
A Lion’s journey (Twilight 1st)(Harry Potter 2nd)(Marvel 3rd)(PJO 4th)

Follow the Mc, a Nemean Lion shifter as he travels through the multiverse. This is a harem fic with Mc imprinting on a single women per verse. And it wouldn’t be completely illogical as Lion’s are polygamous creatures. So far the love interests for the next worlds are: Rosalie Hale, Nymphadora Tonks, Natasha Romanoff and Aphrodite. 1- Twilight 2- Harry Potter 3- Marvel 4- Percy Jackson

Fenris_1 · Movies
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Chapter 5 - Alice’s plan

Rosalie POV

As I walked through the school on my way to my first period. The lustful gaze of the school boys and girls followed my figure.

Something I was used to, my practiced almost permanent scowl was enough to deter any suitor that may think had a chance.

But the braver ones, were always a little more complicated.

Just last year I had to deal with one of these braver humans, a senior named Mike Ross. At first I simply gave him the cold shoulder for a week, and since he didn't seem to take a hint. I started insulting him in public, making it clear he was not to my taste. But when even that didn't work, just as I was thinking on a location to dump the corpse. Jasper came froward and took the initiative of intimidating him into leaving me alone, his justification "since I am going by the name Hale, it's only natural that I would come to my twins rescue." So after the 6'3 Jasper threatened and slightly manhandled the 5'11 pest while tweaking and instilling fear into him by using his gift. My peace and quite finally returned.

Now all it took was a simple glare to deter any form of courtship from any boys in this school. As even the braver ones didn't want to deal with my 'twin'.

Entering the Math class before the lecture started, I scanned the room for any new faces. Alice had told me he would be coming but I didn't know what classes I had with him.

It didn't take long for me to spot him seated at the back of the class.

He seemed to have noticed me as well, as I could see his eyes trail over me. Wanting to practically imprint my appearance into his head.

A slight frown made it into my features, 'I hope he's not some type of creep.' I thought.

Walking up to the seat next to him, I let myself comfortably sit to his side. Meticulously placing my pen and notebook on the table as the class was starting in about 5 minutes.

Once my school material was on the table, I waited patiently for him to introduce himself.

A minute slowly ticked, followed by the second and third.

'Was he not going to introduce himself? He seemed to stare an awful lot at me when I entered.'

The 4th minute slowly ticked. And still no introduction.

'Was this all I was to him? Did he not find me attractive?' I thought before banishing the thought as fast as it came.

'Ridiculous, maybe he's simply intimidated by me' I thought.

Taking a deep unnecessary breath, I turned toward my supposed soulmate.

"Hi, I'm Rosalie Hale."

He turned toward me in clear shock and for the first time I took the time completely take in his appearance.

He had shoulder length dirty blonde locks that framed his chiseled face, almost like a lion's mane. Piercing blue eyes that looked like sapphires and seemed to distinctively pop in contrast to his tanned caramel skin. I could see with my enhanced vision, the slight forming wrinkles on the side of his face. Probably due to him smiling a lot.

"Leo… Leonidas Swan." He muttered, clearly still surprised at my introduction.

When he spoke, I took notice of his white perfect teeth and rosy, Oh so kissable lips.

Just as I was about to start asking questions, in hope to know him a little more. The bell rang signalling the start of the lecture.

So with a resigned *sigh* I turned my attention back to the front of the class and started taking notes.



I kept gazing at the gold and black fountain pen in my hand. Images of the blonde bombshell still in my mind. The movies didn't do justice to how beautiful vampires were, nor did my imagination when reading the books.

Or maybe it was just Rosalie, after all she was described as utterly beautiful compared to the rest of her family.

I was currently in my English literature class. The last morning class before lunch break.

The feeling of sickness had left as suddenly as it came. Something I was more than happy about. Guess I'll have to start dressing more heavily as the weather in Forks is a lot colder than Phoenix's.

As the bell rang and the tediously long English class was finally over. I walked out in direction of the cafeteria my stomach already begging for sustenance.

As I approached the cafeteria entrance, I spotted a tall blonde beauty standing alone while leaning on the wall next to the entrance. She was looking at her perfectly manicured nails examining them as if they could possibly have any imperfections. The portrait of her standing there seemed out of place as she looked too pristine for her surrounding, too good for the crowd of students entering the cafeteria like some herd of sheep.

As I approached the blonde vampire, she kept her gaze on her nails. Seemingly ignoring me when I knew damn well she heard me approaching her.

"Hey Rosalie!" I greeted with a grin on my face.

The bombshell pretended to be surprised by my arrival and promptly looked at me.

"Oh, Leo right?" She asked with a slightly raised eyebrow wondering why I would accost her.

"Yeah," taking her pen out of my bag I held it toward her before adding. "You forgot your pen this morning."

"Oh, thanks" she replied before taking ahold of the extended pen.

Seeing as she was still standing in front of the cafeteria, " You waiting for someone?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was waiting for my brothers and sister but it seems they decided to ditch me." She replied.

"Oh, want to eat together then?" I asked.

"That would be great, thanks." She replied with a slight smile before leading the way.


Rosalie POV

I definitely should thank Alice for the idea, Rosalie thought while walking inside the cafeteria. Leo following right behind her.

(For those thinking Rosalie is being OOC you got to remember she is someone that believes so much in love that she managed to fall for the idea of Love and thus messed up with Royce King. Rosalie is definitely a romantic. I mean just the fact that she renews her marriage with Emmet every couple of years and after graduation from forks she and Emmet went on a honeymoon to Africa shows how much of a romantic she is.)