
The Knight of Champions (Part 3)

The arena is packed with guests. Everybody was in their position and ready to start the show.

Mr. P came out strong and loud with his welcoming speech to the guests and Aubrey follow suit behind him. The crowd was live and active as ever before because tonight history was in the making.

The show was going on without a hitch. The horses perform beautifully, there were court jesters who were hilarious and the children enjoyed every bit of the performance, the food came out hot and in a timely matter. Aubrey was so relieved to see how everybody was working hard to keep the show on course.

And now what she has been holding her breath for all night. The knights were on standby as they were called one at a time to battle the knights from the visiting castle. Aubrey was amazed at how intense these battles were. She seen the knights fight a million times. She herself has fought with the knights as a sparring partner, but tonight it was different.

One battle after another, the night continued to be drawn out, but the crowd never lost their energy. Each fight was making the crowd get louder and louder. Finally, the final battle and of course both castles are tied.

Aubrey closes her eyes as she hears the colors of the next knights to enter. Both of them wearing red and yellow, she sat like she wanted to go throw up, but she couldn't move. She didn't want to move.

She observes the way they looked at each other and knew that they both are going to give everything they got. The crowd started simultaneously to stomp their feet as they waited for them to attack.

Eric and Tristan stared at each other as they got into their stances. It was a standoff at first, but soon Eric went charging towards Tristan. The crowd cheered as the final battle has now started. Aubrey is on the edge of her seat as she watches every single move they made towards one another as if she was out there fighting herself.

She started to see that something was not right. The way they were fighting was not for a Championship title, but more for blood. She was so confused at why they were fighting like this, but if they don't stop, she feared that someone could get hurt or worse.

She looks over to Mr. P to speak her concern.

"Mr. P?" She called out to him. But it was no use. She could see that he was much more into the fight than hearing her calling his name. Something has to be done, but before she could think of anything she hears the crowd make a loud gasp.

Aubrey looked down to see Eric get a kick by Tristan in the chest.

"What the hell?!" Aubrey yelled out. This was getting out of hand. Eric tries to find air as he held on to his chest.

"So, we playing dirty now Tristan," Eric said as he still trying to breathe. Aubrey started to get teary-eyed as she watches them fight like this. Eric falls to the ground but was leaning on his sword for support. Tristan was also out of breath, and he was ready to finish this. He charged toward Eric to finish him off.

Eric looks up and rolled on the ground and dodge Tristan attack. He was now behind Tristan and in one swift movement, Eric attacked, which disarmed Tristan and left to the mercy of Eric's sword.

Aubrey jumps up in excitement. "We won!" she screamed.

The crowd went crazy in the arena. Aubrey and Mr. P hug each other in celebration. Eric drops his sword and looks up to wear Aubrey was and wave his hand to her. She waved back and clap in congratulation.

Tristan never thought that this would happen to him. He was the face of a Knight's Tale. He refused to accept defeat.

Aubrey looks over to see Tristan and realize that he was acting really different. As if he was possessed by something. He reached down to grab his sword and went straight to Eric.

She tries to call for Eric, but her voice was being drowned by the crowd chanting. By the time Eric see Aubrey trying to warn him, he felt a sharp pain on his side. He looks down and sees the tip end of a sword covered in blood on his right side. He looks up to Aubrey and gives him a smile as he collapsed to the ground.