
A Lady’s Tranquility (Story of Kunning Palace/Rephrased)

In her previous existence, Jiang Xuening epitomized the archetype of a Mary Sue. In pursuit of the Empress title, she strategically formed connections and engaged romantically with various individuals. During her courtship with the Emperor, the rebel served as her contingency plan; In her dalliance with a student, the teacher assumed a similar role; When involved with a superior at work, the subordinate became her backup; Even in relationships with women, a man was kept in reserve...? Every day resembled a battleground! (Sighs) Regardless of the Emperor's identity, she aspired to secure the role of Empress! All the while, men believed they were entering the heart of a naive and sweet girl, only to discover they had unwittingly stepped into the quagmire of a deceitful woman who also moonlighted as the Queen of the Sea. Then came a change in the Palace. Her demise followed. Heaven granted her an opportunity for a fresh start. She pledged to sincerely repent and reform her ways. To her dismay, upon her rebirth, she found herself already entangled in a web of complications, rendering it too late for change! Jiang Xuening, indignant, exclaimed, "Heaven is toying with human lives! I was born with nine lives! believe it or not! When my temper flares up, [BEEP――]" Heaven, stricken with a more severe heart attack, questioned, "What if the ship capsizes again?" Jiang Xuening, with an icy and impassive demeanor, responded, "Helpless." It was all merely a rhetorical exchange. The challenge at hand: How to gracefully terminate enmity without offending influential individuals. Author(s): Mirror Of Time Shi Jing 时镜 Rephrased by: nnm88

nnm88 · History
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37 Chs

Kunning Chapter 28: Examination

After engaging in the negative behavior of bullying, Jiang Xuening returned to her room without feeling any psychological burden. She wondered why there should be any concern. The issue at hand involved a girl whose family insisted on characterizing the prospective spouse as a "wife deserter" to back out of the marriage. The other party had a reputation for being honorable, making it unclear who would be perceived as unfortunate if the news spread. Jiang Xuening was impatient for others to pass judgment on this matter.

She contemplated the possibility of leaving the palace if the trouble escalated too much; however, both options seemed equally problematic. That night, Yan Lin unexpectedly provided her with some exam questions he had gathered. While not complete, he knew the general direction and which books to consult, making it seemingly easy to pass the upcoming exam. After all, it was more about assessing everyone's knowledge than a genuine examination, serving the purpose of eliminating those who performed poorly.

Upon a cursory glance, Jiang Xuening realized that the questions were similar to those of her previous life. After perusing them, she decided to burn the pages, not because she cared for herself, but to protect Yan Lin from potential exposure. Enjoying a good night's sleep, she woke up the next morning, opened her door, and saw several young ladies from aristocratic families already engrossed in studying outside.

Observing the collective effort, Jiang Xuening felt out of place due to her perceived laziness. The incident with You Yue and Yao Xi from the previous night added an unexpected layer of tension. As she walked in, some gazes held a mix of jealousy and fear, but a few individuals, including Fan Yilan, greeted her.

Fan Yilan, with her composed demeanor, exchanged pleasantries with Jiang Xuening. The latter couldn't help but envy Fan Yilan's indifference. She acknowledged the early morning dedication to the knowledge examination, appreciating the picturesque scene of girls in various outfits standing on the porch. Fan Yilan noted the nerves among them, admitting even she had trouble sleeping. Fang Miao, however, expressed skepticism about Jiang Xuening's restful night, hinting at her connection to Jiang Shilang and Mr. Xie. As Fang Miao's voice trailed off, a tense silence settled in.

Fang Miao suddenly had a realization that had escaped her earlier. Slapping herself on the forehead, she stood up and rushed over to grab Jiang Xuening's hand, exclaiming, "Second Miss Jiang! Second Miss Jiang! I completely forgot about your 'special ability.' If it's convenient for you, could you share some insights into Mr. Xie's reading preferences and any particular preferences he has when grading papers?"

Despite Xie Wei having connections with Jiang Boyou, that was a matter for adults. Jiang Xuening, being just an eighteen-year-old girl, supposedly nineteen, couldn't be expected to know much about such matters. In her previous life, if Fang Miao had posed this question, she would have been asking the wrong person. However, in her current life, Jiang Xuening indeed possessed knowledge of the test paper content due to her rebirth.

As Fang Miao inquired, the reading activity in the corridor inexplicably quieted. Jiang Xuening noticed the attention focused on her and thought, why not seize this opportunity to benefit herself and hinder others? If others performed well in the exam, it would reflect poorly on her.

Fang Miao, sensing Jiang Xuening's hesitation, concluded, "She won't divulge the information." In the midst of competition, it was unlikely for anyone to assist their rivals. She resignedly stated, "I'll go back to reading 'The Analects of Confucius.' Something is better than nothing."

