
A last chance

6 hopeless individuals, 1 God, 1 last chance (In this novel even though the names co-relate to some names in real life, it in no way is similar to the relationships, situation in based real life, this is pure entertaiment and hobby purpose )

Tanay_Reddy_6529 · Urban
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33 Chs

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I had the coffee. The whole time I was just getting mesmerized by the house.

"Hey, Ed, so ya I am done with this let me clean the glass and I will be with you." I woke him up.

"Please make yourself at home, we have bots around here." He replied

"If I was at my house, I would have done the same," I said trying to sound polite

"You are exactly like Tanyoka 47. The day after he created me I served him the same drink and asked him the same question. And he replied as you did I am an AI who doesn't need to know emotions. But the fact he made me not to serve but to have a heart as well and seeing him pass away like this really depresses me. This sadness is somewhat relieved by you." He said

I was talking to a machine that usually follows orders and cures problems and that is it. Ed it differently. He doesn't view 47 as a master. He views him as a father. I am not sure if I am ready for what I am to face. A man comes to me and passes away leaving all he had to me, I am taking all this for granted. I don't know how to repay him, the only last dream must be to free humans. I will fulfill his wish.

"I may not be The 47 you knew," I said "but I will be the 47 you will remember. I will carry his legacy. Don't you worry Ed, I am not your master, I am your brother."

"Thank you, 47 now there is some explaining I have to do." He said "Please get seated as soon as you are done cleaning that cup

I got over with it, I sat down on the sofa erect and prepared to get my questions answered.

"This whole situation can be split into 3, first is the PU, second being ART, third being goddess. PU abbreviation for a parallel universe, It means that there is a base universe which is called the universe 0 the one where you are from, and then 1,2,3, and so on. The one where 47 was is pretty self-explanatory. You Tanyoka are the base for the rest of the other universes meaning that. In-universe 89 you may be having an amputated arm, or in-universe 531 you may be the whole other gender. The Universe may not only have a change on a person's physique but also the entire timeline itself. Meaning that in one of the Parallel universes you may exist in the 14th century while in the base universe you exist in 2021." He concluded the first topic here

"Ok but can we please go to the third topic that is the Goddess now, she seems important," I said so because 47 wanted her dead.

"Ok, as you wish. Goddess. An alien being who has existed before the human race. She was a part of a noble empire that ruled over her planet. But this empire served its people before the higher authorities making it the best monarchy the universe had seen at its time. The Goddess was the daughter of the ruler at said time. She had many lab tests done on her to stop aging. Later her parents realizing that no being deserves that much power proposed the idea to re-activate her aging process. She refused, she lusts power. She was willing to go against whoever stops her, brutally murdering her own parents and siblings of her family." He explained

"So how did this being come to power?" I asked

"When a monarchy decides that the higher-ups are more important than the people, they can quickly change that without letting anyone utter a word. She was now a non-aging god, as her wish goes as the command follows. She turned monarchy into dictatorship. All she had to do was take over her parent's crown and how she is the dictator." He answered my question

"Moving on with the final topic ART, This is the best video game you will ever play, literally, because this is a computer-generated world which directly connects beings from reality to this simulation." He stated the final point

"Ok good but I was just sleeping on my bed, I didn't even go to any place where I could connect from, So how is this working?" I asked

"The Flash drive in your pocket is not only a type that connects to your ordinary laptop, it connects to your brain as well. Ok, the thing I am about to say now will scare you very much but I can assure you that this will never happen again. Since 47 was living in you he had control over you. And the food you ate which had iron, in specific and all other materials which could be taken was directly done by the bloodstream from your stomach. These bloodstreams formed an organ which is…. The Flash Drive. Meaning that he took control over your body in a way which you couldn't and used you to biologically make a flash drive/ transmitter which connects you from reality to here." He told nervously

"Do I look like a factory to him?" I asked, " So wait Where exactly is this organ/ Flashdrive/ transmitter in me?"

"In your left arm, forearm. Before he spoke to you he had programmed it to have a lot of info with an audio file which seems to be important. There is a slight problem though. The Flash drive is meant to come out of you. So while you are talking to me a 6 cm long metal cuboid is ripping through your arm" He said getting even scared of my facial expression