
A Journey to ONE PIECE

Stew1e_GRIFFIn · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


I am writing this novel only for some enjoyment and time-pass. I don't know of I would be able to write 10 chaps or 100 chapters . I have no experience (literally 0) in these things. So this is my first work. This will be r18 as obvious from the tags.

I am bad in English so please continue on your choice. You can correct me in comments I will try my best to improve.


MC is an OC (original character) . Rest will be females.This world is AU (alternate universe) where many characters like Luffy, Zoro,Ace are female version . Please check the "MC's CREWS" & "HAREM MEMBERS" for it . I am thinking of including Ann , Silk & Isuka. They are from Romance Down versions & Ace light novel.


Yes , MC will have system but it won't be that important in story. I will use it here & there as I want things to be done.

Note: some dead characters may return.


1st MC's fruit would be OP .

Hebi-Hebi no Mi (Snake-Snake Fruit): Model: 9-Headed Hydra (Dragon)

★ I will explain it in detail in "MAIN CHARACTER" chapter . I am still doing research on this .all I can say is all his 9 heads represent 9 elements.


I will explain in "Power Level" chapter . Remember MC & his crew gonna be big plus stronger than original story so I will make many villains, marines more stronger than original to match the level. It may be or may not be consistent.

So this is all I have to say before starting this story of mine . I can't guarantee if I will continue this work for long or not .but I have set EAST BLUE SAGA as mark. If somehow I managed to complete this volume I will definitely continue.

Note: there might be some ideas/powers inspired from other novels there but as I said this is my 1st time and all my experience comes from reading webnovels.

I am thinking of making a PIRATE FLAG similar to original straw hats but it will have 9 dragons in it. If anyone can suggest me(share image) it would be great .


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