
A Lazy Mans Motivation to Eternity

One man's failure is a fortune to another. Due to bad luck, karma or bad fate, I failed too ascend at the very last step and died, well almost but at least I can give opportunity to another to achieve what I couldn't.

Rutabulis · Fantasy
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46 Chs

On the precipice.

The city was located in a valley and shaped like a large funnel. Most residential palaces and mansions were located on the mountainside and decreased in wealth and status as you descended into the valley. The high-class districts were also located near the wealthiest neighbourhoods.

The auction house was located near the family mansion along a street that houses wealthy merchant shops. It was more than just a shop but contained all desires that a person visiting might need. There was a restaurant, a clothes shop, armourers, talisman shops and formation experts. It was very likely that when you visited you would only leave after your pockets were drained.

When they walked in there was a young attractive woman waiting for them. She wore a cheongsam that hugged her body revealing gracious curves.

"We have been expecting you, Young masters of the Ling family," she said bowing.

She showed them the way to a restaurant where she joined them for a meal and some wine. At first, Lingyun thought that she was just an employee the auction house had assigned to show them around but based on the respect his father showed her he realised that she was not so simple.

"Beauty can cloud the mind," Xiaoya said. She had noticed that Lingyuns eyes kept darting to the woman's chest. Her name was Zhangmin and was naturally a member of the Zhang clan. Lingyun couldn't tell her age but he assumed her to be his father's age.

After some time had passed a young man walked into the room and whispered in her ear.

"We have had some things prepared especially for you," she said and nodded at the young man, "please follow me."

They came to a long narrow hall that had all sorts of items. There was armour and weapons along the walls and there were glass pedestals along the middle with other goods that you couldn't identify at a go.

"You boys need to pick weapons. I remember the mortal level weapons you had were broken," As your cultivation level rose your weapon needed to rise. This was not just so that the weapon was more suited to your new strength but if the strength of the weapon was too weak it couldn't cut, slash or pierce your opponent.

This was even before you could even think of imbuing your weapon with your own qi which would outright break the weapon or cause a backlash which could have devastating consequences.

With this in mind, Lingyun and Linghua walked around examining the weapons in the gallery. Sabres, Swords, fans, spears, daggers and much more. There were all sorts of weapons all ranging in quality and size. Linghua seemed to be enamoured with large swords as he looked from one to another.

Lingyun was not so certain, he had looked and touched all of them. A sword felt good and safe in the hands, while a sabre felt deadly and wild. A spear felt strong and stable. There were merits to each.

"I think a sabre will be good," His father said. He was a sabre user and would obviously try to teach his son the same but Lingyun wasn't convinced. When he tried swinging a sabre it had felt heavy and obstructive.

He had used a spear before and already had a spear technique and felt that it suited him to use a spear.

"Do not pick a weapon so lightly, your weapon is the basis on which your cultivation will be strengthened." Saying this a long gleaming spear of light formed in her hand, "As you strive to comprehend the truths of the world your choice of weapon will play a big role."

He thought about it and tried to think about which weapon would be best for him. He was mostly convinced that a spear would be best for him but he didn't want to give up the sword. He tried using the swords in the gallery but none fit his hands. Unlike his brother who had a big bulky build, he was tall and slim and a light long sword would have been best for him but the ones in the gallery had a heavy feel even to his newfound strength.

"I will take a spear for now," he said aloud finally. It seemed that everyone had been waiting for him. The spear he chose was heavy and black. He chose a long spear. It was longer than anyone assumed he would be able to handle but with his strength, it was just right. He would choose a sword at a later date.

Linghua had chosen a long sword that was more suitable for a grown man to use. In his hands, it looked like an unnaturally thin greatsword. His father too was a sword user. Lingyun knew that his brother had been practising the sword with the father for a long time so his choice seemed natural.

Before they left the gallery Lingyun was sure to buy some formation flags as instructed by his master. They were then taken to a medicine hall where his father bought him some medicinal pills and herbs. Just as they finished the same young man from earlier returned and whispered something in Zhangmin's ear.

"The auction should begin shortly," she announced. The four of them were led to a booth overlooking a large hall.

"I see you have decided to come down the mountain!" A large man with tan skin and scars on his forearms said. He was sitting in the booth waiting for them. Lingyun noticed that his father was clenching his jaw. There didn't seem to be any animosity between them but he was clearly irritated.

"Zhangxuan you old crow, I said no," I am not joining your expedition.

"I didn't mention that, I am just here to see if there are some nice things at the auction," the man said to which his father scoffed.

All four of them entered the booth and waited in silence. Down below three men and two women entered the audience chamber and sat down.

"It seems like those Blood cult bastards are here as well," the man said. A chill went through the booth and Lingyun noticed for the first time anger in his father's eyes.

He looked down at them. The members of the Blood cult were two elder men and one elder woman. The other two were youths about the same age as him. The elder looking man looked up at him as if noticing him. Immediately he felt his head start to throb and he looked away.

"That man is dangerous," Xiaoya said, "avoid him if you can." Lingyun didn't need to be told.

There were representatives from each of the major families as well as others who chose to conceal their identities with masks and hats. It seemed that it was no coincidence that they had come here on this day. There was something on auction that everyone seemed to want.