
A Lady’s Tranquility (Story of Kunning Palace/Rephrased)

In her previous existence, Jiang Xuening epitomized the archetype of a Mary Sue. In pursuit of the Empress title, she strategically formed connections and engaged romantically with various individuals. During her courtship with the Emperor, the rebel served as her contingency plan; In her dalliance with a student, the teacher assumed a similar role; When involved with a superior at work, the subordinate became her backup; Even in relationships with women, a man was kept in reserve...? Every day resembled a battleground! (Sighs) Regardless of the Emperor's identity, she aspired to secure the role of Empress! All the while, men believed they were entering the heart of a naive and sweet girl, only to discover they had unwittingly stepped into the quagmire of a deceitful woman who also moonlighted as the Queen of the Sea. Then came a change in the Palace. Her demise followed. Heaven granted her an opportunity for a fresh start. She pledged to sincerely repent and reform her ways. To her dismay, upon her rebirth, she found herself already entangled in a web of complications, rendering it too late for change! Jiang Xuening, indignant, exclaimed, "Heaven is toying with human lives! I was born with nine lives! believe it or not! When my temper flares up, [BEEP――]" Heaven, stricken with a more severe heart attack, questioned, "What if the ship capsizes again?" Jiang Xuening, with an icy and impassive demeanor, responded, "Helpless." It was all merely a rhetorical exchange. The challenge at hand: How to gracefully terminate enmity without offending influential individuals. Author(s): Mirror Of Time Shi Jing 时镜 Rephrased by: nnm88

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37 Chs

Kunning Chapter 29: Report

These pre-prepared sets of exam papers were specifically tailored for the educational needs of Princess Tantan and her companions. As the content was not overly intricate and the required quantity was modest, each candidate was tasked with handling their own work. Once the questions were formulated, a scribe produced twelve copies, ensuring uniformity in character size, neatness, and adherence to the elegant pavilion style.

After issuing the order, Xie Wei resumed the task of unrolling the scroll. As he unwound it, he slightly lowered his head to count the number of question papers. Then, turning to the three elderly Hanlin scholars accompanying him, he asked, "Would you esteemed gentlemen care to inspect them?"

The three scholars stood still and shook their heads. One of them sighed, remarking, "This examination for young ladies is akin to child's play. What's the purpose? Isn't it all the same? Master Xie, just go ahead and read it."

Xie Wei glanced at him but remained silent. Instead, he handed the question papers to a palace attendant.

The attendant accepted the test papers with both hands, distributing them one by one to everyone present. Jiang Xuening happened to be the last recipient.

Upon receiving the question paper, she quickly read it. The content closely resembled what she had encountered in her previous life and was identical to the material Yan Lin had presented to her the previous night.

Then, Xie Wei spoke, "This examination is designed to assess the level of knowledge and cultivation of those accompanying the students. The questions posed by you gentlemen are relatively straightforward, with a manageable level of difficulty. Therefore, you will have an hour and a half to complete the exam, and you are required to submit your answer sheets by a quarter to six. The three scholars and I will dedicate two quarters to review the papers and make on-the-spot evaluations. You may now commence with your examinations."

His voice maintained a calm and even tone, devoid of any noticeable fluctuations. To the listeners, it felt like a gentle breeze, perhaps carrying an underlying sense of relief that alleviated the tension experienced upon entering the palace, allowing for a collective relaxation.

Individuals such as Xiao Shu, Fan Yilan, and others, well-versed and self-assured, promptly dipped their pens in ink and began answering the questions on the provided blank rice paper upon hearing Xie Wei's instructions.

Contrary to others, Jiang Xuening gazed at the question paper for an extended period.

After a considerable pause, she extended her hand, fingers bent like chicken claws, and grabbed a small pen from the nearby tube. She commenced writing on the answer sheet, the strokes crooked and unhurried.

The gentlemen above had taken their seats on the left side, and they instructed the palace servants to prepare and serve tea.

Being seasoned scholars from the Hanlin Academy, they couldn't help but shake their heads witnessing the twelve young ladies engrossed in their answers.

The elderly gentleman who had spoken earlier to Xie Wei remarked, "A princess clamoring to study, and His Majesty casually inviting a few to study with. After all, daughters don't need to delve too deeply into knowledge. Even when a husband dies and the woman obeys her son, it's nothing more than studying 'The Book of Filial Piety' and 'The Precepts for Women.' Why the need for such grandeur? If one didn't know better, they might think some prince was emerging from seclusion to study. I've diligently studied at the Imperial Academy for over a decade, and now I find myself teaching a group of girls. What an odd turn of events!"

Xie Wei, sitting nearby, held a teacup with lowered eyebrows, lifted the lid, and remained silent.

On the same, the two gentlemen next to him seemed somewhat displeased by these remarks. One of them sighed, adding, "Who says otherwise? I've been an official for so many years and never been tasked with teaching young girls! Anyway, I'm also from the top two ranks, well-versed in the Four Books and Five Classics. So, here I am teaching the princess—reading alongside my companion. I'm afraid it's only suitable for some introductory topics. It's not that I hold myself in high regard; it's simply beneath us. After all, we are just a few pedantic old men who have been unsuccessful in court. However, Master Xie, who typically oversees sutra feasts, now presiding over lectures for the princess and her companions, is truly perplexing. Even more bewildering is that Master Xie agreed."

These elderly gentlemen hailed from noble backgrounds in the Imperial Academy, possessing their own integrity. They weren't afraid to speak their minds, even in front of the emperor, and had made similar comments in court.

However, Shen Lang, favoring the eldest princess, insisted on proceeding according to her wishes and remained impervious to anyone's counsel.

So, further discussion was futile.

Xie Wei had heard their grievances before, and each time he reluctantly joined the conversation, conveying his apparent dissatisfaction with the matter. Yet, he never revealed too much emotion about it.

At present, he merely glanced at the young ladies from aristocratic families diligently answering the questions, his focus lingering on Jiang Xuening's pen-holding posture. Unconsciously, he furrowed his brow, took a sip of tea, and commented, "All companions are occupied with their exams. I'd better keep quiet to avoid disturbing you."

The elderly gentlemen found it challenging to voice more complaints in the current situation.

Monitoring an exam had always been a tedious affair.

Xie Wei had brought a copy of "Shou Bai Lun" with him and sat on the side, leisurely reading it page by page.

However, the other gentlemen couldn't remain idle.

Having been ordered by His Majesty to teach the eldest princess and her entourage, they were somewhat dissatisfied. After sitting for a while and finding themselves unable to speak or read, they proposed going outside to get some fresh air, effectively abandoning the task of invigilating. They left Fengchen Hall together, leaving only Xie Wei behind.

From beginning to end, Xie Wei didn't even glance at them, focused solely on perusing his book.

While seated in the corner, Jiang Xuening had overheard the remarks of the elderly gentlemen and noticed their departure after a short while. This caused her to frown momentarily.

"These old scholars! How can they be so willful? At their age, they should bury themselves in the ground!" She thought to herself. Even if she doesn't stay to study with them in the future, she must inform Shen Zhiyi of these grumbling old men's misbehavior.

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