
a life sentence words from the pen

"Will the defendants please stand." I stand up and check out the courtroom, so many of my loved ones came that some had to sit where the victim's family supposed to sit at. I scan the faces in the crowd, dad ,brother sisters GrandPa homies exes and my girl . I dont see mom and automatically assume her anxiety cant take this . I look at the Jury. My peers. My 30 Years my senior , white Suburban peers. I laugh under my breathe, i never seen any of these people in the hood before how the hell could they be my peers? I look at the one black guy on the Jury hoping i can get an answer from his face but he wont look my way . Matter fact nobody is looking my way, Like they are purposely refusing to lock eyes with me. My heart hits my stomach. I knew by picking this Jury that my co defendant And i would get found guilty. IT was nothing like the first trial, with young people with a Mix of diffrent races on the Jury. nope . When they started striking off the young and black folks "my peers" off the Jury i knew what what was going to happen. I look at the only young girl who looked my age on the Jury. She avoiding my gaze but i see Tears going down her face. Damn. I look down at my hands and bite the inside of my cheek. No matter what im not going to cry in front of these people . "Have the Jury found the veredict?" the whole courtroom goes silent to hear my fate. "Yes your honor , we the Jury find the defendant guilty on count one...... my soul died right there at that moment. I couldnt hear anything over my heart beat. The doors swing open and i see my mom, she dont even realize that she just walked in to her son being auctioned to the state. She got my niece with her, i guess my suprise for me coming home. *Im sorry mama*. I look down and see my niece we locked eyes and she instanly gets that big grin and scream "hey bam bam" *im sorry babygirl* "On count three guilty" i watch the soul leaves my mom eyes and she looks at me and say "oh no" i look at my dad and he couldnt even hold his head up . *pop come get me* when they are done convicted me to the state the court room screams out and protest. The room is filled with screams, sobs and the judge's gavel. The D.A have the happiest smile on her face her job protecting the public is finished. Another menace gone off the street. The young juror looks at me and mouths "im sorry" *yea me too* As they Grab me to take me back to the cage i see my girl sobbing her sister is holding her up. "Baby its okay im one step closer to being able to hold you" she can barely muster up a "ilove you" with out chokin up. as the officers walk me out i smile at my love ones. A job well done i didnt let anybody see me shed a tear. But once i walked out the courtroom alone with just myself and the officers i break down . Because i just witness my own death in front of my family. I just watched people mourn me. The only thing i have now is faith and a life sentence--bam

Bambino_red · Urban
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90's babies

I remember the first time I told the homies how much time I got. Most of our bad asses wasn't no where older than 23, hell I was barely 21 when I first hit prison . I WAS GREEN af ya hear me!🤣 but anyways we was in the room kicking it , happy we finally got some bud in our systems. So you know everyone talking about what they gonna do when they go home n how they gonna do this n that . So when it got to me and the homie said " yo Phonk", mocking my accent n shit. When you get out Blood? I nonchalantly said I got life bro. And for the first time I heard all the homies get quiet at once. The way I rock and move is just upbeat like ya know, they were surprised the yellow curly kid who uses Yankees words like pop and who always showing old videos in all these different states n all these pretty ass girls on the phone, got life . They all say the same shit like blawd wtf you act like you go home tomorrow. I had told them i was gonna get a new hearing ya know 1 trial the majority found Me not guilty, then the next me and my supporters watched in horror as the next trial I watched the public defender representing me playing chess on his phone during the trial, watched all the blacks get dismissed in the Jury. One of the homies started tearing up when I told them about them threatened my grandfather for snoring during trial even when told he was dying from cancer and most probably use his last bit of strength to be here in ga for his grandson. I told them about how my then girlfriend was cornered by the officers who said even though I might beat this case they gonna get me for something. I told them alot that day. That was the first day I let myself kry oddly enough n it was the time that I knew even though we were the youngest and most hated gang in prison at that time. If we was going to make it out this mf with our health and respect intact we gotta rock like bros. If we could go to WAR for each other, we could learn and hold that shit down like the gorillas us 90's baby were. I'd be lying if I say we all talk everyday , you know life happens some went home, back on the fuck shit caught tough time , some unfortunately didn't even get to make it to a legal age to buy a beer , buried to young, and the others got their shit right. The point is at that point in time , we knew we were all we got, and at that moment with everyone having a date home other than me, I felt like even though it wasn't no where near home, I was around homies who was gonna ride like I do. That wasn't just the first time I let my guard down, that was the first time I didn't feel like I wasn't 400 miles from somebody who gave a damn about a nigga. That moment help shape the man who I am years later. No matter what protect your brother, learn your brother, grow with ya brother, and give a ear to a brother. If anybody tries to take away their right to prosperity he's a weed and ain't welcome .