we do now, we go in and get into position to take out the two inside once the others make their move."

"How'd we know when that happens?" Kazi whispered, which attracted stink eyes from the other two, after all, it defeats the entire purpose of Daru using a sound technique in the first place.

-"Don't worry, we'll know."

Linx and Kazi understood what Daru meant, so they readied themselves after sneaking their way back to the underground entrance again.

After getting into the underground section, the tricky part became how they would get to replace or join the guards that were stationed inside. Daru already had the identity of the guard standing at one of the doors, so it wasn't going to be so difficult for him. Even though Linx one too, that was probably a new or low ranking guy, so it wasn't ideal, Kazi on the other hand had the identity of a useless person they killed outside.

The goal now was simple, and it was to obtain the identity of one of those inside.

-"Too bad you boys don't know how to use the face skin, it would have been way easier." Daru said with a noticeable huff, not showing any sign of urgency or intensity for this kind of mission, it was too clear.

After they went in, Linx separated from the group immediately, both understood why, so no one was surprised about it. He was good with the shadow techniques after all.

Kazi and Daru made their way to the room where the other two leaders were. Now they had to find a way to get in there and lay in wait.

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Outside the bandit hideout, the rest stationed themselves in different positions lying in wait. For the time being, their objective had shifted. They now waited for Marco, one of the leaders who was outside at the time to come back. He was supposed to be back at anytime, so everyone remained at a maximum level of alertness.

Soon enough, after various minutes, a cart came rolling by being dragged by one horse. No one rode on the horse, instead, there was someone pulling the horse while two others stationed at each side as they moved. Apart from the three in front, two were beside the cart being pulled, and another man rode on the second horse that followed behind the cart with three people around him like escorts.

-"That must be Marco... Get ready everyone and remember your position and roles, nothing changes..." Gaz said using the sound technique so that only those of his team and Daru's could pick up his words.

The target moved casually into the trap set before hand without the least bit of suspicion, it was fascinating that they were so relaxed just because they had gotten close to their hideout, at least, Marco should have been different, after all he was supposed to be an actual sutori. Not that it mattered.

Once the position was favourable, Gaz gave the signal. –"GO."

In the twinkle of an eye, seven people died, these were easy normal targets, sitting ducks to sutori that could move so fast, Marco on the other hand, proved to be worth the title. He managed to dodge at the very last moment, only sustaining an injury to the shoulder from Rufa, but unfortunately for him in this case, that was all Rufa needed.

'Why'd he stop?...'

"Poison?..." *tud

Marco's body dropped to the ground about a minute later.

"Did you just kill him?" Lanira seemed a bit shocked, maybe just surprised. She didn't understand what just happened, this wasn't the plan for sure. She didn't get an answer though...

"Let's move, time to send the signal."

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*BooM *BooM

'That's our signal." Three people thought at once.