
A last chance

6 hopeless individuals, 1 God, 1 last chance (In this novel even though the names co-relate to some names in real life, it in no way is similar to the relationships, situation in based real life, this is pure entertaiment and hobby purpose )

Tanay_Reddy_6529 · Urban
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33 Chs

A strange welcome

A bright light flashed in front of me. The room I was in started to dismantle brick by brick. Tanyoka 47 just instantly disappeared from my view within a blink of an eye. All 4 walls are down now, there is just this mansion with a beautiful front yard and a stone path leading to the door from the pedestrian way and a garage to the left.

Should I go there? No wait before doing that let me look around on where I could be. I look in all directions, all I see is just a path leading down this hill. Ok, so this house seems somewhat isolated not really because down the hill are 2 different paths 1 which directly leads to the city and the other one which is connected to the independent houses in blocks like where I live.

The owner of this house must be quite wealthy. Because he is managing to live in a really good-looking house with a view that is visible to both the city and the rest of the houses. But that still begs a question: where am I?, Surely it can't be Nigeria, it never had such geography. Wait there is a Flash drive in my fist, how did I not notice that until now?

Anyway, I walk up to the house. I ring the bell no one answers.

"Hello, anyone home. I am lost over here. Can someone help?" I yelled facing the door. The Access control right next to the door gave me this

"Sir, with all due respect why are you screaming about letting someone get you in the house while it is your house. The door is not even locked. Please, let yourself in."


"My apologies, you are in ART, Advanced Re-life Technology. I was the personal assistant of Tanyoka 47. Who has now sadly passed away. Since he has assigned his life to you all his hard work, property, savings is now owned by you, But before that please head inside. I have made you a cup of cold Double latte just the way you like it."

I Headed in and this, this interior is just work of art itself to know that this is mine now I am not sure how to react. Right after entering the lights one by one without me even using the switch. 2 sofas, a big TV, stairs against the right wall, the kitchen which was right behind the sofa just below the overhead which was the second story. I didn't head to the second story just yet as it would be rude. I also noticed great decor with well-polished dark oak flooring and my latte waiting on the table in front of the sofa and had a sip of the coffee. and he got it just right, I guess the previous Tanyoka had an exact interest as me

"So, What's your name?" I asked

"Ed, My name is Ed, I have no physical body but I am all over the house or the devices you want me to be in. Consider me your butler, I can do your chores, shopping, Work which is software related and so on. Just call out my name." He said in a very comforting

"Oh wow, but I don't know how to say this but please can you mind explaining to me what all is happening, and how I got spawned here while I was just sleeping on my bed," I asked, I wasn't so tense anymore.

"Sir, we will talk after your coffee, till then I will go prepare the room for you" He said right after I saw 3 adult human physique bots but with metal plating and not skin took some cleaning equipment come from the downstairs and headed to the upper story.