
A King’s World

PLACED ON HIATUS WHILE I DEAL WITH SCHOOL!!! —- Father... bless me. For I am Leonidas... son of war." *** In the heart of the largest war on Earth, Leonidas II, King of Reformed Sparta, and Son of Ares, valiantly sacrifices himself. He knew it was right, but he couldn't help feeling so... sad. He wanted to achieve more, but alas, he couldn't; death has him in its grip. That was, until he met a deity. Now, reincarnated into a different realm, teeming with elves, dwarves, kingdoms, wars, and magic; Leonidas will stop at nothing to reclaim his kingship, even if it ends in a fate worse than death.

trophymade · War
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18 Chs



"First, what do you know about Celestia?"

Leonidas paused, straining to recall the mysterious details of the enigmatic force. "It creates... things?"

A dry chuckle briefly escaped from Vaelin's throat, dissipating as quickly as it had appeared. "It is much more complicated than that." With a graceful wave of his hand, ethereal wisps of golden light materialized in the air around them. He cleared his throat with a cough, before speaking again.

"Celestia is far more than a mere idea. It is an enigmatic force field of energy that is everything around us; Nature, Earth, the Elements - all are entwined in Celestia. All living things have been blessed with an organ deep within our brains known as the Pineal Gland, but evolution has seen us split this gland into two distinct parts; a physical and spiritual side which connects us to Celestia itself."

"Despite the fact that all humans now have access to the Spiritual Gland, not everyone is able to make use of it. If one's Spiritual Gland is weak and they attempt to call upon Celestia, their physical body will break apart from within and cease to exist, with their energy transitioning into a lost soul that will join Celestia in the afterlife. For that, is the reason why we conduct Evaluations."

"Celestia possesses tremendous power, yet it is not an ideal situation. Three sides vie for supremacy - The Peaceful Side, the Neutral Side, and the Maleficent Side. Elves focus on perfecting the Peaceful Side in harmony with their pacifist tendencies. Dwarves immerse themselves in comprehending the Neutral Side with adherence to their democratic values. Humans used to be a combination of both but now many lean towards the Maleficent Side due to... questionable changes."

"You speak as if you weren't a human," interrupted Leonidas, who was entranced by Vaelin's every word.

Vaelin gave a meager smile before continuing. "This world's species learned to call upon Celestia by programming a mental image of the manifestation. It requires intense concentration, meditation and time before one can properly cast a spell. Elves are limited to wind, dwarves to earth and humans are tied to fire."

"But then," he said, his crimsoned eyes twinkling. "Dragon's arrived, and graced us with their existence. For some mysterious reason, uttering a single word in their language could summon Celestia. There were no limits to what they were able to accomplish; Dragon Riders could build or tear down empires with ease. But then one day, he was born, and it all came crashing down." Vaelin's face darkened as he spoke gravely. "But that is a tale for another time. For now, you must learn the Dragon Language."

"Wait just a second!" Leonidas blurted out, a sudden wave of curiosity washing over him. "Who changed everything and why do I need to learn the Dragon Language? Not that I'm not willing, you understand, but why is this so important?"

Vaelin sent a piercing glare towards Leonidas, as if annoyed he was interrupted. Nonetheless, he humored the question.

"Why you must learn the Dragon Language? Even I don't know. The Al'Father requested it, and wanted to keep it behind closed doors, therefore enlisting in my help. And you wish who brought down the Age of Dragon Riders?" Vaelin's voice grew somber. "Some knowledge is better left hidden, for if discovered can cause great peril; peril that you aren't strong enough to fend off yet."

Leonidas wanted to question further, but a glare from Vaelin forced his lips sealed.

"To access the Dragon Language, you must first unseal your Spiritual Gland through deep meditation. Otherwise, attempting to conjure up a powerful Celestia spell can cause Interas - the weakening of your inner body due to lack of strength and control. Got it?"

Leonidas gave a satisfied nod. "I'm very experienced with meditation, so I'm sure I won't have any issues," he said, his voice filled with a subtle air of arrogance.

"Is that so?" Vaelin responded with disdain. "Arrogance is a path to the Maleficent Side; tread carefully."

Leonidas blinked. "But I thought humans favored the Maleficent Side?"

"It doesn't matter. The Maleficent Side is a dangerous place and not to be taken lightly. If you wish to learn from me, you must never venture there. Understood?" Vaelin studied Leonidas in silence before continuing on after he gave an affirmative nod. "Now, let me see your meditation technique."

Leonidas obeyed his command. Dropping to the ground, he crossed his legs and settled into a meditative posture. His eyes closed, lips pressed together, and chest rising with each deliberate breath he took. In and out, his lungs filled with oxygen for every three seconds.

"Decent enough," Vaelin said, though his monotone showed no enthusiasm. "Now concentrate on your essence. Imagine energy streaming from your head and tracing a golden thread through your body, sewing together your brain, heart, lungs; everywhere. Don't stop until you know this is what you're feeling."

Leonidas focused intently on Vaelin's instructions. He imagined a cascade of shimmering golden energy, pouring down onto his inner being and saturating every organ within him. Despite the passing time, he held firm to his visualization of the energy shower, patiently waiting for the warm sensation to arise in his chest, until finally— it came.

A bubbling feeling arose in his chest, like a boiling pot of water which instead of searing his skin gave him a comforting embrace. He felt it emanating from his brain, expanding and intensifying throughout his body like a tree's roots reaching into the soil. It was an overwhelming sensation of euphoria— a feeling he never experienced before, one that he wished could last forever.

But it evaporated swiftly. Leonidas sighed heavily, opening his eyes to find his vision blurred and Vaelin just a golden speck. He massaged his temples, feeling the blurriness slowly recede away until finally his eyes regained their clarity.

"I… I felt it," Leonidas mumbled out, his body suddenly feeling heavy with exhaustion. "I felt Celestia." As the words escaped his lips, a surge of realization flowed throughout him, filling him with a newfound sense of exhilaration and joy. He had achieved what he had been searching for; it was like a sense of fulfillment.

All Vaelin offered was an arched eyebrow. "As expected. My theory was correct. You have been bestowed the knowledge of the Dragon Language, for a reason I'm unsure of." He studied Leonidas deeply, before adding: "How exactly did it feel?"

Leonidas's breath came out in tired pants as sweat beaded on his forehead. "I could feel it... like a fire inside my chest, radiating through my brain and out into my limbs," he explained. "It was like a light that shone from within me, illuminating everything around me."

"I see," said Vaelin. "That is commendable. You mustn't forget to meditate every night. Is that clear?" Leonidas nodded in response. "Good. You may go now; you still have ten minutes of lunch remaining."

"Wait...did I really just meditate for the whole class period and most of lunch?" Leonidas exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief. It only felt like he had been meditating for a few minutes!

"Indeed," Vaelin uttered, though he was speaking to himself as Leonidas had already left the room. 

"Fascinating child," he added with a tinge of intriuge in his voice. 

Though, he fervently hoped the Al'Father's words were true, and the boy would use his potential for good, rather than being seduced by the Maleficent Side of Celestia; a tragic downfall that many succumbed to. 

Vaelin looked at where Leonidas had once stood with both admiration and fear, knowing that this boy will have the power to shape the fate of an entire generation.

Who was Vaelin speaking of? How does he know Leonidas will being change to a new generation? What changes will he bring?

Keep reading to find out!

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