However, to Fang Miao's surprise, Jiang Xuening smiled and offered advice, "The Analects is a worthwhile read. If you have extra time, consider exploring 'Mencius.' It won't be too challenging for us to grasp the collective knowledge. Additionally, following the conventional order of scholarly reading, 'The Great Learning' and the 'Book of Songs' are also essential. While my father has some association with Mr. Xie, I don't know much about his habits. I do know that Mr. Xie values proper writing more than correct answers. Regardless of how good the answers are, if the handwriting is unclear, Mr. Xie will disapprove."

This revelation surprised everyone. Zhou Baoying, in particular, expressed disbelief, arguing that learning and cultivation should take precedence over handwriting. Jiang Xuening simply replied, "I don't know."

In her previous life, Jiang Xuening had limited contact with Xie Wei and heard only that he excelled in knowledge but struggled with writing. There were dissatisfactions in the department due to his unconventional grading, leading to attempts to remove him as the examination president, which proved unsuccessful.

Jiang Xuening had shared what she knew, leaving it up to others to believe or doubt. Zhou Baoying's skepticism caused uncertainty among the listeners, except for Xiao Shu, who admired Jiang Xuening for her honesty. While Xiao Shu had knowledge of Xie Wei's preferences, she had never considered sharing that information with others.

Despite the complexities in her heart, Jiang Xuening felt a surge of joy. The girls, eager to embrace the Buddha's feet, were now reviewing their books diligently, writing carefully in anticipation of the exam. In the Liushui Pavilion, Jiang Xuening, full of hope, planned to make tea and wait for someone to approach her for assistance in preparing for the test.

It simply didn't work out, and right after that an unexpected visitor arrived.

Jiang Xuening lifted her gaze, involuntarily arching her eyebrows.

It was Yao Xi.

Possibly due to her tears the previous day, which continued even after Jiang Xuening had left, Yao Xi's eyes appeared slightly swollen. Upon entering, her eyes were fixed on Jiang Xuening.

She wore apricot-red attire, looking quite elegant. However, Jiang Xuening sensed Yao Xi's reluctance and anger from the tightly clenched fists at her sides.

Jiang Xuening extended her hand, meticulously arranging a set of tea utensils on the tray. She smiled and said, "Miss Yao, no need to worry. We asked for your opinion yesterday, and you shared it. While I may not be a saint, I prefer addressing any animosity or grievances openly. I don't engage in backstabbing or spreading rumors, so you can trust that I won't speak ill of you behind your back."

Yao Xi felt as though she had been slapped once more. The terms "slandering behind the scenes" and "gossiping" carried weight no matter how they were phrased.

Taking a deep breath, Yao Xi responded, "I can't think of any reason for Miss Jiang to hold a grudge against me. After returning last night, I made inquiries and found nothing that could have offended you. If there's some discord between Miss Jiang and Miss You, it would be understandable to target her. However, every word you spoke seemed directed at me. I spent a sleepless night pondering this odd situation. Even if the girl was complaining, the reaction seemed overly aggressive. I have to wonder, what is the connection between Miss Jiang and that Zhang Zhe?"


Yao Xi couldn't help but suspect a connection between Jiang Xuening and Zhang Zhe. If she couldn't figure it out, it might be used as a pretext to break off the engagement with Zhang Zhe.

Jiang Xuening was perceptive.

Yet, if she had been questioned in her past life, she might not have had a clear conscience. However, in this life, she didn't even know Zhang Zhe. Where could this supposed "relationship" come from?

Leaning forward, Jiang Xuening used a teaspoon to transfer tea leaves from the pot to the teapot, maintaining a composed expression. "Master Zhang Zhe is known for his eloquence, honesty, and virtue. I've heard he was highly esteemed among the common people during his early years of imprisonment. While I may be no saint myself, I've learned in the past two years that one doesn't have to be virtuous, but it's best to act like a virtuous person. Miss Yao may suspect a connection between me and Zhang Zhe, but after today, if you inquire, you'll find I've never even met this supposed Master Zhang. If you wish to end this engagement, that's understandable. However, let's not make things more complicated. If you wish to retire without causing harm, you might want to reconsider."

"Miss Jiang Er's words are quite eloquent." Yao Xi felt that the words didn't match her sentiments and sounded harsh. "I've heard rumors of your bad temper in the mansion, and now seeing you standing here speaking without any remorse, it's truly surprising. I hope, if you ever face such a situation, you'll find it difficult to handle and won't look any better than me!"

These words were like a verbal attack.

Jiang Xuening thought to herself that in her previous life, when she was at her lowest point, she had clearly told Yan Lin that she aspired to be a queen and wanted to marry Shen Jie. She hadn't fabricated innocent reasons for herself, let alone tainted him with accusations of wrongdoing. She had even witnessed Shen Jie's actions before the incident at Yongyihou's mansion.

Regardless of what happened at the Hou's mansion, she intended to marry Shen Jie and had no intention of stirring up trouble. The collision of the two incidents had made things worse, fueling Yan Lin's hatred.

