
A Kiss-From Hell

“Am blindly offering myself to you, all you can do now is say thank you” Teresa said, her soul deeply hurt by Sebastian refuser to break her virginity and…. He just stood there dumbstruck, staring at her and wondering how her brain works. “Who does she thinks she is?” How on God’s green earth will this girl ask him to take her, and do such a bad thing—? Well, he will gladly take the offer if he was in a good mood, but right now is not the best time. Sebastian just stare at Teresa without saying a word.. He was thinking how naive can she be?—If she’s too blind to see that he is not a normal human being…. If not for anything, but she should be running away from him, and not offering herself to him.

AuthorBeauty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

He Whispered, I Want To Have You, I Mean, Your Virginity

"What?" everyone yells except Teresa 

"It can't happen" Janet said and Sharon agreed.

"Well, I will be your brother's wife soon, so I said what goes" Laura roll her eyes at them.

Janet turned to Sebastian. "Say something, Teresa is staying with us, she has no where to go"

"Shut your mouth, Janet, will you?" Benedict said, turning to face Laura.. "It will be done as you have said"

"No, she's not leaving until I said so" Sebastian turned to face Laura " if I should be your husband, then I will be the one to do the talking, and I said, she will stay"

Janet hug her brother, smiling like he got her a new toy.. "Thank you" 

She got up in a hurry and went to Teresa.. "Let's go before the witch will demand for your head" She whispered to Teresa… but Laura heard her. She could only grind her teeth in frustration, she wish she was in the palace so she can order her guards to throw her in the dungeon. "That little brat!" she muttered..

Teresa got up to leave with Janet, but Sebastian could not take his eyes off her. The thought of her fill his mind, all he wanted to do right now is talk to her, he wants to hear her voice… he just can't believe he's thinking about his maid in such a way.

"Are you alright?" Benedict ask Sebastian, seeing the way he looked at Teresa…

He instantly turned his gaze from Teresa back to Laura.. "Yeah, am ok" he put on a fake smile..

"So, the wedding bells, when are we hearing the wedding bell?" Laura ask with a straight face, she didn't want to waste time… 

"Next month" Sir Benedict said, but Sebastian disagreed.. 

"If I remember correctly, you are here to spend time with me, to know each other better, not to talk of wedding bells" Sebastian got up and left the sitting room, leaving his father and Laura with her servants, he went in search of Teresa.

Laura's anger wanted to hit the roof, but Sir Benedict reminded her that Sebastian at least is willing to spend time with her…

"Is that suppose to make me happy?"

"No, my Princess, but Sebastian will soon be your husband"

Meanwhile, Sebastian went out in search of Teresa, he wanted to know why she has no where to go! He knows that Denison is her grandfather, he heard it from Janet, but what he can't understand is why the granddaughter of a reputable man as Denison will be working as a maid in his house. And how come he has never heard about her, considering the fact that the two families have come a long way…

Sebastian saw Teresa just on time before she enters her room…

"What are you doing here?, you are supposed to be with your wife" Teresa ask facing down, and drawing nothing on the floor with her big toe..

Sebastian just smirked… he wonders what's up with her, is she jealous?..

"She's not my wife, she can't be my wife"

"What!—You can't say that, that is the only way the spell will be broken, and you can be with your family again" Teresa said in a whisper…

"But you told me the last time that only your virginity could break the spell" Sebastian said smiling. It only made Teresa felt ashamed of herself.

"You still remember that?" Teresa ask, raising her face to look at him..

"Everyday" he whispered, making Teresa's heart beats faster… "I remembered that everyday and I really want it, I mean your virginity " he said whispering the last part into her ear as a playful smile flash across his face.

"What?, no, I-I..I have to go, your wife can't see you standing with me, she will order for my head" she hurried away and Sebastian only smile…

This girl is beginning to do many things in his heart, he could feel his heart aching, he has never felt this way in a long time, he has forgotten what he came here to ask her, and all he could think of is be close to her.

Sebastian heard some noise coming from Laura's room, the whole family had gathered, pleading, she can't kill herself, not in this house, the queen will wiped out the entire house, leaving not a pin…

"What is going on?" Sebastian ask…

"Quick, go in and persuade her not to kill herself" Benedict hurried Sebastian into the room and close the door behind him..

Sebastian stares at Laura, he wonders what his father wants him to do..

"Am going to kill myself, and you will come under the queen's wrath!" she threatened…


"I saw you, the maid, you love her don't you?"

Sebastian turn and opened the door, he closed it behind him and walked straight to his room..

"What! I can't believe this, he just left me here?" Laura starts to gather her things, she's going back to the palace.

Benedict was on his knees this time, begging Laura to stay, he can't afford to be on the queen's bad side…

"Then that maid has to leave the house" Laura demanded..


Teresa stood in front of her house, she wanted to be happy that at least she has returned home, but no, things might get worse for her, but she has no where to go..

"You are back!" Denison was the first person to see Teresa, he smiled wickedly at her before opening the door for her to come in.

At dinner time, Sebastian scanner the dinner room for Teresa, why is she not the one serving the food?

"She left, she had to, Laura demanded it" Benedict said..