
Chapter 20: Interesting Discovery

-"Two patrol guards coming. Leave the talking to me as much as possible."-

Linx nodded his head to this while they contained walking. As they passed the two who were coming from the opposite side, both sides didn't say anything to each other and just passed by. The tension was temporarily increased, but Daru and Linx didn't even look at the two and walked passed straight.

The place they had dropped into was a small compartment that was empty with a door that linked to a wide hall. The hall however, seemed to be in a circular or semi circle design, so it was impossible to see the end. 

After a while more, both of them finally got to the end of the hall, and there they were met with a split path. There were two doors that might lead to two different places entirely. Daru performed a quick scan of the environment trying to sense if there were any ora users nearby, after some seconds, he determined that there were none.

The plan was simple, Daru and Linx would split up. Daru would go through the left door, and Linx through the right one. Of course, the reason was simple, the plan was meant to fail from the very beginning, so Daru wasn't careful as he would normally be with the newbie at all. Though, Linx had a trick up his sleeve. 

-"Alright, take this." Daru handed Linx a red scarf to tie on his hand, this was to indicate themselves from the rest. Who was to say they wouldn't change their identities again. Link nodded and tied the scarf to his arm, and Daru did the same.

After that, they split up and went into the doors.


Outside, Kazi was still standing there standing guard. Even though this place was rather secluded and out of sight, his mind was not at rest. This was mostly because if he was to as much as relax and a powerful sutori came around, he would be in serious trouble, if not dead.

'They sure are taking their time... Heh, it's not easy anyway. Why is Daru even going along with this plan anyway, I figured he'll go straight to the main bosses and be done with them as soon as possible.' He really couldn't figure it out. Maybe he started having a little fun and decided to play along, Kazi couldn't tell.



Some time had passed already when a guard standing at a door noticed something wrong with the shadow at the other side of the door. His eyes widen as the shadow looked to have moved and just like an illusion, the figure of someone appeared. As the person stood up, it was revealed to be another guard who quickly walked over towards the other one.

"Captain Daru, have you finished searching this side? I didn't find anything on the other side, just a place where they drank and fornicate and a different room that led to the vault." Linx reported.

"That's alright, I've found the position of two of their leaders already, the problem is the last one, I can't seem to find him anywhere inside."

"Maybe he's outside."

"Yeah, I thought the same, but we can't lose him after killing the two inside. Follow me, I have an idea that'll flush all of them out at once. Luckily, Kazi calculated such a situation, we'll go with his plan."

'Can't believe a kid's the one making plans for me to follow, I must be losing my edge.' Daru thought to himself.

. . . Flashback - Before they left the camp . . .


"What is it?"

"I have a suggestion, a kind of failsafe in case the first plan doesn't work." 

"Why don't you leave it and tell us when we are all present and reviewing the plan for the last time?"

"There's no need to over complicate things like that."

After some more convincing, Daru was just too lazy to refuse the kid anymore.

"Go on."

"Thank you, captain. So in case the leaders are split up, we get found out or any mishap appears, we can go with this plan. But most of all, if they are split up." This was something he learnt after playing some sniper games after all, it felt good to implement like this, or at least get the potential chance to implement.

Kazi enquired about what element Daru was good at, and luckily, Daru was an earth style user, so Kazi made the plan around that.

"During such a time, if you can create some disturbance and chaos that would flush out the bandits, that would be great, then we can just pick them one after the other in the chaos..." The plan didn't make sense at first, but after Kazi was done explaining, Daru saw the picture that Kazi was trying to paint, and he was impressed.

"That's actually a good plan, we'll do that in such a situation then. I'll brief Gaz on it."

. . . Flashback end . . .

Outside the bandit den, Kazi helped Daru and Linx get out of the hole they had gone through, not that they needed the help.

"What did you find." Kazi was a little curious.

"Nothing on my side, I could only locate their honey-spot and the place where they kept their wealth." Linx said.

Although it seemed to have meant nothing to him, Kazi thought differently, 'MONEY!'

Daru explained what he had seen and the location of the leaders as he drew out an outline of the inside on the hard ground using a dagger.

The entire time, Kazi couldn't get his mind off the wealth Linx had mentioned. He would need funds in the future, so he had been thinking of how to do just that. The problem was that his plan still had some time before it could be put into fruition. In the mean time, he could also rub bandits and such people to earn some extra on the side, that was also an option.

'I don't believe the tak will not take this money or investigate this place after the mission.' He thought to himself. 'Maybe since it isn't too important...' Either way, this was a place worth putting on his tab. He also made sure to get the location of this place where Linx found the wealth so he could pay a little visit later.

'I have to at least try.'

"Alright, let's complete the final part and be done with the mission."