
A Lazy Mans Motivation to Eternity

One man's failure is a fortune to another. Due to bad luck, karma or bad fate, I failed too ascend at the very last step and died, well almost but at least I can give opportunity to another to achieve what I couldn't.

Rutabulis · Fantasy
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46 Chs

A bargain.

The auction began when the auditorium was full. Zhangmin walked onto the stage and the clamour quieted down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I won't waste your time, I know why you are all here, so let's begin." She clapped her hands and a boy about years younger than Lingyun walked in carrying a boulder about his size.

"I know what you're all thinking, he is not strong, the boulder is that light," Zhangmin said, "I would like to invite the one selling it, I believe he needs no introduction."

The young boy then walked away and a large familiar-looking man walked onto the stage. Lingyun looked behind him and noticed that the seat was empty. Zhangxuan was a blacksmith and many considered him among the best in the state.

Zhangxuan walked onto the stage, "I am auctioning this ore. I don't know what it's called. I will trade it to anyone who knows how to refine it." He pulled out a large hammer nearly as tall as he was. Taking a deep breath his muscles seemed to grow bigger and in one swing he hit the rock.

Miraculously the hammer shattered like glass and the rock remained intact. This sent a wave of talking through the crowd. By what they had seen Lingyun could easily figure out what the fuss was about. A metal so light but soo sturdy was good material for a weapon.

The challenge was that if Zhangxuan didn't know how to refine the metal it would be difficult to find someone who knew how to.

"Master, you have seen many things, do you know what that ore is?" he asked.

"I don't know what it is at a glance but there is a method I know," she said.

Eventually, the murmurs in the room grew into heated debates. It was by those who had some experience in blacksmithing. As it turned out all of the methods had been tried by Zangxuan and he could only take it back with him. After a few minutes, he entered the booth and sat down resigned.

Lingyun looked back at him and said, "Uncle Zhang, can I have a look at the ore."

"When did I become your uncle?" he said, "Oi, Feng, what is with your son?"

"Uncle Zhang, I think I know how to refine it, but I need to see it up close to confirm."

"You have barely cultivated for ten years and what you know something about ores that I don't."

"Zhang, you old crow, what do you lose by showing it to him," Lingfeng said.

"Let's make a bet then," Zhangxuan said suddenly brightening, "If his method of refining doesn't work you have to go on the expedition with me."

"You gain something from this transaction if he fails but what do I get if he succeeds?" Lingfeng asked.

Before Zhangxuan could respond Lingyun spoke up, "You will make for me a treasure sword using the ore if I help you refine it."

"Good, I was thinking the same thing," Zhangxuan said.

"A sword? I thought you wanted to use a spear." Lingfeng said, "It would be better to make life saving armour with it."

"Brat, I refuse to make a weapon that will not be used." Zhangxuan said.

"I never said i will only use a spear, I just didn't find a sword I liked." Lingyun said confidently. The faint golden colour of his eyes shimmered slightly and Zhangxuan nodded.

He waved his hand and the large rock appeared from his ring. Lingyun approached and hefted it. "Wow, it's really light," he commented and continued to examine it. In truth the moment he touched it Xiaoya had been able to determine whether her method would work or not but Lingyun had to put on an act.

The ore was dark with hints of glittering black flecks in it. As his master had instructed he tried to circulate his qi and to his surprise, he noticed that the rock seemed to cleanse the turbid energy from it. Having the ore with him while he cultivated would be extremely beneficial to him. Xiao ya hypothesized that the effect would be even better if the ore was refined into a weapon. Cultivating the sword would be easier as well.

He smiled inwardly and then looked up.

"Uncle Zhang, it is indeed a good thing that we met today, the method I have will indeed work in refining this ore."

Lingfeng looked at his son closely. He was very curious about how he had this knowledge that he had never cultivated it before. He had felt his son circulate his qi as he touched the rock and the quality of his qi was so pure that he was delighted and envious at the same time. He didn't say anything and chose to trust him instead.

"Good, let's go now," Zhangxuan was nearly out the door both the rock and Lingyun under his armpits.

"Wait," Lingyun said, "Unfortunately, we can only do it in three months since my cultivation is not high enough at the moment."

"What are you playing at brat?" Zhangxuan said.

"I am only at the Opening Mortal realm, I need to at least be at the peak True Core mortal realm before I have enough qi to sustain the process and any accidents that may occur. It will be risky for both you and I."

Zhangxuan narrowed his eyes and examined Lingyun.

"You have only entered the Opening Mortal realm and you claim to ascend the peak of True Core Mortal in three months? Even geniuses take years to get to that realm."

Lingfeng had complete trust in his son. According to the Matriarch, he had the Heavenly God Body. Normal geniuses would pale in comparison to him.

"I can do it in two months if you give me the ore to use," Lingyun said too everyone's surprise. "You can monitor me in those two months if you don't trust me."

While your own cultivation was very private, Lingyuns life would be in Zhangxuan's hands when they refined the rock it was important that they have trust in each other.

Zhangxuan looked at Lingfeng who said," I have already agreed to your bet and will honour it if he fails" Hearing this Lingyun was touched that his father trusted him this much without asking him anything.

"Fine," Zhangxuan said.