
The Knight of Champions (part 2)

Mr. Winston didn't hesitate to speak first. "Well, I am pretty impressed with how you brought this together. I was kind of worried that this night was not going to happen due to you being short staffed.

Mr. Peterson knew it was shot being aim at him, but he kept his game face on.

"Rest assured. My staff is well prepared and ready for any situation that comes our way."

The tension was building up between the two men.

Tristan steps over to speak to Eric.

"Eric is so great to see you again."

Eric reached out to give Tristan a handshake.

"It's good to see you too," Eric replied.

They held each other hand in a firm grip as they each were not only shaking hands but also testing each others strength.

The princess from the other castle did not want to be left out decided to step up to speak.

"So where is your princess? Shouldn't she be out here to greet us as well." She asked.

Aubrey was slowly approaching the main entrance. She plays everything in her head to prepare herself for this moment. She wanted to make sure that she does not let anyone down.

She takes a deep breath and steps outside. The night was a bit humid, but she pushed through it. It was at that moment when she reached the top of the stairs that eyes were beginning to turn towards her.

The crowd was amazed at how beautiful she looks. She kept her head held up high as she started to descend down the stairs. She can hear the voices of Mr. P and Mr. Winston bickering at each other. She was relieved once she made it to the final step without falling.

"Good evening guests and welcome to our castle!" She recited to the crowd. Immediately cameras and microphones were turned into her direction. She tried not to get distracted as she continues her speech.

"We have worked very hard to ensure that our visiting guest feels right at home. I am glad to see that you all have arrived safely and hope you will enjoy tonight's festivities. So, without further ado. Let's the Knight's Tale Championship commence!"

The crowd went into an uproar after she finished her speech. There flashing cameras coming from different angles. News reporters were speaking over each and Aubrey was trying to not get overwhelmed by all of the attention she was getting.

"Princess, shall we." A male voice said. She looking next to her to see a hand. She recognizes it all too well, who hand it belongs to.

"Yes Sir Knight Eric," she said politely as she takes his hand. Eric escorted Aubrey back towards the castle.

Eric leans over to speak to Aubrey. "Good job Princess Aubrey."

Aubrey gives Eric a tight squeeze to let him know he will pay for slick remark. Eric tries not to laugh, but he was proud of what she did out there. But, there was something he wanted to do before the event starts. He walks Aubrey in the back to where her dressing room was so she can relax before the show starts.

Aubrey quickly finds a seat and gives a sigh of relief. "Whew, I don't see how Tiffany did this every night."

"Well, she has never done a greeting in front of a crowd like that. Let alone for the Championship either. "Eric stated.

Aubrey knew he made a point. As she closed her eyes, she quickly pops out of her seat. It startled Eric.

"What's wrong Bri?"

Aubrey sat back in her seat and realized the most important thing. "I didn't even speak to Tristan." She sadly stated.

"Really Bri?" He shakes his head at her. Eric started to head out but before he leaves he speaks.

"Just hang out here until it's time for the show. I will check in with Cassie and see how everybody is doing. And if I see Tristan, I will tell him to come to see you."

Aubrey couldn't help but smile. "You are the best Eric."

Eric walks out and closes the door behind him and begins heading towards the back of the castle. He ran across Cassie who was helping the servers get ready to deliver the food out to the crowd. But, when he saw Tristan in the distance walking off, he quickly followed behind.

"Hey, Trist! Wait up!" Eric quickly yelled out.

Tristan stopped and turned to wait on Eric to catch up to him.

"Hey, Eric. Wassup?" He asked

"Hey, you got a minute to talk," Eric asked.

Tristan gives him a nod as they started to walk down the hallway.

They stepped outside towards where the stables are located at to talk to each other.

"So Eric, how have been going around here," Tristan asked.

"Okay, I guess if you would come and visit the orphanage once in a while you would know." Eric said coldly.

"Whoa, c' mon man. Don't be like that. We are brothers after all."

Eric got upset with Tristan's words.

"If we are brothers then, let me ask you. Why you barely call Aubrey anymore?" He asked bodly.

"Why are you concerned about that? I mean she knew that I would busy once I moved to LA. I am a celebrity now. The face of a Knight's Tale. So, I couldn't call her like I wanted to." Tristan explained.

Tristan figure Eric would understand him in regards to his star power, but quickly found out it was the complete opposite as Tristan is now pinned up against the wall.

"Hey man, let me go!" Tristan yelled.

"See Tristan, I believe you being in the California heat has gotten to your brain because you're forgot one little thing…"

Eric looks deep in Tristan's eyes.

