
A journey of a Minecrafter

When a Minecraft Miniac get reincarnated in a deferent world full of magic, power and a lot of mysteries to unveil. this world doesn't have his favorite game nor fate will let him rest and play. "I shall make this reality my Minecraft" P.S : I don't own Minecraft or Mojang nor Microsoft this novel is fully fictional. l'll release in daily basis, one chapter a day.... maybe more if I felt like it.

Luster_Sinner · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 : First ability

Yeah, a little bit shorter but better quality.

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Disappointment clouded my thoughts as I stood before the imposing façade of a futuristic skyscraper—the headquarters of the Awakened Association.

"Why am I here?" you ask.

It dawned on me that without proper certification as a certified adventurer possessing a minimum D-rank and rare-grade ability, access to portals remained an elusive privilege. The association deemed it crucial for individuals to exhibit a certain capability, safeguarding portal security and ensuring personal protection—a prerequisite for my endeavors.

Thus, I sought to obtain this mandatory license, a stepping stone toward realizing my plans.

Crossing the threshold, the spectacle before me captivated my senses—a vast reception hall bustling with individuals adorned in futuristic gear, each engaged in their purposeful pursuits.

Navigating the hall's expanse, I gravitated toward the registration counter, yet a commotion nearby disrupted the tranquility.

Intrigued, I found myself drawn toward a flamboyant figure—bright red hair, ostentatious equipment, and an air of haughty superiority. His aura exuded arrogance, flanked by admirers showering him with praises.

"Mister Robert, an absolute genius with an A-rank ability graded 'EPIC'!"

"Yes, truly unmatched among our current generation of the Awakened."

"Only 1,000 Awakened nationwide boast abilities of such caliber."

Attempting humility amidst the flattery, his demeanor betrayed an overwhelming sense of self-importance.

Dumbfounded by the spectacle unfolding before me, I couldn't help but feel displaced, pondering, 'Am I trapped within a wuxia novel? What is the matter with these individuals?'

Curiosity prompted me to employ my side ability, 'absolute appraisal,' unveiling the essence of the individual's ability.

[ The Incarnation of the Great Salamander:

Grade: EPIC

Rank: A

Description: Possessing the constitution of the legendary Great Salamander, conferring mastery over fire manipulation and immunity to lesser-grade flames of the salamander species.


The allure of such an ability kindled a fleeting sense of envy within me. Undoubtedly, not all abilities of similar rank and grade bore such exceptional prowess—granting enhanced physical attributes, resilience, and potent abilities.

However, a subsequent revelation erased any semblance of envy, offering a silver lining to my thoughts.

'That's right, regardless of the prowess this individual may possess, I have the means to surpass him,' I mused silently, smirking inwardly.

Choosing 'yes' to the prompt of copying the ability, a seismic shift ensued, power surging through me, accompanied by an unbearable sensation coursing through my being.

[ The ability has been successfully copied and grafted.]

The world faded into darkness as consciousness slipped away, leaving me ensnared in the void, the cryptic message the last coherent thought before succumbing to unconsciousness.

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