
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

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58 Chs

Chapter 50

Shin opened his eyes later on groggily while still lying naked next to Lily.

The accomplishment he felt as he stared at his creation made him shed a tear.

'Mom would be proud!' Shin smiled looking at Lily who had also woken up.

Due to her bloated stomach she struggled to get up but was helped by Shin.

"Are you alright? I think I went overboard.." Shin muttered seeing her stomach extend over a foot in front of her.

Shaking her head she smiled.

[No…this is the best thing I've experienced.. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have even came into existence and live my life..but I know now that I want it to be with you.. as my lover, I'd be willing to share you with others as I know you want that.]

Shin nearly shed another tear because of this sappy romance and kissed her on the cheek earning a blush in return.

"So.. how will this affect you? I didn't think far ahead.. Kind of a spur of the moment thing." He asked seeing her stand with an additional 50 or so pounds.

[Dont be too worried, remember I'm still your system, I can freely control my body so that nothing happens to it, I can already feel the tiniest sign of life within.] Lily said with happiness.

Shin seemed to worry at this however, how would he raise a child in this cruel world? He could let them stay here but he wasn't sure how that would work out.

[I can already tell what your thinking dear.] She skipped up to shin with a new set of clothes that hopefully would fit.

"I know that.. but what will happen?" Shin said as he started to work his way through his new clothes.

Lily seemed to ponder before smiling as if a light bulb went off in her head.

Bringing up the familiar blue interface that was in a way.. herself? She brought it towards shin.

[I was able to customize and change some details of your new skill so that it would help you, take a look!] She said as she moved it towards shin.

Shin now in the comfort of new clothes, with a noticeable bulge, took notice at the new details.

His eyes whirled around in understanding, confusion, and back to understanding as he read.

"So when a child is conceived it would in a way be a drone with a childlike mindset that would nurture itself or with the help of others.. and when it grows it will become its own being?" Shin asked looking at Lily.

Nodding she also added; [Also, there was an interesting detail that was optional that would turn any child you have into your personal minion, but I prefer it to be called a loyal companion as it will still be a singular being.]

Shin seemed to like the idea more than a drone like person who would grow without much memories of a proper childhood.. even if it would be full of battle and death..

Looking at the interface he decided to change it to that option as ideas of world domination in the hands of loyal children/offspring in his wake.

The idea made him shiver in excitement with Lily smirking at the side.

Adding those final touches and others as well that he noticed in the information like everything being tailored for him.

He noticed Lily really wasn't kidding when she said it was very powerful, he wanted to have fun and not fall in love with every single being he came across.. not at the moment.

As he thought this, he heard Lily in the next second.

[Dear, I know you want others to be with you and safely.. so why not think outside the box.. or in this case the pizza box.]

Shin was utterly confused at this mention of a pizza box but he suddenly realised.

'Wait… I can use my newly acquired universe to home them can't I? I've brought people out.. why not bring people in?' Shin clapped his hands in unison at this thought.

Lily smiled at her new lovers antics as she got a loving hug in return.

He would just need to adjust some parts of the world for any who joined him so that nothing would be affect entirely.

The people and organisms still residing in his conquered Fnaf world were still sentient and very real and he wanted to honor Scott's wish at preserving it.

With a relaxed pose, he closed his interface and refocused at taking a look at his body and clothes.

He preffered this smaller body as it gave him pleasant memories of when he was a child added with its.. extra specialities making him also an adult in a way which he was mentally.

It would be helpful to use this innocent form for most confrontations instead of provoking unnecessary attention most of the time it would benefit him a lot.

He would use his main form as his weapon to aid him and destroy his enemies, he of course liked being a big bad monster but some details of being human helped his sanity be put at ease.

It would still be a win-win as he would always be controlling both parts of him as well as many others due to his increased intellect and abilities granting him the ability to control around a couple thousand transformations/extensions of himself due to his evolving state.

[What are your plans now?] Lily asked as she walked over to Shin with her lewd form.

"You can read my mind right? Let's continue our path forward.." He said with a sile on his small rosy cheeks making Lily nod.

-Back In Reality-


The first thing Shin saw were his multiple view points around him.

In his human form he was below the tree line in the forestry environment, while in his main form he had remained where he was before with the girls still talking as if nothing had happened.

Lily had told him that she would remain hidden and in the form of her system while her body that carried his children would remain in Fnaf universe on the massive island that he had made personally for them and any future occupants.

Shin looked at himself from down below seeing his massive clawed feet in aw seeing the true scale of himself as his head almost disappeared from view before he felt the spirits of Charlie and Cassidy float their way down to him.

His heart rate quickened when he layed his eyes upon their human forms no longer a spirit.

Before when he met them and gave them a body they resembled wise ten year olds, but now upon receiving a body.. along with drastic changes due to his skill, they had become another wonder for the eyes.

Cassidy had her familiar short golden locks and she had slightly grew in height unlike the other parts of her body.

She had larger breasts that looked like it would barely fit in his hands with cute pink nipples, but that was only the half of it.. literally.

The lower half of her had changed significantly with wider child bearing hips that supported a large squishy ass connected to another set of powerful skull crushing thighs.

Along with these changes she wore a hoodie and her recognisable top hat while only wearing panties and a type of yellow stocking making him bright red.

Cassidy noticed where he had looked and dawned a mischievous grin. With Charlie rolling her eyes white mystic eyes.

When shin looked over to Charlie he noticed the biggest stand out.

She wore a skin tight latex like suit from her feet all the way up to her neck, and her puppet mask that seemed to be her real face with plump red lips and beatiful lashes.

Charlotte had also grown significantly however with even bigger changes than Cassidy.

Her long black silky hair stretched down to her huge milk jugs with giant nipples that shined due to her suit making them seem even larger than Lilys.

[Hmph! I heard that..] Shin chuckled when he heard Lilys jealous comment.

Charlie held the mouth watering feature of a small waist and succulent hips connected to a juicy ass and thicc thighs that seemed to tight for her to wear.

The thing they both had in common though was the large noticeable camel toe in both of their garments.

While he had seen both of their features, they in turn saw a large one as well.

[Hehe, I feel like the family might be growing soon.] Lily said as she watched the scene begin to unfold.

To be continued!

Authors here: Quick question of most of the people who read my books are you in high school as well or older/younger than me? I'd like to know what kind of people read my books if not parasites who feed off human flesh. :>