"I know when you are lying." He said.

Tristan laughs at what Eric said.

"What are you talking about now Eric?"

Eric couldn't help but smirk a smile when made Tristan curious.

"I know about you and Princess Trinity engagement."

Tristan froze with shock at the news.


"How?" Eric interrupted.

"Oh, you how castles wall has ears. But what is more important is are you going to tell Aubrey or should I because I'm not going to sit back and let you keep on playing her like the toy." Eric was furious and he grip only got stronger as he held Tristan strong against the wall.

"Okay, okay, okay. I will tell her." Tristan gives in but was pissed at Eric knowing about his relationship with Princess Trinity. He has been seeing her for a while and wanted to keep their engagement a secret until after winning the Championship to bring even more media towards them. They even planned to have it at the castle with a big ceremony and everything.

"Good." Eric released Tristan but got right in his face.

"You better do it, or it won't be pretty for you." Eric gave Tristan his final words before heading back inside to finish getting ready. He was going to make sure that he gives it his all when he battle with Tristan tonight. And he is going to make sure that he enjoyed every bit of it for him and for Aubrey.

Aubrey rubs her eyes as she realizes that she has dozed off. She panics thinking she was late, but see it was still early. She really wanted to see how everything is going with Cassie and the others, but Eric and Cassie told her that she had to remain in the room until it's time for the show to begin. She slowly started pacing floor deep in thought and hoping everything was going smoothly. Then a knock hit the door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"It's me." A male voice responded.

She quickly runs to the door recognizing Tristan's voice. She looks in the full body mirror to make sure that look how she did before falling asleep.

She opens the door to be locked to Tristan's eyes. She smiles as she feels the butterflies in her stomach begins to stir. Tristan gives a warm smile back.

"Hey, gorgeous. Will it trouble you to accompany a fellow knight from a visiting castle for a small walk outside." Tristan said in a medieval tone.

Aubrey laughs at his weak knight impersonation. "Of course Sir knight Tristan."

She steps out of the room and started walking with Tristan out towards a small garden area that was located towards the front of the castle.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight Bri," Tristan commented on how Aubrey look in her princess attire.

Aubrey couldn't help but smile bigger at his compliment.

"Thanks." She said.

"Bri, there is something I want to tell you."

Aubrey stopped walking and turned to face Tristan.

"What is it?" She warmly asked.

Aubrey felt like she was in a fairytale. A princess and a knight, who is in love with each other having an intimate moment.

"Ummm." Tristan was torn. He wanted to tell her the truth, but he doesn't want to see Aubrey hurt and disappointed.

"I missed you." He said.

Tristan decided to wait to after the Championship to tell her so he can stay focus during tonight show and won't be distracted by Aubrey broken heart.

He reached his arms around Aubrey's waist and pulls her into a warm hug.

Aubrey was so happy and return the hug as she laid her head on his chest. After staying like that for a minute, they finally parted so they can walk back inside the castle.

Tristan escorted Aubrey towards the back where the other knights and Mr. P were waiting. He kissed Aubrey hands before departing towards the other side.

Aubrey couldn't stop smiling but snapped out of it when Mr. P spoke up.

"Alright, everyone. Everyone ready?" He asked.

Everyone around him gave a nod in confirmation.

"Perfect! Now let's get out there and show why we are the best and send their asses back to Cali." Mr.P preaches.

The knights were pump and energize by Mr. P speech.

Eric sees Aubrey and rushed over to talk to her to make she was okay to still out there knowing that she and Tristan are no longer together.

"Hey, Bri. Are you okay? He didn't hurt you too bad he?" Eric asked.

Aubrey had a confused look on her face.

"What are you talking about?"

Eric was shocked.

"So you didn't speak to Tristan."

Aubrey then realizes what he was referring to.

"Oh yea, of course. He told me that he misses me," she said as a smile came back on her face.

Eric was at his limit and ready to give Tristan a piece of his mind. Aubrey sees that Eric wasn't happy about something. She placed a hand on Eric's left arm to get his attention.

"Hey did something happened between you and Tristan?"

Eric knew this was not the time to tell Aubrey because it would ruin the night.

"I will tell you after the show, but I need to go get my shield. So I will see you later." He slowly stepped away from Aubrey and started to walk away.

"Good luck!" She yelled. Eric lifts up his hand to wave at Aubrey. She couldn't help but feel that something terrible is going to happen tonight and it will be between the two people she cares the most about.

I have been working hard on this series of the chapter for the Knight of Champions. I hope you guys are waiting for what's about to happen.

Nia_Hadithicreators' thoughts