
A Kiss-From Hell

“Am blindly offering myself to you, all you can do now is say thank you” Teresa said, her soul deeply hurt by Sebastian refuser to break her virginity and…. He just stood there dumbstruck, staring at her and wondering how her brain works. “Who does she thinks she is?” How on God’s green earth will this girl ask him to take her, and do such a bad thing—? Well, he will gladly take the offer if he was in a good mood, but right now is not the best time. Sebastian just stare at Teresa without saying a word.. He was thinking how naive can she be?—If she’s too blind to see that he is not a normal human being…. If not for anything, but she should be running away from him, and not offering herself to him.

AuthorBeauty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

He's Beauty Is Too Ungodly

"Our brother is not mad!— He's just curse by the queen!" Janet and Sharon shouted at Teresa.

"My son is not mad, he's under a spell, the evil queen place a curse on him because he refuse to marry her daughter, the Princess. But I warned him against his decision but he refused.." Sir Benedict continued in a cold, calm voice, not wanting to scare Teresa any further.

Teresa felt like something was stuck in her throat, she can't seem to understand why her grandfather would hate her this much to send her on a mission of no return.

"How much did my grandfather pay you?" Teresa find herself asking Sir. Benedict in anger, not afraid of his status or that he's an elder state man. "I can give you double, just send me back to my parents house." The tone of her voice sounded rather commanding..

Benedict just smirked wickedly at her, he thought maybe he has been too polite to her, maybe, just maybe she didn't know how much her grandfather wanted her dead, he just couldn't bring himself to do it and so when Sir Benedict heard about Teresa, he thought it will be perfect for Teresa to come and take care of Sebastian who is now possess by demons, and if she's lucky, she might still be alive before he could find a cure for him.

The man looked at her, long and hard. "You really have no choice, Teresa. You are to feed my son day and night until I find a cure for him" Benedict voice resounded with a touch of deadly warning in it.

With trembling fingers, she search for a place to sit down, her fear was visible that Janet and Sharon couldn't help but felt sorry for her..

They knew that they won't wish such on their worst enemy because Sebastian won't think twice in tearing her into two.

Recalling their own experiences, Sebastian was about to feast on them the day they try to feed him, without considering his favorite little sister Janet. If not for their father who was right on time to save them.

"You will be fine" Sharon tries to tell Teresa, at least that is the little she can do for her before she gets killed by Sebastian.

 "His breakfast is ready, sir." A maid walked up to the confused little crowd to inform them with a basket of food in hand, and bunch of keys dangling in the other hand.

Teresa eyes widened, she didn't think she was going to die today!.

"Now!—I should feed him now?" Teresa find herself asking.

Benedict asked her to follow the maid and take the food to Sebastian cell room right away.

Teresa hesitated, unsure if she should follow the maid or just refuse and damn the consequences, but it seems that this was her fate, she was meant to die this way, this was all planned by her grandfather who could not bring himself to kill her with his own hands. 

Teresa began to follow the maid towards the corridor that leads to where Sebastian was locked up…

The maid lead her to the entrance of the door and stopped..

"Am sorry, I can't go in there with you"

Teresa's anxiety increases, she grab the maids hand, begging the maid to come with her..

"No, I can only go this far with you" she pointed to the door and ask Teresa to go in and feed the beast.

Her legs glued to the ground as she stood there, watching the maid walking away, leaving her to face death all alone. She turned to face the door that was lock firmly, her hands shaking as she puts the key in the lock hole to unlock it.

Basket of food in one hand, she turned the keys and in one click, the door open sending some painful chills down her spine.

She first peek inside the room, but there was nothing, the deadly quietness that submerged the room makes her heart stop beating.

She carefully step one foot in side the room, she thought it won't be a wise thing to step both feet at once. So one foot in, one foot out, she scanned the whole room, there was nothing. "Where did the beast go?" she screamed but only in her head.

Something tells her to go in with her full body as part of her where outside ready to run if she comes face to face with the beast.

"H-hello, is someone here?" Teresa ask almost in a whisper.. But there was no sound, everywhere was dead silent, increasing her tension.

She saw a table at the center of the room and place the food on it.. She look around and saw another door leading to another room, "Maybe he's in there" a voice speaks in her head. She curiously walked towards the door, but instead of the usual feeling of anxiety, she now felt a rush of peace and calmness within.—Her hand found the bolt of the door, and soon it clicked open with a little cracking sound, she went through and she was immediately engulfed with anxiety again as she saw a young man. He was just about 30 years old, sitting on his bed and looks like he's in his right mind.

The only thing that was not right is that the man was insanely beautiful, and didn't look anything close to how his family describe him, and he didn't speak to her.

 He was just staring at her just the way she was staring at him. A deep sense of confusion soon grips her.

Is this not the man they said was a beast?...That he was possess by a demon because the Queen cursed him?.. Why is he sitting down on his bed looking so calm, sane as any one could be?.

She couldn't see anything wrong with him, except that he was insanely beautiful just as he was in the portrait in the sitting room.

The man in front of her, his beauty was too ungodly that it trap Teresa in a spellbinding web. It immediately consumed her, absolving her soul as if he wants to possess it.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she tries to make sense of what is going on.

If he's this sane and beautiful, why lock him in a room?, why is he making those dreadful sound at midnight?

Instantly, there was this sinister energy that filled the room and all Teresa wants to do is get out of there real quick. But she still needs to feed him his food.

"H-hi I…" Before Teresa could form a full sentence, Sebastian spoke..

 "Are you a new maid?"

Her heart dropped, "So he can talk!!!.." But Teresa felt a lumber stuck on her throat out of fear. She nods vigorously instead of speaking, with her eyes popping out of it socket in terror.

"Am hungry" Sebastian told the terrified girl, he knew she was here to bring him food, if she's the new maid.

"Huh!, Yeah, yes, ok" She hastily went to the table to bring him his food. 

She thanks her stars that he was the one who ask for it himself, it makes her job easier.

Sebastian took the food from her trembling hands without giving her a scare.

Meanwhile, Sharon and Janet where a little confuse. Why are they not hearing screams of either Teresa or Sebastian?.. Is she that quick to die?.. Even though she's dead, at least a little scream will confirm that..

"Let's go and see?" Janet told Sharon, but Sharon was not ready to risk it again, her last experience with Sebastian was not the one she wants to experience again.

"Lets just wait here, if by nightfall she didn't come out, than we can be sure she didn't make it" Sharon suggest.