She lifted her gaze to meet Yao Xi's eyes, and a mocking expression crept onto her face. "I don't believe Miss Yao had any intentions of causing harm last night, but today she seems set on pursuing her own course. If I were in Miss Yao's position, I would first consider the advantageous marriage proposal presented by my father, a cabinet member. With such favorable circumstances, why rush into resigning? Secondly, if I genuinely believed the marriage was unsuitable and wanted to end it, I wouldn't resort to tarnishing someone's reputation by accusing them of as 'wife deserter.' Why provide a manual on how to malign a person's character for future reference? I would simply announce my desire to end the engagement, and any honorable gentleman would respect that choice. Thirdly, if I were resolute in avoiding the stigma of 'snobbery' and seeking to break the engagement, I might opt to patiently wait at home rather than escalating the situation unnecessarily."

Yao Xi couldn't help but pull her veil, secretly resenting Jiang Xuening's words. However, the last sentence caught her off guard. "What do you mean by that?" she asked, visibly puzzled.

In that moment, Jiang Xuening observed Yao Xi's evident disgust. As the water simmered nearby, she spoke with a cold tone, "I'm preparing tea. If Miss Yao has no interest in sitting down for a conversation, kindly refrain from disrupting my solitude. I have exams approaching, so perhaps you could make better use of your time by reading more."

Read more books and avoid tormenting the less fortunate.

Drawing from the experiences of her past life, Jiang Xuening had only shared as much as she deemed necessary. Whether Yao Xi comprehended it or not was of no consequence to her.

Yao Xi, feeling slighted, expressed her displeasure once again. With her being driven away, she left in a huff. However, outside, she realized that Liushui Pavilion wasn't solely Jiang Xuening's domain. How could she act as if she were the mistress, chasing people away?

Yet, returning inside at that moment would be too embarrassing, so she chose to endure it.

Around mid-morning, after Jiang Xuening had finished two cups of tea, an announcement came from Yang Zhizhai. "Several gentlemen from the Wenhua Hall have arrived with their exam papers. The exams will take place in the Fengchen Hall next door. All the ladies are invited to follow the attendants to the Fengchen Hall."

The ladies adjusted their appearances and followed the attendants to Fengchen Hall, a brief walk from Yang Zhizhai.

Jiang Xuening raised her eyes to see that Fengchen Hall was a spacious main hall with side chambers and annexes on both sides. It had a simple design, devoid of intricate carvings or painted decorations. Most doors were only varnished, with five steps at the entrance symbolizing the five virtues of a sage.

Upon entering, it resembled a school setting. At the top, there was a space for the gentlemen to deliver lectures, while the lower level had complete tables and chairs with writing materials. On the west wall, several square tables, chairs, bookcases, and tea tables were arranged—likely designated for the instructors to rest between lectures.

Everyone selected their seats and settled down. Feeling somewhat uneasy around Xie Wei, Jiang Xuening opted for a bookcase in the far corner where the lighting was dim. Although it might strain her eyes during writing, it offered some privacy.

At that moment, a voice emanated from behind: "Everyone, please rise."

Without hesitation, everyone stood up once again.

Standing in the corner, Jiang Xuening turned to look and found Xie Wei dressed in a loose green Taoist robe, adorned with green jade hairpins securing his tied hair. His flawless eyes, clean eyebrows, and perpetual smile marked a stark contrast to the three elderly scholars with graying hair who accompanied him into the hall. Among the court officials of similar rank, he stood out not only due to his demeanor but also because of his relative youth.

A young lady from a noble family, who had previously laughed off mentions of Xie Wei, blushed upon seeing him, realizing the truth in those earlier remarks. For a while, many were hesitant to meet his gaze.

Jiang Xuening, on the other hand, stole a glance but quickly averted her eyes. It wasn't that she lacked the courage to look at Xie Wei, but rather she hoped to remain unnoticed by him. Her plan was simple: focus on failing the exam and after submission he would instruct her to leave. That, she believed, would be sufficient.


As Xie Wei brought in a bundle of rolled-up exam papers and placed them on the desk, he looked up and, upon noticing Jiang Xuening in the dark corner with her head lowered, his brows twitched slightly. The motion of his unrolling fingers paused.

An old Hanlin beside him inquired, "Ju'an, is something wrong?"

Xie Wei merely nodded, directing his attention to the palace attendants by the hall entrance. He calmly stated, "In the future, unless there's strong wind, rain, or scorching sun, keep the windows in the east corner open."

The palace attendant promptly agreed, "Yes."

Walking past Jiang Xuening, Xie Wei pushed open the previously tightly shut window sash. The sudden influx of light illuminated her surroundings, casting brightness upon her desk, pen, and paper.

In that moment, Jiang Xuening felt exposed, as if there was nowhere to hide.

Internally, she cursed: "This stance implies that I, the candidate, am attempting to cheat in secret! Tsk, watch as I submit an 'exemplary' answer sheet this time and demonstrate what 'ignorant and incompetent' truly means! I can't stand you!"

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