
A Kiss-From Hell

“Am blindly offering myself to you, all you can do now is say thank you” Teresa said, her soul deeply hurt by Sebastian refuser to break her virginity and…. He just stood there dumbstruck, staring at her and wondering how her brain works. “Who does she thinks she is?” How on God’s green earth will this girl ask him to take her, and do such a bad thing—? Well, he will gladly take the offer if he was in a good mood, but right now is not the best time. Sebastian just stare at Teresa without saying a word.. He was thinking how naive can she be?—If she’s too blind to see that he is not a normal human being…. If not for anything, but she should be running away from him, and not offering herself to him.

AuthorBeauty · Fantasy
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11 Chs

A Horrible First Night

"Stop it!.. Remember table manners!" Sir Benedict reminded his daughter.

But a deep sense of anger soon over takes Teresa. If she can take it from her grandfather, that will be because he's her grandfather, but certainly not from this red headed girl!..

She got up and left the table in anger and retired to her room, but the word "Suicide" keeps ringing in her ear.

No! She can't stand it, she can't stand that girl insulting the dead!.. Especially her mother!

Sir Benedict soon entered Teresa's room after meal.

"Am sorry for my daughter's rudeness, it won't happen again" he apologized, smiling.

 Teresa thought he didn't mean that, it seems he was enjoying the whole thing. Why is he smiling in such a wicked way?.

Sir Benedict left the room after apologizing and Teresa's imagination starts running wild.

Teresa throws herself on the bed, laying down and facing up the ceiling, her uneasiness starts to increase as it seems the uncertainty she's going to face will be greater than what she already imagined.

She lay there quietly, and as the night progresses, she starts feeling a rush of calmness, even though she didn't like the two girls she met in this house, she somehow felt that she belongs here. Right in this house.

At midnight, she began to toss and turned in her sleep, a restlessness began to grip on her subconscious, Teresa began to struggle with the shadows, a pool of sweat stood on her forehead… giving out a big yell, she suddenly open her eyes…

Her breathing became burdensome. It was a horrible nightmare, and yet, she felt like she should not have waken up.. It felt so real, the person she saw in her dream felt so real and scary, but why is he beckoning to her?... Begging her to save him!..

The Chill of the night air crept on her, causing the hairs on her body to stand on end, she jerk off the bed in fear as she heard the door handle turned.. So scared to death, she clutches onto her bedsheet and pillow as she watch the door finally open to reveal Sharon and Janet.

They both stood in awe, staring at Teresa as she curled up in bed in terror, they suddenly busted out, laughing at her.. 

Teresa could not tell why they were laughing, but she was too scared to speak..

When they stopped laughing, Janet, the red headed girl walked closer to the bed, and lower herself, then whispered..

"Why are you shouting down the roof?"

"I-I, I had a bad dream" Teresa said still holding onto the pillow.

"Bad dream! Huh?. Listen, We don't need more disturbance in this house, got it?" Janet said in a hash tone.

Teresa nods, clutching more tightly on the bed…

Janet was about to add more warning when that dreadful sound Echoes the whole house..

"Not again" Janet grind her teeth, and turned away from Teresa..

"Quick, let's go" Sharon told her sister and they hurried out of Teresa's room.

The dreadful sound continue until pass three in the morning. Causing Teresa to stay awake till the sun was up.

It was time for breakfast, Teresa walked out of her room to the living room, only to be greeted with a portrait of him!... The man she saw in her dream.. The man that was begging her to save him..

Her eyes began to twinkle with curiosity as she walked slowing towards the picture. Reaching out her hand to touch his face, but Sharon and Janet entered the room and she quickly pulled her hand away.

"Who is he?" Teresa find herself asking.

"Just go away from that picture" was all they said and walk pass her..

"He's my son" Sir Benedict's voice sounded behind Teresa and she turned to face him..

"Is he dead?" She ask straight away.

The man smirked, but not a happy one.. "What do you mean dead?" 

"I-I mean where is he?"

Sir Benedict walked pass Teresa and sat down before mumbling some words. "As good as dead"

"What!" She went closer to look at the alluring face of the man in the picture.. "As good as dead?" she repeats after Sir Benedict.

Teresa leaned in closer to take a good look. As she stared at the picture of this rare beautiful man that was hanging on the wall, it was as if she was been pulled to him by a magnetic force.

"Please save me" The picture seems to be talking to her…

She pulled away quickly, she can't believe a picture could talk…

"He's name is Sebastian" Benedict said without looking at Teresa, He just dig his fork in his plate and lift up a big piece of meat into his mouth.

"He's the reason you are here, Teresa" 

"What did you just say?" She can't believe the man just said that!— She's here because of this alluring beauty??— her imagination running wild, her heart pounding… the wedding bells ringing in her head already, until the man spoke again.

"My son is under a spell of the queen, and I think it's going to kill him very soon, and…."

"Wait, What?" Teresa ask herself rather than Sir Benedict, interrupting him before he could finish. 

The man raise an eyebrow at Teresa because he hate to be interrupted..

"Am sorry" she immediately apologize..

"I believe you heard the dreadful sound at midnight?"

Teresa nods..

"That was Sebastian, he always made those wailing sound you could hear for miles, and he is also very violent, no one could go near him to feed him and so he perishes at each passing day." Benedict drops his head in agony, he hates to show his emotions, but he just couldn't help it right now.

Teresa's heart started pounding in her chest hearing those words.. She tries to make sense of what Sir Benedict was saying.— If her memory serves her right, she thinks he was saying that she is here to take care of a madman..

She tries to move but it was as if her legs where glued to the ground..

"No! I can't, I can't take care of a madman" the words left her lips without warning, but she quickly covers her mouth with both hands..