
Little Genius Brother

After eating with her friends, Emily hailed a taxi home. Not the Rustin family main mansion, but the mansion her father had bought for her mom. Upon reaching her destination, she paid the driver and alighted then strolled through the neighbourhood into their house. It was a gated and quite expensive community.

"Sister! I finally had a breakthrough!! I finally had a breakthrough!!!" Jaden shrieked and ran about the room madly. Jaden was Emily's younger brother. He was eleven.

"Hey chill! What are you even talking about? What breakthrough did you have?" Emily inquired, feeling puzzled. However, Jaden didn't seem to hear what she said in the midst of his jubilation. She cocked an eyebrow at his strange behaviour.

Laila chuckled as she approached her daughter.

"Don't mind him. He's just over excited. The software he was developing for Xi Empire which had been bugging him for days has finally been completed".

"Oh really?! That's great! My little brother is such a genius!" Emily exclaimed as she proudly gazed at her brother. His eyes sparkled in delight as his sister praised him. If there was anyone he loved the most, it was his sister. He could do anything just to hear a single praise from her. She was his inspiration.

Emily gazed at her brother lovingly. She loved him to bits. Jaden was a rare genius. A highly intelligent and talented boy. His prodigious potential was first discovered when he was seven. Since then, several influential and affluent people tried to poach him but in the end, he joined the Mensah foundation, in which his potential was properly revealed and developed, turning him into who he was now. A child prodigy, a world class hacker and a software developer. Many people found it it hard to believe that ranking third on the list of world class hackers was actually an eleven year old boy. Anyway, very few people knew about that. Even his subordinates did not know.

"Come over! This is definitely worthy of celebration. Tell me, what do you want?" Emily asked.

"Sigh, what is it I want? I don't really need anything. Don't worry, just your praise is enough", he answered.

His words made Emily feel sweet in her heart. Giggling, she reached out her hand and ruffled Jaden's hair.

"Hey! I already said you should stop doing that! I'm not a little boy anymore!" Jaden exclaimed, feigning annoyance.

"Of course you are..."

"No I'm not!"

Bickering, the two walked arm in arm upstairs.


In the evening

It was chilly, although the skies were clear. The harmonious family of three sat in front of the television, chatting heartily.

Just then, one of the maids announced, "Madam, Sir is home", she said and bowed her her, walking briskly away. Edward Rustin entered.

"Baby!" Laila said coquettishly.

"Darling!" He answered, pecking her lightly on the lips. Emily simply looked away while Jaden coughed in embarrassment. Seriously, what were their parents thinking? Flaunting their love in front of their pitiful underage kids?


"Sir, Madam, dinner is ready", one of the maids announced.

"It's time for dinner. Let's all go eat", said Laila. With that they all gathered around the dining table to eat. While eating...

"Baby, I heard that Lacena is returning from the States to take over the Rustin Corporation", said Laila. Edward coughed awkwardly.

"You might have heard wrongly. Lacena is indeed returning but not to take over the company. You doubt me, don't you? I already promised you that I would make Jaden the next heir to the family so I would", he said.

Emily scoffed. She had heard enough of her father's empty promises. She still wondered why her mother trusted and went along with everything her father said despite not fulfilling a single one of them.